Friday, December 22, 2023

First Things First for Me

First Things First for Me

By Steve Beckow

Posted on December 22, 2023

Things are changing noticeably.  Or maybe it’s just me.

I’m having, more and more these days, to figure out what time it is where. I’m on Skype or Zoom calls with Brits, Australians, South Africans, New Zealanders, etc.

Oh, this just in! A Japanese reader, Kyoko Onishi, is translating the Golden Age of Gaia into Japanese. I reproduce one video below. (1) Well, now, that is exciting. Thank you so much, Kyoko.

This is our first foray out of the English language.

Where was I?

If we were looking at the history of Earth from above the planet and in fast forward we’d be watching what anthropologists would call its “evolution.”

Yesterday we saw how a museum on the astral planes has displays that allow the guest to view the past or zero in on a part of Earth so such time-and-space-bending tools to see human evolution already exist.  (2)


And if you took a snippet of that evolutionary history, say, from five years ago until now, I think you’d see lightworkers establishing the work they want to do, giving it form, and then – as in right now – beginning to network, to share, to link up.

I’m not talking about the folks who do the groundbreaking lecture series and large-group video conferences. As Wendy Zammit and I were discussing, the whole spiritual scene has mushroomed, much of it due to the efforts of these presenters.

And much due to the rising Ascension energies.

I’m talking more to people – lightworkers – who are dedicated to hands-on service and are heading to become humanitarian philanthropists, researchers, spiritual teachers, or leaders in other fields, after the Reval. Whether they’re currency holders, grantees of humanitarian funds, or beneficiaries of G/NESARA, the money, now, will be there.


The Reval will enable the lightworker community to make a vast difference in our own communities (where I hope we start) and the world. The most important difference will be to revive the dispossessed and downtrodden so that they can ready themselves for Ascension.

A section of lightworkers are oriented towards this global healing work and another is oriented towards revealing to the world the truth of it all – our emergence from cabal rule, the reality of life after death, the existence of our star family, interdimensionality, the purpose of life, Ascension as the means of progression, etc.

Others are rebuilding the law, the instruments of governance, the peacekeeping forces, medicine, education, and so on.

But, in all of it, or maybe just in all of me, there is this sense of people stirring.


I only see the part of it that’s taking place on the Internet. Whatever is taking place in person, the final evidence of it, from the standpoint of the social memory, will remain for the “foreseeable” future, on the Internet. (3)

Right now my work involves awakening as many people as possible to the threat the world is under. No, not to nuclear war or world war. But, we saw with Lahaina, Paradise CA, and other DEW-devastated towns, civilians are dying. (4)

And certainly our military are dying, below, on, and above ground. And as long as the cabal can operate the levers of power, the assault on the human race through pandemics, food control, weather warfare, etc., continues.

Finally and most compellingly, our children, kept in cages and containers underground and on container ships, being transported to sexual slavery and death, are crying out to be saved and released.

Save the children.

First things first for me.


(1) 【ジュディス・クーセル】世界的に大きな変化が起きている

Video Player


Thank you so much, Kyoko, for helping us to get the message out.

(2)  “On the Astral Planes, What Does a Museum Earth Display Show?”  

See also “‘Museums,'” at

(3) That may or may not extend to people’s private documentation.

(4) DEW = Directed-energy weapons.

Steve Beckow 



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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