Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Are Physical, and Emotional Pain Needed to Grow?

Are Physical, and Emotional Pain Needed to Grow?

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on June 25, 2024

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

You have an enormous capacity to endure pain, and you have endured quite a bit of it over your lifetimes there on Earth. We know that many of you believe that you need pain in order to grow, in order to evolve, and some of you even believe that pain will even be an integral part of your ascension. But we want you to know that once you feel pain, and you get the message from the pain, you no longer need it and it doesn’t serve you to perpetuate it.

Many of you need to convince yourselves at this point in your lives that pain is no longer necessary. You do not have to take painkillers either, in order to not be in pain. You simply must recognize what the pain is there to tell you and take the message from it. Physical pain will always indicate to you that there has been emotional pain that has either been ignored or suppressed. 

When you get in touch with the emotional pain and you allow the emotional pain to be what it is and to be felt by you, then you will find that the physical pain subsides. Sometimes this means being very honest with yourselves, because it can be very hard to admit that you’ve been in denial of something, especially to yourself. But you will find that pain can lead to growth, because of what it illuminates within you. 

Ultimately, however, you would like to be able to recognize the emotion and the thought sooner than later so that you do not need the pain to reveal itself to you physically in order to get your attention. You need to know what lower-vibrational emotions you are ignoring and suppressing, because they are indications to you of how you are mis-creating. And as creator beings, you want to create that which is for your benefit, that which is appropriate, and that which you desire.

And so, sometimes you need to have a magnifying glass put over what you have been doing in order to see it. But once you are in pain, you also need to notice how you are reacting to it. What is the emotional response? What is the mental response, and what is the physical response to your pain? These are all indicators to you of how you have been living your life, and you can swap them out for better-feeling responses. You can start to see things differently because of the pain you are experiencing in the moment and recognize that you do not have to live with it. 

You do not have to make it chronic, and you can convince yourself that it is a temporary experience meant to send you a message. You can breathe your way through the physical pain, just as you are meant to breathe your say through emotional pain. And in the clearing of physical and emotional pain, you feel relief. In your relief, you are able to create anew. You are able to see yourself and your world differently, and we encourage you to do just that starting now and with every aspect of your life that is not the way you would like it to be.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton 


Love Never Ends

Love Never Ends

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted June 25, 2024

One of my closest people is leaving tonight. He’s going on retreat, just for a week, but it seems like forever.

We talk every day, multiple times a day, and he’s one of those people who makes life worth living. But every few months, he goes off the grid to spend time alone in the silence. I wish this for him because it’s deep replenishment. But at the same time, it’s like a little death, no matter how many times it happens. It’s like the first time and the last time I’ll ever see him.

After he sent that final text message and I knew he was gone, a profound sadness overtook me. I realized it was grief. I decided to regard the grief simply as stored emotion wanting to move through. I took a breath and allowed the soft cloud of sadness to come forward. I wanted to cry, and I wondered why this was so sad. Was it events in this lifetime? A past lifetime? A childhood pattern seeking to be healed once and for all?

As I was reflecting on this, I spontaneously started to see lifetime after lifetime with him – as my student in Atlantis, my husband in the Midwest, my brother in the Italian Renaissance. Image upon image upon image came up, one after the other. I could feel that in each of these lifetimes the separations were tragic, as was so often the case in those times. Searching for some kind of good, I thought that perhaps by feeling each one of these losses I could finally bring them to rest. Those remaining scars in my soul might finally be healed.  

I allowed myself to watch the little movies of each lifetime and to feel the pain of the loss in each one. As I did this, what I became aware of is that love follows love. He was present in this lifetime and that lifetime and that lifetime, and here he is again in this lifetime.

Love follows love, love never ends.

This was one of the first times I truly felt the deep reassurance of our cycles of incarnation. We always come back together, and when we are apart, we’re connected in Spirit. I could feel his Higher Self blending with my Higher Self, and I knew that we would be together still, even while he was away in the silence. It was the first time I could feel there truly is no end and there is no beginning. There is only the eternal now moment.  

And, most of all, there is only love.  

