Sunday, June 16, 2024

Life-Choking Limitation

Life-Choking Limitation

by Owen Waters

Posted on June 16, 2024

Are you struggling financially? Is your monthly budget mapped out to the tiniest degree with nothing extra to spare? Have your money worries become a giant pain in the neck?

For spiritual people, this is often one big reason why…

Poverty can afflict spiritual seekers more than others because of past lives. Often in the past, a serious-minded spiritual seeker would incarnate for the purpose of exploring life as a monk or a nun.

The vow of poverty that came with such a decision was no problem. At the time, it was a great idea. After all, they would be supported in their life of service by a monastery or nunnery. The problem is what happened later.

You were born into this life with a full memory of all your past lives – and vows – tucked away in your subconscious mind. Vows that had no expiry date keep on affecting you. They keep on going and going, molding the way your conscious mind sees life.

Many of us have been monks or nuns in past lives, renounced money, and trained ourselves to think that money is a distraction from spiritual pursuits. Then, in this life, we wonder why money becomes such a focus, simply because there is never enough of it to pay the bills!

Poverty and Prosperity

In my case, I have spent this entire life as a dedicated spiritual seeker. I have experienced poverty and I have experienced prosperity. As a child, my family was so poor that I was one of the few kids who qualified for free meals at school. Shopping for fun never crossed our minds; we only replaced clothes and shoes when the old ones were well and truly worn out.

Later, I decided to try affluence instead. Wow, what a difference! I lived in “Beverly Hills, 90210” before it ever became a TV show. I drove a brand-new luxury car that belonged to me, not the bank. I had no debts and enjoyed the good things in life to the fullest. In affluent neighborhoods, you sense a palpable aura of comfort that fills the air.

I went the whole nine yards. Tailor-made suits and shirts, a shiny Rolex, five-star dinner parties that started with champagne and caviar. It was fun while I explored a new view of life, even if it was tiring to keep running inside that “hamster wheel” all day at the office.

Did all that detract from my spiritual pursuits? Not at all. I learned more new things about spirituality at that time than I ever had before. The monk thing didn’t get in my way because I’ve never done a vow of poverty in any past life. I was a monk once, back when the Buddha was alive, but that was at a time when the whole poverty vow idea hadn’t been invented yet.

So, unencumbered by a vow of poverty that can haunt a person’s subconscious mind, I showed that a person can be poor or prosperous – either way, there’s no barrier – it’s simply a choice.

Now, if you have been haunted by the conviction that poverty is next to saintliness and find yourself continually struggling to pay the bills, what choice do you have? Well, you can dig up that old vow of poverty and consciously release yourself from it, even if you don’t remember the past life details about how and when it happened.

Poverty used to allow monks and nuns to focus on serving their institutions. In today’s commercial world, however, it causes severe, life-choking limitation. If you harbor the hidden belief that your bank account should be perpetually empty, then by letting go of that unconscious, constrictive belief in poverty you will open up huge avenues of personal freedom.

A life of adventure and discovery awaits you

In today’s world, especially when you are retired, you can only pursue your greatest joys if you have the necessary resources. Travel, study, adventures and hobbies all take funds. At one time, a vow of poverty let you focus on your purpose. Today, however, it can make you miss out on many of the potentially fun experiences and consciousness-expanding opportunities in life.

I am about to give you a way to release any vow of poverty that may be residing in your subconscious mind. Once you have released such a barrier to your own natural abundance, you can create a new life of freedom from financial limitation.

Thoughts are creative. When you focus an intention, the nature of the universe is to mold itself into that intention. The universe is abundant. If you think you have lack, the universe will create the perception of lack; then your life will be filled with an abundance of lack.

The Missing Part of “The Secret”

Of course, prosperity doesn’t just materialize because you wish it to be so. Intention alone won’t do the trick. The Law of Creation has three parts: Intention, Feeling, and an essential third component – Action. What action is needed?

Increase the value of your service to society. Observe what people need and help them connect with it. Whatever new skills you need to make yourself more useful, there are books that will teach you these at little or no cost.

Once you release any subconscious vows that no longer serve you, it feels perfectly fine to accept a financial exchange of energy for services rendered.

Money is an energetic measure of your value to others. Its abundance makes you abundantly free to choose.

Now, you’ve probably heard that the love of money detracts from spiritual pursuits, and so it does. But let’s get it right. It’s the LOVE of money that’s the issue, not the money itself or the practical requirement that you will be fairly paid for your services.

After all, money is the way we share our labors in this complex modern world. We are no longer in the agricultural age, trading potatoes for milk or clothes or wood. We specialize in our work and we use the form of energy called money as a medium of exchange for an endless variety of the results of other people’s specialties.

If you don’t enjoy the full freedom of the financial abundance that you deserve as a spiritual person, do the following release exercise. The result can be like the difference between night and day.

Here’s Your Ticket to Freedom

Right now, make the following personal declaration of release. Enter a quiet state, become inspired by the thought of the conscious universe or the ultimate state of Infinite Being and then declare with feeling;

“By the power vested in me by my existence within Infinite Being, I now cancel all unconscious vows and obligations which no longer serve me. I thank them for how they have served me in the past and I release them now. I replace them with the unconditional love and abundance which flows through all of Creation. I AM Infinite Being.”

The next day, if you find yourself haunted by any nagging doubts about whether you deserve your full worth as a spiritual human being who is bettering the world, repeat the process. If necessary, keep repeating for as long as it takes.

The world is waiting for you to become free in every way to rise to your life’s full potential.

For more crystal-clear insights into spiritual metaphysics, sign up for our free Sunny Sundays newsletter.

*Owen Waters is the author of the book, Soul Inspiration: Unleash the Power of Your Higher Consciousness to Dissolve Problems and Create a Better Life.

Owen Waters


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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