Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sermon on the Mount - 2

Sermon on the Mount Part 2

Message from Jesus 

(Jeshua, Issa, Yeshua, Sananda)

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight

Post on December 31, 2023

Once again I rise and standing on the high ground I fill my voice with love – exalted so that you may see my light and find yourselves in my words, for verily I say to you:

Blessed are you who turn to your being, for through this you will attain holiness as you return healed into the love of God.

Blessed are you who have recognized love as the highest principle, for in this way you enter into the hands of the Father.

Blessed are you who live appropriately through love and set a living example, for you will inherit the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who go to your fellow human beings in joy to remind them of their joy, for you will receive the lightness of a walking angel.

Blessed are you who display peace as a conspicuous sign of your being, for you will bring about peace.

Blessed are you who promote unity wherever it is violated and disregarded, for you will be in unity with God forever.

Blessed are you who seek the truth and nothing but that, for it will find you and enlighten you until you are completely filled with it.

Blessed are you who live in innocence, for the kingdom is yours.

Blessed are you who know neither fear nor sorrow, for you will never leave the path or go astray.

Blessed are you who know about the things of life, because this knowledge lights your way.

Blessed are you who trust, because your heart will be filled with the strength of being.

Blessed are you who do not despair, even when unfortunate storms come upon you, for your faith will set you free.

Blessed are you who always carry the name of God within you, for it will be fulfilled that you will recognize your name and you will be like HIM.

Blessed are you who shape life without intention, for your reward is great, in heaven and also on earth.

Blessed are you who nurture the confidence in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, for their healing will bring peace to the earth.

Blessed are you who respond with love where there is hate, for this is how the New Earth will take shape.

Blessed are you who fill your words with your eternal spirit, for in this way you are a herald of the words of God.

Blessed are you who base your actions on the knowledge of your being, because in this way you leave the wheel of cause and effect.

Blessed are you who remove all destructiveness and fear from your thoughts, for you will be a pure instrument of God.

Blessed are you who read this, who share in this knowledge, because you are the messengers of light who are now exalting the earth.

Blessed are you who now derive the necessary conclusions from these messages of light, for the kingdom of heaven is your inheritance.

And blessed are you who neither waver nor fall, for you will rise and become the gods that you were from the beginning.

So be it. Blessed are you, forever and ever.

Today is fulfilled what I came for, and for the last time I leave the high place from which I spoke to you, for verily I am the Son of Man and I am among you from now on, until the days are fulfilled and the human race is completely healed.

Again I am with you, among you and with you – I, the ONE Son from being and in the image of God. Today your longing finds fulfillment, because I am in the midst of you as the omnipresent Son of Man and Son of God, as the light and love of God, which you also are.

I have come back and will only return when the light of God has finally established itself on earth!

I am the one you know well. I am the one you are familiar with. I am the one you love, the one who is love, the one who is nothing but love, unconditional and omnipresent among men. I am Jesus Christ, the Consciousness Sananda. The ONE you know!

Indeed, it is so. All the time.

Jahn J Kassl

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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