I would like to pass this reassurance on to you, if you haven't felt it already. Or even if you have, take a moment to be with me now.

Breathe into your heart and breathe out any thoughts you have in the moment.

Think of the one person where you would like the assurance that the love is eternal.

Ask your soul or your Higher Self, if you will, to see the little movies of the other lifetimes. You may also simply ask to feel or know the eternal nature of your love.

Give this relationship the gift of these few moments of your precious attention. Feel the love that is always there.

And then when you feel complete, breathe in and breathe out a sigh of gratitude, and let go.

Love follows love. Love never ends.

May you know this to be true, 


The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024

The Universe Is Aware…

The Universe Is Aware…

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on June 24, 2024

It has been said before and it will be said as often as it takes for you to understand that you are responsible for your personal energy!  If you are repeating a ‘someone done me wrong’ or ‘my childhood was horrible’ story, you are sending out to The Universe that this is what you are, this is what you want, you are comfortable with it and “please send more!”  You have a choice!  You can change your existence and you have the right to a peaceful, joyful life.

With the next incoming wave of energy, it is your chance to begin that change.  For a few moments today, imagine your life as you want it to be.  Feel, touch, taste, smell and experience it as if it is already happening. The Universe is fully aware of your potential, now it is time to start recognizing it yourself.  

The power of change is within you and has always been yours.

The Creator
Jennifer Farley 

 Reminder discernment is recommended


This is a Spiritual Superpower Weaving the Energies

This is a Spiritual Superpower Weaving the Energies

By Matt Kahn

Posted on May 25, 2024 by 

In a recent newsletter, I emphasized how superstitious beliefs can unknowingly delay your ability to move forward in life. While the Universe does send us signs, they are often symbols to remind us of what we’re avoiding versus asking us to wait for certain doorways of opportunity. As a way of helping you deepen this insight, I wanted to emphasize the single greatest force that is always helping you move forward. It is a superpower known as honesty.

While you may not feel the time is quite right to take whichever action step you are destined to embrace, it is your willingness to move forward with honesty that allows any moment in time to be the perfect doorway of expansion to move through. To highlight this truth, please consider the following scenario:

Imagine you are about to go for a job interview. Your car is filled with gas. Your outfit precisely pressed and ready. And yet, due to a recent flurry of emotional processing inspired by the death of a loved one, you just aren’t feeling like the version of yourself who is capable of capitalizing on the opportunity. You consider canceling or even rescheduling, but today is the only opening they have—and your nagging monthly bills inform you that you cannot delay this any longer. With doubt in your heart, resistance in your body, and a storm of negative thoughts—including the spiritual thoughts attempting to correct the negative ones—you venture off to the interview in exactly the type of condition you would never wish to present to the general public.

Upon entering the interview, the person in charge asks how you are doing. Do you lead with your most idealistic version of who you think they’ll resonate with, or do you dare to be honest? What if you remembered that honesty is one of your superpowers and dared to lean into that option? What if you said, “To be honest, my life has been a bit consumed due to the death of a loved one.”? What if, in response, they said, “You know, I really understand. Today is actually the anniversary of my mother’s death. I’ll take that as a sign she’s doing well and watching over me.”?

Imagine how the honest approach your ego thought would be a way of sabotaging the interview became an unsuspecting way of bonding with the interviewer in the most unlikely way. Even if such an answer had ended the interview on the spot, it may have occurred at a company who yearns to hire people with little to no family so their lives may be consumed with advancing their career. While all of these possibilities are hypothetical in nature, the one way to guarantee building authentic resonance with those you will enjoy thriving with is by daring to be honest. It’s one thing to overshare by leading with such intimate details before a personal question is asked—it’s an entirely different scenario to answer a personal question with a concise authentic reflection.

While the spiritual ego may see the grief of a loved one as a clear sign from the Universe to not go through with the interview—the truth is, you always have everything required to show up in exactly the way you are meant to be. The rest is the unfolding of fate molded together by the hands of time. Equally so, if you are so stricken with grief that you can’t even move, you have no choice but to prioritize the depths of your healing process. In truth, most of us are not in that position. We often believe we are in worse shape than we actually are, as the inner perfectionist refuses to show up unless in its most preferred and idealized form. The problem with this insistence is that your most idealized form is often an aspiration you chase, and only something you can become once you dare to meet the moment openly and honestly.

