Sunday, December 31, 2023

You Hold the Master Key to This

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 31, 2023

You Hold the Master Key to This - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very pleased to have so many of you there on Earth in human form responding to us and our messages in a positive way. We know that it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day lives there on Earth, and we also know how much you all know you benefit from remembering that you have helpers in the nonphysical like ourselves. We also remind you of all of the other nonphysical helpers that are around you, supporting you, giving you everything that you need, and reminding you that you are loved.

With all of this love pouring down upon you from the heavens it then becomes easier for you to remember who and what you really are. You are beings of pure, unconditional love. You come from Source, and you still are Source, even though you forget sometimes who and what you really are, and Source is Love. Now, our transmissions to you are all about reminding you of who you really are so that you can go out into the world and be who you really are. 

Nothing feels as good as loving, and when you love another, whether that other is a person, an animal, a plant, or some other aspect of Source, you are in that moment being your true self. You are being true to yourself as love, and therefore, by receiving the love that you get from us and from the other nonphysical consciousness that is constantly sending it to you, you then have more to give. You have the love that you are activated within you, and from that place of being activated, the love that you are pours from you into the world effortlessly. You don’t have to try to love others when you are being love, when the love within you is so active that nothing can switch it off.

And only you can switch that love flow off that comes from within you. You have the master key. If you decide not to be love in any given moment, that’s you using your free will. That’s you making a decision that gives you a feeling once again of separation from who and what you really are, and that allows you to play in this game a little bit longer, the game of the third and fourth-dimensional Earth experience. As you remember who you are throughout the course of your day, you are more likely to spread love all around you and create a universe of love for you to experience.

Now, as you go about your day, being the love that you truly are, you are then the ones activating love in others. So there is a domino effect with whatever it is you are spreading there on Earth. Spread what you want to see activated in others, and they will show you that reflection, and you will enjoy each other’s company, because what is most important about each of you will be at the forefront. You will have to let go of that which is not who you really are along the way, but that’s going to happen one way or another. Do it consciously and deliberately, and you will enjoy the rest of the ride that you have there on this fourth-dimensional version of Earth. 

And so much awaits you in the fifth dimension, so much more of who you are, and we are just excited to witness that journey with you, and we are so happy to be a part of it. That’s what brings us the most joy in delivering to you these transmissions.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 

The Nature of the Soul

The Nature of the Soul

by Owen Waters

Posted on December 31, 2023


Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you merge back in your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being – the Divine Source of all life.

Out of the 12 levels or density layers of existence, we, in this physical realm, are in 3rd density. The soul is in 5th density, and Infinite Being is beyond the 12th. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in 5th density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.

The soul world of 5th density is non-physical, our dense physical world is in 3rd density, while 4th density – the afterlife or spirit world – is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.

Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and – whoosh – they appear at the target location.

You don’t see people wearing spectacles in the spirit world because their sense of sight works as a direct perception rather than through their eyes in the way that we use our eyes. They can focus telescopically on distant objects to make them appear near, and they can focus microscopically on a nearby object, right down to its atomic structure. Their sense of hearing, too, can be focused to pick up sounds at great distances.

When we in the physical world are able to replicate the principles behind ‘astral projection’, we, too, will have instant transportation to other locations. Then, it’ll be bye-bye to cars, trucks, trains, planes and rocket ships.

5th density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul is a non-physical sphere of consciousness. It has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self.

In 5th density, when one soul meets another they recognize each other, not from any physical appearance, but from their unique signature vibration. Each soul emits a unique signature tone which is a form of mental energy that is perceived as a subtle sound.

Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth. A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in 3rd density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it’s available for consultation 24/7. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.

In order to live a life inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom you need only make a decision to do just that. Open up your awareness to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they have become.

Don’t be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during your early attempts. It happens that way to most people. Just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you’ll wonder what you did without it.

