Monday, May 15, 2023


From Your Hostess of Light


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Posted on May 15, 2023


From your Hostess of Light 

We as a collective group of light-masters with planetary forgetfulness are at an spirited ‘point of reinterpretation’ of what we hold and know to be truth, what was given to earth as truth and the deepest truth that once lived in our DNA.  We as humans just do not know what to think about anything anymore.  The airwaves are full of static, satellite phones buzz, and your Spidey senses are ‘on mute’ and nature is not saying a word. The earthiness of this month smells of moss and fallen trees, all elements are quiet.   There are so many profound truths interlaced with more bull than the month of Taurus can shovel. Walk thru the forest of self with a light footstep and reverence, listen to the sound you cannot hear, but can taste.


Every day we are in awe of what transpires right in front of our eyes just like magic!  Within our personal light field is fluctuation after fluctuation; we all try hard to fine tune the channel using very human rabbit-ears and aluminum. We do not know who we are or who we are becoming as we quantum leap thru the outer limits passing the twilight zone. We have been so sure footed most of our time on Earth now we are slipping down a slippery slope that leads to a quagmire of invisible selections. Are we brave enough to go Where Angels Fear to Tread? Everything in all universes touches us on a subatomic level because ultimately we are all one Light. We as humans are both transmitters and receivers always trying to balance the incoming with the outgoing which is a full time job.


All of our sensory choices regular and Supernatural have amplified more than 500% since the 1960s. As we question the universe and the universe questions us we see further into time and circumstance than we thought possible. Every beautiful hair on your human head and body is both a receiver and a transmitter of the infinite, of the future, and of past possibility. Every blood cell is a solitary universe within a star nursery that seeks to be birthed.


Imagine every thought process as a quantum theatre filled to the balconies with both answers and questions; the seen and unseen. The human body is a living lie detector it knows a ‘deceiver feather’ when one fly’s by. Like a cosmic barcode the body, mind, living conscious-computer, searches its I-Ching lines looking for the most high truth at this point in time. For it has learned that truth comes in black white and ‘The Many Shades of Gray’. Sorting through a dirty garbage bin via karma and Akasha is exhausting and disappointing on so many levels. So many aspects of our Universal-self floats to the surface of our cell-memories as we all sail the ‘See's of past quantum-entangled within Future Events. Everything escorts us into more choices more paths more places within our soul and self we have not traveled.


Our human body and sensories are on constant alert like a soldier on a midnight-watch. The ancient instinct within us and our humaneness raises its head, sensing a change to come; putting back its ears trying not to listen to what the earth is Whispering so loudly. Change comes, it always has!


All of life seems to be broadcasting misrepresentations whether it is your parents lying to you, a best friend, child or husband, you are very aware of the deceiver feather code that chimes like an incoming text message; you're humanness always knows the truth as it stands bold-face beside a lie. Within all the truths and lies and dirty clothes lives a ‘stained heart as opposed to a sustained heart’ the dirty the good, the bad and the ugly always leaves a stain on the human soul even when it's closeted out of sight and out of mind.


Iceberg Consciousness


As we wander purposefully through the Earth Experience we come to a conjunction of self and soul that asks us to look Beyond what we can perceive and see over the next mountain and walk into the invisible with all six earth senses ready to use. We of Earth are so much like a uncontrolled floating iceberg, just a tiny little piece of us shows above the endless tide of daily events, the rest of us is hidden in deep solid awareness below the emotional ley-line


 As the inner rudimentary fires of Earth shift into a place of transmutation the warmth of their essence will continue to Aspire as it reveals more that has been hidden, within time, within self,  within family history,  and within earth herself. Just like an iceberg we are so solid, so firm in our beliefs but what lies below the structure of our frozen frontal beliefs is yet to be seen. This summer ‘What is Frozen in Time’ begins to thaw at a measured pace that shows it's true colors, its truths and our true reason for being.


None of us want to melt under the spot-light in these times of unsolidified change but consider it a gift from the universe,  like an ice-artist sculptor that comes to bring forth the beauty of what is frozen and hidden in time, what lies just below the surface, Unveiling the icy qualities of what is very human of creation. A beautiful form is awakened gracing the frozen ‘ice and the eyes’ of humanity with what lies beneath. Think about the very vibration of ice water that has frozen in time. The stasis of its frozen geometry can reveal  so much as old emotions come to play freeze tag,   Think about the vibration of the Ice Queen in the children story how she tried so hard not to show any warmth or tenderness or defrosting, for that matter. Most humans absolutely have some Ice Queen DNA, as we all try so hard to block and freeze what hurts; We have an internal freezer full if ice-burned emotional left-overs.  We hide within self, within words, within our non-actions.


As we move forward thru the solstice the heat that so many dread, may come forth from the deserts of time blanketing all of us on a warm Summer's Eve. Time and earth slowly bring to the surface that which has been cloaked and invisible. Like a Desert Mirage that kicks up its Las Vegas Heels, what we once thought was impossible has actually come into fruition.  We may not be able to touch the outcomes as of now but those molecular’ summer days of solidification’ and liquidation are ours for the taking.


The salty tears of the past are exactly the same as the salty sacred waters of the womb. The waters of creation and the Seas of Time come together and flow as a Mother Milk River calling to her young. What was Frozen in Time melts all its waterproof emotional layers,  coming to rest within the wishing well of the Soul.  A big ‘reveal’ comes shining like a disco ball mirroring all facets of who we think we are and who we are destined to become. A starry vision quest of sort comes to Earth asking you to see through matter, through time, through inner and outer circumstances, seeing the past thru the future.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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