By embracing honesty as one of your most potent super powers—which can be irritating to an ego fed by feeling disempowered—you are no longer waiting for sign after sign from Source. Instead, your willingness to step forward with openness and honesty allows you to become someone the Universe is ready to work through in miraculous ways. All that is required is a willingness to show up, daring to be open and honest, and not being so intensely attached to one outcome over another.

From this space, you will become someone who inspires those around you, instead of someone who waits to be inspired. If any of your favorite musicians, actors, or performers were to hide in shame after any degree of rejection, they never would have taken the journey to become the artist you know and enjoy. Sometimes the rejection is a part of the maturing process. Some artists would never have gone so deep in their artistic process had their first audition, record deal, or performance gone perfectly. This is why your soul’s evolution is more focused on the journey than the destination. All too often, it’s not a matter of what does or doesn’t happen, but who you become along the way that tells the redemptive tale of your hero’s journey.

One choice at a time. One ‘I love you’ at a time. One breath at a time. Now is the time. Your life awaits your most authentic arrival.

All for Love,


P.S. I’m very excited to announce that we have a brand new website! I’m so incredibly grateful for all the creativity and love my team has put into this project. I invite you to explore it here, and let us know what you think!

There is No One That Isn’t

There is No One That Isn’t

By Steve Beckow

Posted on June 25, 2024

Do you notice that – awake or sleeping, in good times or bad – you are always there? If you stayed awake through the process of death, our informants tell us, you’d see you’re still there even then. (1) And happily so.

The discipline that pursues the question. “who am I” I call the awareness path. Its basic agreement is always to remain aware of one’s self.

The “you” that’s always there is of course the Self. If the Self were anything else than “always there,” it’d not be eternal. Not eternal is part of creation. Anything created is not the Self and hence not what we’re looking for. (2)


Not what we’re looking for? What do you mean? What are we looking for and why?

Long-time readers will know where I’m going. What we’re looking for is in fact that very Self. At whatever level you’re looking at and whatever you want to call it – the Self, No-Self, All Self, the One, they all point at and to the same phenomenon: God.

So to rephrase: We are God. All of us? Yes.

It turns out that everything conscious that’s been created seeks to know who it is. There’s a built in longing for the goal of that quest. (3) We call that longing “desire.”

I say “desire” as if it covers all desires. We find, in the higher dimensions, that the real object of all our desires is in fact God, or Love, or Truth and that living in the love that exists there satisfies all our bodily and worldly desires.

I imagine that our desires for anything but the answer to our need to know who we are subsides and eventually vanishes until we succeed in our quest.

Until then, we only want more love; i.e., “more” God. We continue moving through the dimensions, “closer” and “closer,” we believe, to the omnipresent One.


Why all this? Why was life designed this way?

As I learned on March 13, 1987, when I was given a vision while driving my car, God wanted to know Itself, to meet Itself. (4) And that’s no easy matter when you’re the only thing that is. No one to sit down and have coffee or play tennis with.

And so God created life – specifically, life forms – from Itself, from Its own consciousness. God gave them all the mission of discovering who they really are. When one of them discovers that they are God, in that moment of their enlightenment, God meets God.

So that God could meet God, so that God could talk with God, so that God could create with God – in the same way a parent does a child, I suspect – was the reason that all of this, seen and unseen, was created.

We are given the one and only mission of finding out who we truly are. Not just knowing it. You are God. There. What difference did “knowing” that make?

We have to rise up through the intellectual level, through the experiential level to the realizational level. We have to realize that we are God. That moment of realization is when God meets God.

For me, this is the starting point of anything I do, think, or say: Who am I? Who am I really? Who is it that speaks, acts, feels? I look out on others now and see that they too are embarked on the same quest, lifetime after lifetime.