Owen Waters
Owen Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

Freedom from Negative Thoughts

Freedom from Negative Thoughts

Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shanta Gabriel

Posted on December 31, 2023

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel suggests a useful practice that allows us to create a time frame in which we cease judging ourselves.
Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself

This card always shows up at opportune moments when I notice I am being less than compassionate with myself. This attitude is a very old habit.
Over the years, it appeared as if I thought being relentless in my criticism about myself would somehow make me better. My ego must have wanted to ensure that I was doing "it all correctly." This made me live in a very contracted state, and of course I attracted people that would step right in and add more judgments in case I relaxed my vigilance.
It was during the millennium shift when I received a brilliant gift from the Universe, disguised as the loss of everything I held dear. At that critical juncture, I realized that if ever I needed compassion, that was the time. I also started giving myself more permission to be authentic and live in my truth. I noticed that when I would back off from my critical mind, my heart would open, and I felt more love for all things — including myself. It was a new experience.
It is clear that if being very critical and hard on myself could create my enlightenment, it would have happened long ago. What my spirit needs is tenderness and support. It takes a different kind of vigilance to be aware of my habitual thoughts about myself and my world. My feelings let me know. When I'm hard on myself, I feel awful. There's the first clue. I go out of my way now to be as kind to myself as I am with others. Usually, I am very kind to other people and give them the benefit of my love and compassion. This is what I need as well.
Sometimes I just put my hand on my heart when I notice my thinking has gone off the love track. (This is the Quick Coherence Technique from That simple gesture brings me back into a loving place with myself and helps me attune to the One Heart within all beings. Just touching myself kindly in this way is also very soothing to my inner self, as well as my mammalian body.
Synchronicity was demonstrated beautifully after I wrote the above paragraph. I went to my email, and there from HeartMath was an article about the importance of self-love. When this happens, I love it. It helps me to know that I am in tune. Here is a portion of the article:
Self-love means being more compassionate, patient and accepting of ourselves. It means choosing to make self-care a priority. The idea of self-love might feel a bit awkward, but it is not selfish. It is necessary. As we get better at self-love, we feel more confident and understand that self-love and loving others is simply a reflection of our deepest essence.
A little child thrives when she is adored and encouraged. The same is true of our inner spirit. We need to be our greatest cheerleader and supporter in life. The steps we take to give ourselves the benefit of our love and reassurance will lift our vibrational frequency, making it safer and even easier to feel love about ourselves and the world. 

It begins with our thoughts and our intention to stay in a loving, accepting place with ourselves, honoring the tender innocence within us. Often all it takes is the willingness to give to us the compassion and kindness that we truly deserve.

Know that you are totally lovable and worthy of all that is good. If that does not resonate with you, here is an easy three-step process to change your thinking:
Place your hand on your heart and breathe.
Now into your heart, on the in-breath, receive Love and Compassion from the Source of all Life, from the Angels, and most of all, from yourself.
Exhale, then check inside and notice how much better you feel.

Divine Presence,

Divine Presence,

Shanta GabrielMay I always remember how much I deserve love. Help me to bring that love into my heart and use it to care for myself in new and empowering ways. May I be as patient with myself as I am with a kitten and take care of myself in the same way.

Inspire within me compassion and respect for all life and especially help me to be accepting and compassionate with me. May I remember that as I give more love to myself, the way opens so that all of humanity will have the ability to give themselves more love.

>From that place of Love in our hearts, all of life benefits. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
December 31, 2023

Being Present

Being Present

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on December 31, 2023

My darling child; it is time to fully inhabit your body. 

The Universe knows that, sometimes, it is easier to be out there rather than being 100% human. 

Yes, there are painful things from your past and situations in which you would rather not participate but, your world has gotten to a point where each of you with gifts is in great demand. 

You are needed to help change the trajectory of history and your full presence is necessary. 

Your opportunity is at hand, please do not let it pass you by.  


