Thursday, February 29, 2024

What Good Things are Happening to Us?

What Good Things are Happening to Us?

by Steve Beckow

Posted on February 29, 2024

                          …February alone
… hath but twenty-eight, in fine,
Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.

Happy February 29, everyone!

I had a discussion with a lightworker the other day about what’s happening to us – the good things, that is!

May I comment on what arose?

If we think about it for a moment, I think we might agree that this is a time when decent folk are divesting themselves of unworkable programming.

We’re getting over our fears. We’re coming together to defeat attempts  ……………well, to kill us all.

I don’t believe I just wrote those words. Am I watching a movie? No? Real life, you say?

It’s amazing how the thought of that motivates those who know.

All of our actions, if we’re addressing the situation, are designed to have us drop our programming, come out of our fears, and come together to defeat those who would “depopulate” the world. (1)

When I look for a word to describe this type of action, I choose the term “emergence.”  (2)

We emerge from our unworkable programming and fears. We emerge to unite with others.

Think of anyone hearing an immoral or unethical statement, sitting silently, and then suddenly standing up and bursting forth with a  heartfelt objection. This is rapid emergence. Most of us emerge slowly over time and call it “maturation” or “growth.”

The climax of many movies sees the hero or heroine (4) emerge. It often comes at the darkest moment. The emergence is the event; words come later.

Actually, I can point to several videos of what I consider to be “emerged” individuals. (5)

By the way, I don’t consider myself to be emerged. I have to drop many more attachments and vasanas before I stand fully committed to (rock solid on) anything. There’s still hesitation.  And I’m working on it.


We are as a world, emerging from top-down control, unjust wealth distribution, and increasing enslavement.

Modern technology has made this enslavement possible, but in almost all cases I can think of, modern technology is neutral; that is, it doesn’t have consciousness (as it does on higher dimensions) or play a role in decision-making outside its program.

In this dimension so far, machines are machines. It’s their programming that I’d be afraid of and that’s still a human affair.

Today’s technology allows us to speak with someone in Japan as easily as I could to my best friend across the city. It annihilates distance.

It makes the transfer of information possible on a scale unimaginable.


This part of my answer may not be something that everybody likes to hear, but, in my opinion, we’ll have to encounter our prejudices and misconceptions about poor, meek, mild Pollyanna. (5)

The Mother has said, in defense of Pollyanna:

Divine Mother: What is the new foundation upon which Nova Earth is built?

It is the 13 Blessings and Virtues [i.e., the divine qualities] that we gifted you so long ago. This is the core of everything you will value and bring forth in the new reality. This is the foundation of what you create and co-create with us.

If the virtues are not an inherent part of your being, how do you then translate it into form as you build the new institutions, systems, communities, and cultures of Nova Earth? (6)

Absolutely. If the divine qualities are not part of our being, how can they become part of our creations?

Thus, dear Pollyanna turned out to be right.

Pollyanna, c’mon down. You have just inherited the Earth, dear.  Exactly what team dark wanted but … YOU won it!

No, not the physical Earth. That belongs to Gaia. The love and admiration of the whole planet.

The divine qualities are what everything will be about soon.

Time to get over our qualms and queasiness at being kind to each other (which is very contagious, in my newbie’s view), being selfless, sharing, etc.

Time to open up, emerge, and share.

You’re hearing this from a hermit and a reformed troll who lived under the bridge.


(1)  See:

(2) Let’s Go! Let’s Grow! Vol. 4 Emergence at

(3) Here are three people I consider emerged individuals:

Video Player

Dr. Kevin D. Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, to WEF at Davos

Video Player

An unidentified teacher takes a stand for two genders.

Video Player

Rep. Harriet Hageman, Wyoming at Large, reports on government tyranny.

(4) “Hero or heroine”: Can we just use one word? How about “hero” for both?

We don’t say Captainess or Admiraless. Why do we need a second word?

(5) “Pollyanna” has come to mean the stereotype of a “good girl.”

Turns out, Pollyanna wins!

(6) Linda Dillon, “Chapter 3 – The 13th Octave Blessings & Virtues” in The Great Awakening. A Spiritual Primer. Port Lucie, FL: Linda Dillon, 2012.

Steve Beckow


Releasing the Sorrow Bundle

Releasing the Sorrow Bundle

by Steve Beckow

Posted on February 29, 2024

A native sorrow bundle – off to the Mother!

You’ll have to excuse me. For the first time, I’m dictating an article. What a trip this is!

I wanted to say that I don’t feel the same certainty I did several years ago about some events.  I know I’m choosing to feel uncertain. It’s probably that I’m tired of waiting.

I do appreciate the monumental and complex nature of the task that presents itself to us – and even more so to the star civilizations that are shepherding us through this ascension.

My knowing tells me everything is on track and on target. There must therefore be something in me that’s refusing to be certain.