We are united in who we are (God) – and in seeking That, behind every desire. We’re united in where we’re journeying to (“Reunion” with God). We’re united in being thoroughly constructed, in our created parts, from Love, held together by the Laws of Love, and freed from any bondage by the Truth.

There is no one that isn’t God incarnated. We are not simply children of God. We are the One Itself.


(1) See “The Darkness of Death is a Path of Light to Us” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Coming_Home#The_Darkness_of_Death_is_a_Path_of_Light_to_Us

(2) Hindu sages practice the discipline of acknowledgeing “neti, neti.” Not this, not this. When everything created is acknowledged and let go of, what one is left with is God.

This process does not have to take a lifetime. In my view, the practice of neti, neti creates an attitude that invites enlightenment.

On Self-Enquiry generally, see anything by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Perhaps start with the booklet, Anon., Who am I? The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Sarasota, FL: Ramana Publications, 1990.

(3) See The Longing for Liberation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Longing-for-Liberation-3.pdf

(4) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf

Steve Beckow

Vibrational Frequencies are Rising Exponentially

Vibrational Frequencies are Rising Exponentially

By Judith Kusel

Posted on June 25, 2024

Note that the vibrational frequencies are rising exponentially, as the 5th dimension is already here and is now accelerating into the 7th.

As your own vibrational frequency rises, according to your own levels of consciousness, it permeates everything you are creating or putting out there, or radiating and broadcasting outwards.

When you start to understand frequencies and vibrations, then you will understand the ultimate Universal Divine Laws of Resonance, of Attraction etc.

I have always been told that the need to advertise falls away, as you and whatever you put out or project or radiate outwards, will attract those who are tuned in. For you will now attract to you those and whatever exists on the same frequencies and vibrations as you are.

Like attracts like and those who resonate with your frequency band, tune in.

The “tuning in” factor is so important to note now.

We all are at soul level tuned in universally. Every soul has its own soul chord and sound frequencies as well as light. The more tuned in you are, and more your own light quotient levels rise, the higher your own vibrational frequencies rise and broadcast outwards. For what is within, manifests without.

It is important to understand that as we ascend, we will simply not be drawn to the lower frequency bands any longer.

Daily we are being bombarded with advertisements, yet I have found that I am not interested anymore, and only notice what resonates at soul level. The desire for more consumer gadgets etc. is non-existant, except for what I really can find useful in my life, and I mention this merely as an example.

The old 3D consumerism is busy falling away, as more souls become consciously aware, and start to now attract whatever and whoever is on their vibrational frequency band.

In truth, those who need to find you, will find you, and vice versa.

What resonates with you vibrational frequency, and whatever you are radiating forth, will tune in.

The day will come, when those who ascend will be so heartcentredly cocreating in unison the New Golden Age, that those who choose to stay in the old 3D, will not be able to tune in, nor even be able see, nor operate, nor exist, in the new.

This is already happening.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Pay Attention: This is Important

Pay Attention: This is Important

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on June 24, 2024

pay attention this is important - thymus the collective of ascended masters - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We see you as you truly are, and that is our greatest gift to you. The greatest gift you could give to someone else is to simply know them as they truly are, because if you do, you are more likely to send them love, hold space for them and interact with them with the level of respect that you would give to an ascended master were one to materialize in front of you. When you think about your gifts, you often think in terms of your abilities to channel, to offer psychic insights, or to heal. You think about reading people’s akashic records and being able to tell them very specific things about their past lives.

But if you were to think of your greatest gift as your ability to see someone as they truly are, then you would be aligning with us, and we know that many of you would like that. It is quite possible for you to utilize this gift in any and all circumstances. And in fact, you will often put yourself in situations that will challenge you to see the other as a being of Source Energy, a being of unconditional love. This is the challenge that you face as a collective. It is something that could potentially bring you together.

And yet, so many more people are interested in the fancy spiritual gifts than the ones they have access to at all times. Now, we understand why that is, and we know that you are emerging out of your egoic shells as we speak. And so, we are here now to encourage you to reach for the most beautiful gift that you can give to another and to practice sharing that gift in every circumstance you find yourself in. 

