Sunday, June 30, 2024

In Space, No One Can See the Stars

In Space, No One Can See the Stars

by Owen Waters

Posted on June 30, 202

Apollo 11 above the Moon

In the daytime, you can see the Sun in the sky and, at night, you can see the stars. But, if you go far up into outer space, you will NOT see the Sun and you will NOT see the stars!

Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, reported that he could not see the stars while on his way to the moon. Worse yet, he found himself flying blind because his navigation device needed to take sight readings of the stars to maintain Apollo 11’s correct trajectory.

Why do the stars turn invisible once you’re out in space? That was my exact question when an ascended master introduced me to a dead scientist! One of the great things about knowing ascended masters is that, once in a while, they introduce you to someone who can help you understand something new. One day in February 2013, the spirit form of quantum physics pioneer Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) showed up in my study!

He’s quite a character and I immediately took a liking to him. He wanted me to know that, in the afterlife, science is not so mystified about quantum physics. In fact, what people call quantum weirdness is not, in fact, weird at all. However, it does take an expanded mindset to be able to grasp the spiritual underpinnings of physical reality. He says that physicists who insist that there is nothing beyond physical matter will never understand these things until they expand their worldview to, at least, include the metaphysical nature of light.

Etheric energy is the key to understanding the nature of light. Also called vital life energy, prana, chi or, more recently, plasma, etheric energy is a subtle, pre-physical energy which is not visible to physical human eyes. For example, our eyes don’t see spirit people because physical eyes don’t see their etheric bodies.

Cosmologists have detected the presence of huge amounts of etheric energy and matter in space but, because their eyes don’t see these things, they call them “dark energy” and “dark matter.” That’s rather ironic. Wolfgang assures me that, with spirit vision, etheric energy is not dark at all. Quite the opposite. To him, the air is filled with what looks like a sunlit mist because he sees that energy in the air.

The answer to my question, he continued, is that there is an etheric energy component to light. In its free-to-travel form, light is charged with etheric energy in addition to its well-known electric and magnetic energies. In fact, the nonphysical etheric energy encases and shrouds the physical electromagnetic energy from view.

When a particle of light hits a barrier, or is deflected by an obstruction, it loses its etheric charge and become visible to physical human eyes.

This happens because, when light hits a barrier and is forced to change course, its non-physical etheric energy component carries on as if no barrier had been encountered, much like a ghost passing through a physical wall. The physical (electromagnetic) component of the light, now diverted onto a different path and free of its nonphysical shroud, becomes visible to physical human eyes.

The Hubble telescope

In its travels from the Sun to the Earth, light is encased in etheric energy, shrouding its physical electromagnetic energy from view. The Earth’s atmosphere diverts incoming light particles, breaking them up to make the Sun visible and the sky blue. The mirrors in a space telescope such as the Hubble interfere with light, stripping away the etheric component and making it visible. In a deep-space craft, you could see the stars through a window provided the window includes a diffraction grating to interfere with the light.

The solar wind carries the magnetospheric wind away from Earth.

The Earth’s magnetosphere also interferes with light, making it visible. At the time of a full moon, the magnetosphere stretches out from Earth to the Moon. So, had Neil Armstrong flown at the time of a full moon, he would have seen the stars just fine. As it happened, he flew at a new moon and lost sight of the stars until he came close to the Moon, which has its own local magnetosphere.

So, you can see light after it has reflected off an object and you can see also light after it collides with molecules of air in our atmosphere. But, if you travel up above the atmosphere and into outer space, all the light from the Sun and the stars is traveling in an etherically charged, high energy state. That’s why you won’t see the stars. Their light is traveling in its visually-shrouded state.

The good news is that, when you turn around, you’ll still see the Earth shining brightly, beckoning you home. Why? Because the sunlight that hits the earth’s atmosphere loses its metaphysical, etheric energy charge, dropping down to a physical energy level so that you can see its effects on the clouds and the ground.

Etheric energy is the missing energy in today’s science. Until it is recognized and fully understood, it won’t establish its destined role in our growing understanding of the universe. As a primary energy, the science and applications of etheric energy will be magnitudes greater in importance than everything that has been achieved to date in electrical and electronic science.

In Summary: The Dark Light Effect

The Dark Light Effect is that light – which consists of etheric, magnetic, and electric energies – travels through free space in an etherically-cloaked state until it encounters a reflective barrier or becomes diverted by physical particles or a magnetic field, at which point it becomes separated from its etheric component, becoming uncloaked and physically visible.

Postscript: Flying Blind

So, how did Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 flight make its navigational adjustments on the way to the moon? While his eyes failed to see the stars, the navigational computer was still functional because it contained a reflector mirror. When the device was pointed to where the stars should have been and the light of the relevant star entered the device, it physically bounced off the internal mirror and the device functioned as planned.

Owen Waters


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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