Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Creator Writings from 2023/04/23 to 29

The Creator Writings

from 2023/04/23 to 29

Trough Jennifer Farley

April 29, 2023

Magical Moments

A gentle reminder; your world is changing at a very rapid pace and sometimes, it may be challenging for you to keep up. 

Even though the changes are necessary for you to move forward, The Universe has an amazing plan, and you are an integral part of it! 

Please do not become overwhelmed by this, my beautiful child. 

Just remember to breathe, find your center as often as you can and know you are well taken care of. 

Wonderful surprises and magical moments are coming your way!

April 28, 2023

A Closer Look

As the shift continues, many things will come to the surface that you thought you already handled.  

Sadness, rage, resentments, feeling like a victim, fear or apathy…it will be in your face, demanding your attention.  

The Universe wants you to know; this is not to open old wounds or to take you back to the place you were when you first experienced these feelings.  

It gives you an opportunity to take a closer look, to see what else needs to be taken care of and released.  

The fun all begins with a choice; to let go or hold on.  

The free will you were gifted with will be of utmost importance in the months ahead.  

These wonderful, life-altering moments are one of the reasons you chose to be here…now!  

As you work through them, please remember you are protected and loved beyond measure.

April 27, 2023

Practice Patience

This shift is going to bring many extremes.  

You may have already begun to notice them.  

Those you thought were more middle ground will swing far beyond what you thought.  

You may even be participating in it.  

Do not be dismayed!  

Oftentimes, these deep, personal shifts are the soul deciding where to settle for the most effective inner change.  

And, in finding that inner balance, you will be able to affect change in your world.  

This is your chance to practice the patience you have been speaking about to others.  

Breathe deep and know that all is well.

April 26, 2023

Your Unchanging Source

The question The Universe is hearing repeatedly is, 
“How do I navigate these changes?!  
They are so massive!”  

From the beginning, when anyone wanted to travel through uncharted territory, they looked to the stars.  

The unwavering light of Polaris carried them to new destinations.  

It may have been challenging and scary, but it could be and was done!

My darling one, whenever you feel you have lost your way, look for the One Light, your unchanging source of Unconditional Love.  

It will always guide you in the right direction.

April 25, 2023

The Right Direction

Has your rollercoaster ride begun? With change, any change, there will be ups and downs and may seem to occur with no rhythm or reason. 

This is the time to be patient with yourself, dear one. Some of the coming shifts may be challenging to navigate so, if you feel you need help, then ask for it. 

Whether it be a person, place or thing, The Universe will always guide you in the right direction.

April 24, 2023


Take it slowly, my love. 

If you need the time to think and look things over, do it. 

If you require reflection on your emotions and place in your world, take it. 

Sometimes, rushing may away from the very things you could be learning to embrace. 

Allowing the mind and body time to absorb what it needs is the best thing you can do.

April 23, 2023

Have Faith…

During the next few weeks and months, there will be outside sources (some very close to you) attempting to tell you how you should feel, act, behave and respond to the changes coming in now.  
Some will attempt to minimize your feelings or tell you ‘it’s no big deal”.  
Some will say your physical appearance is not what it should be, the decisions you make are wrong or that you need things you have no use for.  
This commentary is an effort to make you question and second-guess yourself and your life.

Remember, darling one, you know what is best for you!  
If you become overwhelmed with the constant input of negativity directed at you, take some time and listen to your heart.  
Find that quiet voice within and hear what it has to say!  
The Universe has a very distinct signature…you will know it when you hear/feel it.  
There, in that voice, you will find your direction and the path you need to be on in this moment.  
It is possible, and it can be done.
Have faith in The Universe, it has faith in you.


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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(Big Fat Lie)

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