And almost immediately, the thought arises, from my Guiding Light I choose to think, that all of my learned behavior, all of my vasanas (core issues), resentments, regrets, guilt, etc., sit on top of it.

Holy mackerel! How am I going to get through this LaBrea tar pit?

I cannot get through it on my own. I have to wrap it up – in a sorrow bundle! – and send it back to the Mother for repurposing. The task is beyond me.

And it’s especially beyond me given the workload now and what responsibilities I’ll soon have, etc. Certifiably beyond me.


So what to do?

I invoke the universal laws of sacred purpose, intention, grace, and karmic dispensation, and the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael to take this bundle away from me and leave me in certain knowing.

I resolve later to visit the Lords of Karma and ask to be released from my remaining karma.

know the answer is inside of me. And I know that the answer will turn out to be to release my own bundle once and for all. And that in turn will require total forgiveness.

Release it deeply. Truly release it. Not anything faked. I have to, at the very deepest level, let go of it all. And there will be no fooling myself. I know when holding is still there.

I know when my breath is constrained. I know when my chest is tight. I know when my gaze is deflected, mirrors my suspicion, etc. We’re too far along for me to be fooling myself.


I want to be free of the last remnants of holding.

When I say that, I don’t mean in the context of social interaction. That would be too much for me. My mission is difficult enough as it is, requiring a great deal of non-interrupted quiet time. I could not write – I know that now – if I interacted with numerous people.

So not first in social interaction.

It’ll have to be in the privacy of my room, here with you, from now till the Reval, at which point I can afford a few amenities.

If I want to make progress towards certain knowing, I need to accentuate my monkish tendencies for the moment, go inward, and let go.

Steve Beckow


It is extremely important for everyone to release attachments

It is extremely important for everyone to release attachments from their past lives

By Karma

Channel: Erena Velazquez

Posted on February 29, 2024

Greetings Humanity,

I am Karma, a living being, and this is my long overdue appearance through our trusted channel.

A while ago, I mentioned that most of the negative karma for the whole human population has been removed and forgiven by Supreme Father and Prime Creator. Despite of all of these actions, which were taken, many of you still carry deep seated residues of karma inside. It is extremely important for everyone to release attachments from their past lives, otherwise you can experience a setback to move forward in your spiritual development and Ascension.

Past needs to become past and nothing else. Humans still have an old way of thinking and conducting themselves around each other. Old behavior such as critiquing each for every mistake or misjudgment, you can’t just blame your reality for your misfortunes. You are a participant in helping to create these negative experiences. You make choices daily based mostly on your thoughts and learned habits from your past upbringing.

I understand that you don’t always know, on how to go about the situations you face in your life. Ascended Masters recommend for you doing daily silent meditations to help you to connect to your soul and your Universal Consciousness, which can guide you flawlessly in your daily life experiences without the ego’s constant mistakes. Humans need to stop blaming each other and their surroundings, what happened to humankind and the planet.

The Dark Entities have been controlling the narrative on Earth for a long time and the humanity went along without any resistance. You need to understand that the Darkness’s goal is only destruction, extinction of humans and nothing else. You need to make your own choices, on how to conduct yourself in this 3D Matrix and on how to resist and not to follow the negative script of a fake and a delusion existence created by the Dark Entities.

First you need to accept that you are not just a physical body, you are more than that. Your soul chose to come to this reality on it’s own. As many of the Light beings have said before, not everyone is ready to Ascend, and that it’s okay, you will reach your enlightenment, when you are ready. This planet has been in Darkness for eons and the Collective Consciousness stayed in a very low vibrations for a long time.

It’s time to stop judging everything that has been said or written, please, use your spiritual consciousness to determine the truth from a false reality created by the Corrupted Souls. My Team and I continue to be very busy dealing with the souls, who broke the Divine Code of Rules. It states clearly that no one is allowed to harm anyone or take away someone’s life. These souls lost their privilege to carry physical vessels.

If you harm in anyway each other, it will come back to you very quickly and it can effect your Ascension. Divine together with Light Beings are working on your transition in the Ascension, and some events will occur spontaneously without any warning. The ones, who portray a future of gloom and doom, are spreading false information. The acceleration of timelines will continue to speed up the process of moving to a New Earth.

Stay in high frequencies, which are crucial in your transition to a higher dimension. It’s your choice, where are you going next into more misery or a paradise. The Main Event is not far way anymore. Everything is aligned with the help of Divine, the assistance of the Ashtar Command, the Galactic Light Forces, daily silent meditations from the Ascended Masters and millions of Light Beings from different Galactic civilizations. It’s extremely important to have a peaceful and a loving coexistence between each other.