The world moves into a vibration that more closely represents the reality of earth

The world moves into a vibration that more closely represents the reality of earth

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on December 31, 2023


Welcome dear readers, and welcome also to a new year in which almost everyone will see and experience personal and global change as well as a few surprises, some welcomed and some not. The energy of the whole planet is shifting and changing as collective consciousness becomes increasingly more receptive to the idea of oneness which even when understood only from the three dimensional level contributes to the awakening of world consciousness.
The world is moving into a vibration that more closely represents the reality of earth and those living on her. You may ask then why the world seems to be getting worse rather than better because when judging by appearances that seems to be true. Everything born out of duality and separation consciousness must first be seen in order to be rejected, changed, and finally eliminated from the collective belief system.
Frequencies of duality, separation, and the belief in powers separate from God overshadow the three dimensional earth like a blanket of fog influencing how God's perfect expressions are seen and understood. Incarnating into three dimensional energy from the higher vibrations of the "other side" can be a very difficult experience especially for children and teens who still resonate with the higher vibrations that they left behind often causing them to feel like an outsider.
Over time every person eventually adjusts to the denser three dimensional energies of earth where it becomes reality and they find it difficult to believe that there is anything other than what they see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Once established in human form on earth most find it very difficult to change that which is now familiar, comfortable, and somewhat controlled even if or when life becomes seriously difficult.

When an individual is ready for the next phase of their spiritual journey which may even be part of their pre-birth contract, but refuses to leave behind that which has become known and comfortable, the Higher Self will often step in with a "wake up call", some physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual situation that serves to open (push) them to new levels of awareness.
Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God and not a piece of dirt to be used and abused while housing fragile and impotent human beings. Because earth as well as all other planets and those living on them are expressions of ONE, the sacred energy of ONEness is always a seeking alignment with all forms of ITself.
The ideas, expressions, qualities, and manifestations of this ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient reality called God can never be changed, eliminated, or even affected in any way by the plots, plans, and false beliefs of three dimensional minds. God knows NO OPPOSITE.
Divine consciousness/God is the only reality but until recognized, accepted, and integrated into personal consciousness it simply remains unavailable. It is like someone living in extreme poverty unaware that they have a bank account full of money. The three dimensional consciousness believes that everything can be controlled through force, laws, manipulation, lies, and human action, etc. but is now learning and will continue to learn that it cannot.

Human living as you have been taught and experienced is nothing more than living from and being subject to universally accepted concepts about everything. Know that good appearances are every bit as illusory as bad appearances. Both are simply the two ends of a long duality stick. Cease giving power to good appearances while at the same time attempting to eliminate the bad ones. Learn to translate all appearances into the spiritual reality that underlies them.
If you find yourself coming into some form of abundance don't simply rejoice in the abundance itself but rather rejoice in the fact that you are experiencing your own self-sustained completeness in material form. When you see a baby, know that it not really a baby, but is a soul as old as God, Divine Consciousness individualized. When you become aware of pain, suffering, war, and violence know that you are witnessing the creations of hypnotized states of consciousness unaware that they are actually one with those they see as the enemy.
This does not mean that jails are superfluous or that you can never enjoy the beauty, love, joy, and "good" things of life on earth. Jails are needed at this time because individuals only hear and learn from that which aligns with their state of consciousness although three dimensional penal systems often misuse their power. Joy is a spiritual quality, allow it to flow to you and from you freely without guilt.
Everything is spiritual because you cannot make something out of nothing. Where would the substance to make anything come from if the only substance that exists is Divine Consciousness? The material world consists of conditioned mind interpretations of spiritual reality and human attempts to heal, fix, and correct it constitute illusion. You have reached a place in your evolutionary journey where continuing to feed and prop up three dimensional concepts in the belief that you are being loving only serves to hold you in old energy.
Because few have as of yet attained the full realization of truth and because help is available at all levels of awareness, most even those spiritually evolved at times need to utilize the tools available. Never pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained simply because you have an intellectual knowledge of it but rather live each day from your highest attained state of consciousness.
Do not feel guilty about having to call on medical or some alternative healing group but first always listen for the guidance of your intuition rather than simply following current belief and the opinions of those around you. Allow your intuition to guide you toward what is right for you be it a physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual need. Try not to get so seriously involved that you feed an issue with power and reality and always remembering that God cannot form ITself as anything other than ITself regardless of appearances.
Hold truth in your heart as you go about your ordinary tasks and gradually it will become your state of consciousness able then to manifest in, as, and through every aspect of your life which is IT's life. You came to earth prepared to live from your evolved state of consciousness, to see through and clear any remaining old energies, and in the process help to lift and open earth's collective consciousness making ideas of truth accessible to all.