Let us give you an example. Let’s say you are interacting with someone, and they are coming at you from their ego. They have certain desires, and they feel that you are getting in the way of them attaining their desired manifestations. And so, they are approaching you from that lower-vibrational place of anger. You can still look through the anger and past the ego, and see them as they really are. You can see the Source Energy love inside of them getting bigger and burning brighter because of your willingness to focus on that, instead of what they are showing you in that moment. 

And that is the best way for you to help that person and help yourself, because if you meet them where they are, you are likely to get into an argument that no one wins. Now, as you pass a person on the street who is begging for money and obviously doesn’t have a home, you are also helping that person a lot more by seeing them as a Source Energy Being than if you just walk right past them or drop some money in their palm and you continue walking. You may feel better about yourself if you hand out some money, but unless you are willing to also see them as a Source Energy Being, you have only helped them temporarily.

You want everyone to feel better after having been in your presence. You want everyone to know more fully who they really are because of how you gazed upon them and the words you spoke to them, and you want this because of course you want to live in that world, and you want to see humanity complete the shift in consciousness joyously and effortlessly, and you can also engage in this practice and utilize this gift because you will get the most satisfying feeling you can find inside of you by doing so. 

You will know yourself as you truly are because Source looks upon everyone as a being of Source. And as you align with Source, with that which you truly are, you become a more effective creator and you become a more effective manifestor. You do then actualize more of your spiritual gifts as well. And so, this is a path that we are offering to you, and it is a path that many of us have walked ourselves, and so we know how effective it is, and we know that it gets you to where you ultimately are going and want to go, and it gets you there faster. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton 

Opening Your Freedom Gates

Opening Your Freedom Gates

Life Tapestry Creations
Channel: Brenda Hoffman

Posted on June 24, 2024

Dear Ones,

The freedom you now claim is what you hoped for in 3D.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. As a new being, you are free to express and expand your joy. In this new world, knowledge is joy.

Perhaps that last statement appears odd, for how can knowledge equate to joy? This is so because you no longer eliminate that which you did not allow yourself to experience previously. The ability to do this and the knowledge about that. Information that frees you to explore when and where you wish. 

In 3D, you had fences surrounding your knowledge. You could not know this or understand that because you did not permit yourself to ponder anything outside your expected 3D limits. It is time to allow yourself to learn about the new ideas, inventions, music, actions, etc., that will arrive in the next few weeks.

You have finally opened the Universal gate of knowledge while of the Earth.

When you were a child, your parents had secrets you did not understand until you were older—or perhaps never. Knowledge your parents thought was not appropriate for you at that time. Such is what is happening now. The difference is that in 3D, you functioned as both the parent and the child. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, you could have always shifted time, frequencies, dimensions, and energy levels.

Even though you have enhanced some of your innate skills, you are a little different than you have been since creation—other than you are now opening your Earth freedom gates.

You will discover new interests and skills beyond anything you imagined during your 3D Earth lifetimes. And the same will be true for anyone transitioning beyond 3D. Inventions, creations, music, drama, time, travel modes, dimensions, frequencies, and any other word/action you can imagine will be explored. Almost as if a giant box has been opened with gift after gift inside.

You will be amazed at your new skills, as well as the skills of those you may not have noticed before – a new world of everyone exchanging gifts that surprise not only the creator but the recipient.

It is finally sparkle time, with lots of laughter and knowledge sharing. In essence, it is the Renaissance on steroids, incorporating all the expected aspects of Earth’s creativity and the dreamed-of or hoped-for Universal skills—with surprises here and there.

What was is no more, and what is has become magical and mystical far beyond your wildest dreams.

You will no longer be content with what you once considered glorious or exciting, for your new world is one of magic bubbles and fun experiences.

Of course, many of you reading this will pooh-pooh that last thought, for, in your mind, such fun, sparkles, and knowledge are impossible. Your daily responsibilities have little to do with sparkles and much with plodding from one activity or concern to another. How can you possibly exist in a world of fun? Who will pay the bills or care for the children?

Even though your 3D world was likely a daily grind, that world is no more.