At some point in your existence, many of you have met each other outside this planet. After Ascension happens, when you regain your memories, you will be very surprised, to find out on how many souls, you crossed paths with before. It will be a big reunion and a big celebration for everyone, who ascends. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for delivering this communication to mankind. Sending my Supreme Love to every soul on Mother Earth.

Spread Love and Light.


Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

(?) Question mark is mine.

What March 2024 Is Really About

What March 2024 Is Really About

The 12D Creators

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness
Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on February 29, 2024

What March 2024 Is Really About - The 12D Creators - channeled by daniel scranton
We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
Yes, indeed it is a wonderful time to be alive there on Earth, and it is a wonderful time to be alive because you are awake. And because you are awake, you know you can change everything with a single thought. You know that you do not have to physically move a mountain to experience that mountain in a different place, and you know this because you understand the nature of reality and that it is always changing because you are always shifting. 

This is a great deal of power to hold inside oneself indeed. And it is the application of that power that you are there to explore now that you are awake. Now you can rise above the drama of us versus them, and you can step into the power of yourselves as Creator Beings. This is what we most enjoy teaching all of you. You are not there to live out the same kinds of lives as your ancestors, and you are there to experience a great shift in consciousness that you are also participating in.

You participate in it more consciously once you awaken to the truth of who you really are. You are the Source and you are The Creator, and you are meant to do so more consciously because you have the awareness that you have. 

Now, as you look ahead at the month of March on your calendar, you can wonder what the month of March is going to be like, and what it is going to be about for you and for humanity, or you can decide. Because from where we are sitting in the twelfth dimension, we see much energy being given for creative purposes, and those of you who are there, grounded in your bodies and present in the moment are more capable of receiving those creative energies and doing something with them. You can do whatever you want with them because you have that level of freedom, but you don’t have to wait to find out what’s going to happen in March of 2024, because you are Creator Beings, and now you know that you are being given more of the tools of creation.

And the showering of that creative energy will continue throughout the entire month. You can tap in to that energy at any time, and you can start creating at any time what you desire to experience for yourselves and for others. Again, there are less limitations upon you now than there ever have been before. But until you know that, until you feel it, you can still operate under the assumption that you are meant to be very limited in what you can do, in what you can create, and in what you can experience. 

Therefore, we invite you to step into your Creatorhood right now, and start deciding for yourselves what this month of March is really about, because it will be about something different for you than it will be for someone else. And when you tap in to the creative energies of March, you will see that you have more to work with than ever before, and you will feel it in your bones. On top of that, you will also be receiving more inspired ideas from which to pounce, and that is something to get very excited about. 
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 

68 Clever Comebacks to Say When Someone Belittles You

68 Clever Comebacks to Say When Someone Belittles You

By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

Posted on February 23, 2024
Featured image by stockking on Freepik

Have you ever wished you had a clever comeback when someone belittles you? I am useless at thinking quickly. It’s only afterwards I come up with a witty putdown, but the moment’s passed.

Though, I do keep clever comebacks up my sleeve for rude people. I’ve also looked at social media sites to find some cracking responses. I’ve grouped them into categories, but if you like them, use as you see fit.

What to say when someone belittles you?

When someone tries to belittle you with big or uncommon words:

“Sorry, I’m not into Pokémon.”

“That must be exhausting, using up your entire vocabulary in one sentence…”

“At least you have your looks.”

“Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Can you say it again?”

“Okay, more about how AMAZING you are.”
What to say when someone belittles what you’re wearing:

“Yeah, I bought it off your dad.”

“I can change my shirt, but you’ll have that face for the rest of your life.”

“Your mom doesn’t seem to mind it.”

“The 1950s called. They want their fashion back.”

“Nice shirt. Does it come in Men’s?”
When someone keeps correcting you:

“Thanks. Now, back to my point.”

“Some people are like old cars. It takes one hit to shut them up.”
When someone calls you a rude name:

“You are as charming as you are eloquent.”

“I’ve been called worse things by better people.”

“I don’t know what your problem is, but I bet it’s hard to pronounce.”

“I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.”
When someone makes a joke and laughs at your expense:

“Your grandmother must be so proud.”

“You weren’t laughing when the herpes test came back.”

“Why don’t you go home to your wife and my kids?”

“Aren’t you due back in the lab to get your bolts tightened?”

“No wonder people talk about you behind your back.”
When someone belittles you by interrupting all the time:

“I’m sorry for talking while you’re interrupting. Please, you go first.”

“Oh, I’m sorry that the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours.”

“I’m in a hurry. Is this going to take long? I’m double-parked.”
When someone is making fun of your intelligence:

“Damn, you must’ve been at the top of the bell-curve in school.”

“Do something useful, hold this…”

“Are you one of those people that thinks jet fuel can melt steel beams?”
When someone is being a bitch:

“Who lit the fuse on your tampon?”

“Someone needs to slap the trailer out of you.”