Never doubt that there is a Divine Plan. You are at the start of what will be a powerful year. For many it will be a year of completions that may or may not involve situations of personal chaos. Allow whatever comes along without resistance but rather in the realization that your journey is being guided by your Higher Self who knows exactly what you need, are ready for, and when.
The world as you have known it is collapsing under the weight of its own illusions in order that at some point the earth of God's creating can be seen and experienced. War, suffering, lack and limitation have no Divine law underlying them and are sustained and maintained only by the false energies that mankind continues to feed them. The three dimensional world is like a movie or play that feels completely real as you watch. The curtain is starting to come down and theater lights are turning on but only as the audience recognizes that they are watching a play.
I have never been, could never be, and will never be anything other than what I AM in this now moment unless I believe otherwise.
Let 2024 be a year of living this at all times and you will be doing what you came to do.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele 

May Your Path Be Paved With Light

May Your Path Be Paved With Light

The Angels

Channel: Ann Albers

Posted on December 31, 2023


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As your year draws to a close and humanity gives itself permission to release what no longer serves and to look forward with hope and dreams alive, we celebrate with you. We love that you take this time to look within, recalibrate your life, and clarify your desires. We love that you give yourself these markers in your eternal journey. Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life.

Resolve this year that you will give yourselves permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in this statement; we simply observe what you already see everywhere you look—the contrast in your world is becoming more and more evident as hearts awaken, and countless souls begin to bring their truth to the surface.

This is not a tragedy but rather an incredible, rapid evolution of humanity. You are part of an exciting time on your planet. Events in recent years have driven so many inward, diving deep to reconnect with hearts long buried, dreams forgotten, and desires that were once cast by the wayside. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings. The alignment between your thoughts and your soul is becoming more evident. When you feel good, your thoughts are those of love. When you feel bad, your thoughts diverge from those of the loving spirit within.

Be true to yourselves in the coming year.

You were not designed to please others unless it truly pleases you to do so.

You were not designed to serve others at the expense of your own joy and well-being. Very few in the history of humanity have incarnated with the explicit intention to be martyrs, but those who chose that path, did, did it with glad hearts.

You were not designed to fight or fix people or systems but rather to serve the values and empower the ideologies you believe in.

So, in this time of intensified contrast, give up the fight. Give up trying to make others conform. Give up trying to make yourself conform. Like the roses and lilies, the grasses, trees, and weeds, simply be yourself and trust that the love that lives within all things and all beings wants its expression in diversity.

Diversity of thought, dear ones, leads to creation! If you all had the exact same beliefs and ideas, if you wore the same clothes, listened to the same music, and had the same solutions for the same problems and challenges, quickly, you would become bored and desire the stimulation for growth. In nature, diversity stimulates evolution. In humanity, diversity does the same.

In the coming year, wonder at the differences, seek to understand them if you wish, but remain true to your loving self. There’s no need to get anyone else to agree with you. There’s no need for you to agree with anyone else. Listen rather than argue. Love rather than hate. Be kind to yourself rather than self-deprecating.