We of the Universes are not telling you to sit in your house waiting for the sparkles to appear. Instead, sparkles are all around you unless you refuse to acknowledge that such is true. A tiny flower might be the key to a medical discovery. A dress entices you to expand your social network. A new acquaintance will help you understand your need to explore the Universes. Or new modes of transportation and communication will suddenly appear.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. It is time to begin expecting and exploring the new. You are not in Kansas or even entirely of the Earth anymore.
So be it. 
Brenda Hoffman
Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 

Your Opportunity

Your Opportunity

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on June 24, 2024

As you walk the path toward creating your perfect world, there will be those who may try to side-rail your work. Most of the time, it is a subconscious reaction of their own safety protocol…a way to keep themselves safe and those around them in the same place they have chosen to be. 

Rather than responding in a negative or combative way, this is your opportunity to practice all you have learned so far; Unconditional Love, compassion, kindness and joy. Let these be your guiding lights as you continue your journey. 

The Creator
Jennifer Farley 

 Reminder discernment is recommended


Reflections on the Gifts of Pentecost - 7

Reflections on the Gifts of Pentecost

Part 7

Thought Adjuster

Is The Teacher

Message received by Anyas

Posted on June 24, 2024


Oregon, USA, May 6, 2023

“Pentecost endowed mortal man with the power to forgive personal injuries, to keep sweet in the midst of the gravest injustice, to remain unmoved in the face of appalling danger, and to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the fearless acts of love and forbearance.” [UB, 194:3.12]

Thought Adjuster: “Do you realize what an unprecedented, and priceless spiritual gift humankind has been receiving since the momentous and groundbreaking day of Pentecost? The above statement puts into words what, if fully and gratefully acknowledged both in your mind and heart, it can do for you.

In fact, it is a precise depiction of Jesus’ inspiring and godlike demeanor when inflicted personal harm, unjustly and cruelly victimized, subjected to hateful and uncalled-for character assassination, and facing appalling danger.

His Spirit of Truth is a personal gift from him to YOU. It teaches you how to cope with life’s vicissitudes. How could you not feel fortified by such factual knowledge? Yours is to apply it to your life’s circumstances by following the inner leadings of this stellar Teacher who, having walked the most challenging of human trajectory on YOUR behalf, knows experientially the do-ability and practicability of his inner prompts. They will mightily transform your life if you live it, as he did, with a receptive mind and a humble and sincere heart.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly/ from: 