“You’re just not pretty enough to be this stupid.”

“Can you turn the bitch down? I can’t hear myself think.”

“You’re just bitter cause your parents wanted a boy.”

“I was just wondering if you were as nice as you are pretty.”
When someone belittles your decisions/lifestyle:

“I’m happy with my decisions and my life, but thank you for your concern.”

“It’s a shame you feel that way.”

“I’m an alcoholic, not an accountant.”
When someone just won’t shut up:

“If I throw a stick, will you leave?”

“I would love to continue this battle of wits, but I refuse to fight an unarmed man.”

“Why don’t you talk about something you know?”

“I don’t care what everyone else says. I don’t think you’re that bad.”
When someone’s belittling turns aggressive:

“Oh, you are SO right. I hadn’t thought of that! Thank you so much for being thoughtful enough to share your wisdom!”

“Are you okay hun?”

“You hang in there.”

“You’re cute when you’re angry.”

“Hug it out?”

“Are you having a bad day?”
When someone is really rude to you:

“Oh be quiet, you’re turning me on.”

“You know what’s sad? Someday, you’re going to die alone… and I won’t be there to see it.”

Fart loudly and say, “I’m so sorry. I was trying to give a shit about you, but that was the best I could manage.”

“That was really rude. You must be so embarrassed.”

“I can eat an alphabet soup and shit a better argument than that.”

“Look, you managed to tie your shoes today. We should just count our blessings.”

“You must be a devil with the ladies.”
When someone says, “You can’t take a joke.”

“But I’m here with you.”

“I’m trying to see it from your point of view, but I just can’t get my head that far up my own arse.”

“Don’t you have a paper route to get to?”
When someone belittles you by calling you trash:

“At least trash gets taken out once a week.”
When you just need a quick comeback:

“You’re going to make someone a great ex-wife/husband one day.”

“You are a modest man, with much to be modest about.”

“Your low self-esteem is finally justified.”

“You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me!”

“I think you’re funny. But looks aren’t everything.”

“Is this what you want to be doing when Jesus looks down on you?”

“Is there something you need, dear? Can I call someone for you?”

“Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.”

“I wish we were better strangers.”

“You’d be an idiot savant if you had a talent.”

“For someone who talks a lot of shit, you sure have nice teeth.”
Final thoughts

It’s difficult to come up with a witty putdown when someone belittles you. I hope you find the above examples useful. Why not let me know if you have any I haven’t mentioned?


Janey Davies
Sub-editor & staff writer at Learning Mind
Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues.
Copyright © 2012-2024 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

No Difference

No Difference

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on February 29, 2024

The Universe knows it may be challenging to maintain your own space when you are surrounded by lower vibrational energies. First and foremost; there has never been any us vs. them in this equation. They are no different from you, they have just chosen another path. 

The moment you begin to look down your nose at others is the precise moment you stray from yours. Each of you was created and were given the gifts you need to learn and grow…and you will utilize them differently. 

Before you choose to pass judgement, take the time to look at where you have been, what you are experiencing and how you got to where you are now. With this fresh perspective in place, embrace your ability to help others who are ready to grow and learn, just as you have. 

The Creator

Let go, into Love

Let go, into Love

Love Notes from the Akasha

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted February 29, 2024

Just a little note on opening to Love today… :

Let go, into Love

As we awaken, as more radiant divine light filters into our bodies every day, Life expands us, Life opens us to bigger possibilities.

The veil between the worlds becomes thinner, and a recognition of those dear souls we have known before, the Ones we are here to know now in deeper ways, becomes more apparent.
Recently, I witnessed a lovely young woman as she experienced a powerful sense of recognition when she first met the leader of a daylong event. Her heart opened wide on the spot. He recognized her, too, and moments in, whispered in her ear they had shared past lives. Over the course of the day, the love between them gently, sweetly blossomed.

Although he was her teacher… although he was committed to another...

And yet, the love was palpable. After the sweet outpouring of the initial opening, her inclination was to withdraw and guard her heart. Though the likelihood of their being together was small, I encouraged her to let the love unfold without needing to know where it would go. I said, “Perhaps this One is a catalyst for you. Perhaps this One comes with a memory of love shared to help you open to love again.”

“Let go, into love,” I said.

And she did.

And the places in her heart that had been closed opened, as did the places in his, with no need for a destination.

I reflected then that we all have moments where we close our hearts, when we don’t move toward the love that is before us. And so today, I encourage you to see where your heart is closed, and let it open even more. Open to your Beloved, to your child, to your friend, or to someone you simply meet along the way. Let your heart open just a little bit more.

Imagine the radiant, shared field of sweetness we could create if each of us offered just a little bit more love today. What beauty would be possible then?

What would be possible, indeed.

Let go, into Love today.  :)

Many blessings,


The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024