It is a year where remaining centered and rooted in love to the best of your ability will yield a bountiful harvest in your life. It is a year when being true to yourself will feel magnificent. It is a year when you will want to listen to your heart and act on its loving impulses so as to take advantage of the opportunities being offered.

Dear ones, we know your world has a lot of turmoil as the eternally ineffective attempts to bully and manipulate one another into compliance go on. Wars can conquer nations and kill bodies, but they don’t change minds or eliminate souls. Political “wars” can inspire chaos, anger, and fear, but even the most “powerful” on your earth will pass into the unseen and learn whether or not their “power” was rooted in love and whether or not history and future generations will see them as brilliantly as they thought they once were or will look upon them with greater clarity and wisdom.

Fear not, dear ones. God is God. Love is love. Love is accessible to you in every breath, in every moment, in every thought, and in every choice. Love is the foundation from which you were created and the destination to which you will return. The more you choose to align with love, the better you will feel and the more magical and brilliant your life will become.

As you celebrate your new year and look forward to the year ahead, replace hope with a resolve to seek and see what is good, beautiful, lasting, and true in life, for in so doing, you will feel the love that seeks to flow into your life at all times.

Love never ends, dear ones. It is there for the taking, an eternal river of life, guiding you, loving you, embracing you, and carrying you forward.

Look back on this year and celebrate your strength, your growth, your loving choices, the people whose lives you touched, and the people whose lives touched yours. Celebrate the challenges overcome and the tenacity of spirit you all exemplified. Celebrate your beautiful meals, beautiful art, and beautiful music. Celebrate the day you stepped in the grass and appreciate its cool softness on the soles of your feet.

Celebrate the strangers who were kind to you and the times you were kind to yourself when others weren’t. Look around your home and celebrate all the little reminders of love. Do you recall the feeling you had when you bought a cherished item or a picture you enjoy to this day? Touch a blanket, a pillow, or a crystal you love and marvel at the exquisite sensations of texture as your touch sends thousands of signals to your brain.

In every moment, in every day, in every situation, you can find something to love. See and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened, and in this case, we mean the door to the never-ending, constantly-expanding, all-giving stream of love that is yours for the taking.

Happy New Year, dear ones. Happy New Moment. Happy New Opportunity to claim the feelings of love that are yours.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

Ann Albers

©2016/2023 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved

Sermon on the Mount - 2

Sermon on the Mount Part 2

Message from Jesus 

(Jeshua, Issa, Yeshua, Sananda)

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight

Post on December 31, 2023

Once again I rise and standing on the high ground I fill my voice with love – exalted so that you may see my light and find yourselves in my words, for verily I say to you:

Blessed are you who turn to your being, for through this you will attain holiness as you return healed into the love of God.

Blessed are you who have recognized love as the highest principle, for in this way you enter into the hands of the Father.

Blessed are you who live appropriately through love and set a living example, for you will inherit the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who go to your fellow human beings in joy to remind them of their joy, for you will receive the lightness of a walking angel.

Blessed are you who display peace as a conspicuous sign of your being, for you will bring about peace.

Blessed are you who promote unity wherever it is violated and disregarded, for you will be in unity with God forever.

Blessed are you who seek the truth and nothing but that, for it will find you and enlighten you until you are completely filled with it.

Blessed are you who live in innocence, for the kingdom is yours.

Blessed are you who know neither fear nor sorrow, for you will never leave the path or go astray.

Blessed are you who know about the things of life, because this knowledge lights your way.

Blessed are you who trust, because your heart will be filled with the strength of being.

Blessed are you who do not despair, even when unfortunate storms come upon you, for your faith will set you free.

Blessed are you who always carry the name of God within you, for it will be fulfilled that you will recognize your name and you will be like HIM.

Blessed are you who shape life without intention, for your reward is great, in heaven and also on earth.

Blessed are you who nurture the confidence in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, for their healing will bring peace to the earth.

Blessed are you who respond with love where there is hate, for this is how the New Earth will take shape.