    Imagine Crossing the Threshold

    Imagine Crossing the Threshold

    By Karl Sebastien Ouellet

    Posted on June 24, 2024

    Are you ready to embark on a new adventure? A transformational journey that could change the course of your life forever? So buckle up, because the June 2024 Solstice is about to propel you into a new era of higher consciousness! The June solstice marks a major turning point in our planet’s spiritual journey. This is a moment when the Earth enters a collective dance of ascension to higher levels of consciousness. And guess what? You are the co-creator of it! Yes, you read that right. Each of us has the power to shape this new timeline that is manifesting itself. What does that mean to you? Get ready to receive some of the most powerful messages of your life, from June 20th to July 4th, 2024 Your angels stand by to guide you through this crucial transition. Imagine crossing the threshold of a high vibrational energy portal of light and consciousness. Once you go through it, you will never be quite the same again. Your energetic body will thrive to receive a massive influx of divine light, triggering the Earth’s ascension to a new paradigm of higher consciousness. It’s like taking a decisive step towards a new reality. This energy transformation will accelerate the manifestation of all that supports your alignment with that higher vibration. Anything that is not aligned with your soul’s highest good will be under pressure to dissolve and clarify. While what is truly meant for you will simplify and unfold. You will always have free will to choose how you will navigate through these changes. Will you learn the lessons the universe is preparing to offer you? Will you follow the path of personal growth and evolution of consciousness? Whatever road you take, life is about to present you with a powerful opportunity to sculpt a new reality. A profound transformation awaits you. Prepare for Ascension, a discovery of who and what you really are in Divine Truth: a multidimensional and limitless Divine Being, filled with love and incredible creative power. Although the summer solstice takes place on June 20, divine and transformative energy will flow through the collective several days before and after the peak. In the northern hemisphere it will be the summer solstice, while in the southern hemisphere the winter solstice. Whether you are in the North or South, this solstice will have a profound impact on you. Depending on what your soul needs most right now, you might experience a return to your roots, a rebirth, an ascension to higher perspectives, or even a mixture of all three. Watch out for the signs of these changes. You might feel a need for more sleep, an increased sensitivity to sensory stimulus, increased emotional sensitivity or even sharper intuition. These symptoms indicate that your energy and consciousness are in alignment with the Earth’s. During this time do not hesitate to call on your angels. They can help you understand what you are going through and mitigate the severity of ascension symptoms, while bringing you joy and blessings of these changes. Right after the peak of the solstice, on June 21 or 22, we will have a powerful full moon in Capricorn. Full moons always bring liberation and ending cycles. Remember Mother earth’s energy body flourished extensively during the solstice. Your energetic body tends to follow and reflect that of Mother Earth. So this is the perfect time to open up and let go, allowing for a deep cleansing and release. According to the Angels, you will be guided to release anything that is holding you back from realizing your full power and potential. This energy will be intense, emotional, and rich in lessons, preparing you to claim your role as co-creator of your reality. But beware, this solstice is just the first part of a powerful two-time ascension initiation for our collective. The second half of this massive change will happen at Porte du Lion on August 8. I’ll be sharing another video about this in early August, so keep an eye out! Now, let’s dive into the three angel messages for this solstice moon cycle. Choose a number between 1 and 3 that appeals to you the most, as it will represent your main angelic message. The first message is about the awakening of your self-awareness. The high vibrational light we’ll receive around the solstice will trigger a mass awakening. Remember light is consciousness. The more light you integrate, the more aware you become of who you really are. According to the angels, you are divinely guided through a deepening of your self-awareness. You’re about to get a big dose of truth. Illusions are eliminated to help you see and accept who and what you really are: a loving being, a fractal of the Divine Creator Spirit. One of the greatest obstacles to truth and love that we often hold in our self-design is shame. You will be guided to become aware of any aspect of your self-awareness where you cling to shame, then to forgive and purge it. Forgiveness is the key to healing. As you discover the origins of shame, you’ll be guided to forgive yourself and anyone else who may have led you to experience it. This will allow you to see yourself as God sees you: eternally perfect, unconditionally loving, and worthy of all the joy, goodness, wellness and power in the universe. The second message is about security. The June solstice marks our official entry into Cancer season, where the sun enters this sign. Cancer energy focused on the need for safety and protection. A large spotlight is about to shine from the sky directly on the aspects of your life that keep you safe, like your home, finances and relationships. This may seem heavy for some, as many of us will be forced to confront our beliefs about our safety and security in this world. But according to the angels, may you be guided to realize that you are not a victim, and nothing in this world has the power to define you as such. You can also be led to become your own advocate and stand up for your own needs and limitations. It is time for both Soul-level lessons and practical lessons on how to claim and improve the security you experience in this world. A great time for these lessons will occur around June 29, when Saturn will retrograde. The third message is about healing. We are guided to face some of the deepest and most fundamental aspects of our consciousness, including our perceptions of ourselves and our experiences of safety and security in this world. According to the angels, we are guided to heal to our deepest roots. The light we receive now reveals a powerful truth: The Divine created you to be eternally safe, infinitely powerful, and unconditionally loved. You are being guided to give up into the light everything that has ever convinced you otherwise. Release old karmic cycles and create a new path forward by reminding yourself of who you are: a being of unlimited love. Healing is not reinventing the wheel, but releasing what is not true so that the truth can blossom in you. Trust in the divine harmony of the universe, prioritize your inner peace and let your angels help you reduce your stress. Remember you are a powerful co-creator of the new Earth that is currently forming. When you choose love, you become a beacon of light in the world and help create the world in the image of love. So, are you up for this transforming challenge? To embrace your true divine nature and co-create a reality that reflects love, safety and healing? The solstice of June 2024 awaits you. Get ready for an epic journey!

    Karl Sebastien Ouellet

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