Blessed are you who fill your words with your eternal spirit, for in this way you are a herald of the words of God.

Blessed are you who base your actions on the knowledge of your being, because in this way you leave the wheel of cause and effect.

Blessed are you who remove all destructiveness and fear from your thoughts, for you will be a pure instrument of God.

Blessed are you who read this, who share in this knowledge, because you are the messengers of light who are now exalting the earth.

Blessed are you who now derive the necessary conclusions from these messages of light, for the kingdom of heaven is your inheritance.

And blessed are you who neither waver nor fall, for you will rise and become the gods that you were from the beginning.

So be it. Blessed are you, forever and ever.

Today is fulfilled what I came for, and for the last time I leave the high place from which I spoke to you, for verily I am the Son of Man and I am among you from now on, until the days are fulfilled and the human race is completely healed.

Again I am with you, among you and with you – I, the ONE Son from being and in the image of God. Today your longing finds fulfillment, because I am in the midst of you as the omnipresent Son of Man and Son of God, as the light and love of God, which you also are.

I have come back and will only return when the light of God has finally established itself on earth!

I am the one you know well. I am the one you are familiar with. I am the one you love, the one who is love, the one who is nothing but love, unconditional and omnipresent among men. I am Jesus Christ, the Consciousness Sananda. The ONE you know!

Indeed, it is so. All the time.

Jahn J Kassl

Sermon on the Mount - 1

Sermon on the Mount Part 1

Message from Jesus 

(Jeshua, Issa, Yeshua, Sananda)

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight

Post on December 31, 2023

Beloved human children,

which you bring forth all blessings and fulfilling realities – on earth and throughout the universe. Every heart is my home and your comprehensive consciousness knows the nature of all life.

Today I bring the truth, today I give the knowledge, today I renew my humanity. Today, as one of you, I work through you and you work through me. It is this symbiosis that you are now becoming aware of – and this unity is already experienced and lived by many.

Once again I give my messages full of love and trust – and this is what Jahn’s opened light channels serve me for.

Therefore, you too should trust, because many things that may seem “unbelievable” or even “unheard of” to you are true, and many things that have previously been so familiar to you and forced their way into your life as “fact” are not what they seem events surrounding my life on earth at that time.

Stop and open your heart so that you can differentiate, so that you can shed the darkness, add a completely new and fulfilling power to your life and finally shine out of this power – to have a fulfilling everyday life.

For the truth will set you free; the use of your comprehensive power is imminent and will thereby be achieved. Once again I direct my love towards humanity and, as I did then, I once again raise the word, God’s word, to reach you and ignite in your heart the love for all being.

Once again I raise my voice to lift you up so that everything that is intended for planet Earth from the original source of being is fulfilled.

Devotion to the perfection of Mother Earth and unconditional devotion to your tasks that brought you here are the master qualities now expected of every human being.

The master that you are only unleashes his power when you can completely surrender to your divinity – then you are master, life and light.

This process first involves the quality of trust, unconditional and absolute, day after day, come what may.

Trust in God!

In this state you still see yourself as separate from HIM, but the more you promote the energies that lift you into this TRUST, the closer you come to where the merger with HIM is given.

This trust in All That Is is the foundation that continually, sustainably and permanently contributes to your growth as a divine being.

Without trust in God it is not possible if you want to achieve unity with HIM – this extremely blessed state in which you are absorbed in HIM and HE in you.

Trust in God is a very crucial state of being in order to be able to spread your roots on earth, because it also gives you the self-confidence that is appropriate for you and allows you to fulfill your tasks with ease. Your contracts from eternity can only be revealed because you are tied to your life cord and to your life flow.

The path to unconditional surrender is paved if you trust. If you have often been confirmed in your trust, this attitude to life can spread within you until you are completely absorbed and fulfilled by it.

“Indeed, everything is taken care of, so do not worry. Take care of the kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you.”

This is the eternal and universal law – the nature of all life. Once you trust in God, everything is given to you – and truly, then you are blessed, because the kingdom of heaven is there.

I AM invocation

Beloved father,

beloved mother of all being!

I AM the trust

I AM unconditional devotion,

I AM the all-encompassing love from existence.

I trust in the way because: I AM the way! So be it!

This invocation strengthens your trust, trust in life as it unfolds before you. In order to lead a fulfilling life, you need this trust, the primal trust from your homeland – trust in God.

This I AM invocation forms the breeding ground in your heart and the unconditionality of being God’s unique expression and experiencing yourself as such every day is anchored in you.

This establishes a new “operating system” within you until you are completely connected to the universal power of God. This makes SURRENDER possible – and when it is achieved, the mysteries of a human life are revealed.

Those who trust and give themselves unconditionally to God are truly blessed and theirs is the kingdom of heaven – and the kingdom of heaven is in and with them. Yes, truly, such people are the kingdom of heaven!

Once you have found your way into this lifestyle, nothing and no one can harm you. You are blessed and exalted, enlightened and aware, in love and loved – a knowledge given by God’s hand, which guides you and guides you, gives you and holds you so that you never fall, who loves you and cares for your well-being. This unity is perfect and complete, sustaining everything and fulfilling everyone.

So arise, you beloved gods, you descendants of HIS omnipotence! Set off for new shores! Don’t be afraid and TRUST!

I addressed the words of the blessedness that you are to the people who had gathered at the Jordan to hear and see – to receive the word of God into their hearts. This bliss filled her completely and spread…

And I said:

“Blessed are the meek, for they will bring peace.” For only a meek, calm and loving heart, a heart in which peace has settled, can bring peace. Like what is on the inside, so is what is on the outside – everything you have inside you finds a reflection on the outside.

So become gentle and have the courage to live softness. Be there steadfastly, because the kingdom of peace on earth has dawned. Free yourself from all warlike conditions in and around you! Release this imperfection from your life!

Once and for all: Get rid of the fears that are not appropriate to your nature!

The light of God will free you until peace and gentleness flow from your healed hearts – peace on earth will then be given, the time of love has begun.

And I repeat: the light of God will set you free.

Calls the light!

And again I raised my voice. A deep fulfillment gripped the people who came to hear and absorb the Word of God…

“Blessed are those who long for the truth, for they are the sons and daughters of God.”

Yes, it is this longing for the truth, for the knowledge in us – that brings God’s work into human life – for the knowledge of the truth of all life, of the truth of a human life, of the truth that you are.

Everything will be given if you are ready for it. Even the truth will no longer give way if you are ready for this knowledge, if your heart is filled with this longing.

The truth about the connections of all life is accessible to every human heart that sets out to step out of darkness into light.

If you have completely surrendered to God, the truth will be revealed to you, all-comprehensive knowledge will be given – and you will be in the light forever.

“Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.” This is also the central point here, the essential aspect that is most important:


Free yourself from all delusions and ideas that block access to your heart! Expose your heart!

Verily, all human hearts are pure at their core. But how will you get to that core if you are full of false assumptions about life, beloved ones?

End your ‘trip’ in the dark! Get rid of the old, damaging images that you have of life and yourself! That’s the point, and that’s what I always mean when I talk about purity of heart.

And I repeat: Call the light!

Beloved, go and free yourselves, go and trust in God’s all-causing and granting glory, go and act with the intention of bringing lasting peace, because: The earth belongs to the meek – the new earth of peace!

Go there!

I, Jesus Christ, am sending you out. Bring the light and be the light!

“And blessed are those who have seen themselves in the face of God.” HIS blessing filled the hearts of the people who had listened to the Word of God on the shore of the lake.

But I went down and went among the people who had come to see HIS Son and to surrender to HIS love…

I am with you, you sons and daughters of the ONE God.

I, the unconditional love from existence,

Jahn J Kassl