Friday, March 3, 2023

Sitting in Silence and Bliss, There’s Nothing to……

Sitting in Silence and Bliss, There’s Nothing to……

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 2, 2023

I’d like to illustrate some things about the process of realization.

It doesn’t matter if what we realize is a small or a large thing. The operation is the same.

I just realized something about silence.

I was meditating in Kathleen’s Tuesday night meditation group and I was restless. I was in the middle of editing a large book and I was carrying a lot of energy for that task. I was having trouble settling down.

I say “energy” because, unknown to me then, I wasn’t carrying a lot of thoughts. But I get ahead of myself.

As our way of thanking you, please download a revised and expanded copy of Towards a Cross-Cultural Spirituality here:

After the meditation was over and we were sharing, I said that I’d struggled with myself in my meditation to silence my mind. But I wasn’t getting anywhere and wouldn’t get anywhere because….

And then I suddenly realized: I am silent.  It isn’t a place to get to.  (I just got Michael’s signal of agreement.) As I looked at my field of awareness in the moment, all was silent. Already silent; not like a lack that I needed to fill.

There was a “me” that thought itself not silent – and I made up stories about it – and there was a me that stood and walked and talked in absolute silence. I hadn’t noticed this second me.

It’s still here a day later. I am silent. The silence was always here. I just didn’t notice it.

I could still be active and grab a thought or generate one. But barring me taking purposeful action like that, the default of my mind is silence.

Now I want to pan out and look at the wider picture. I had a flash of recognition. I recognized that my mind was already silent. No thoughts were arising.

What would you say if I took this example and applied it to our situation right now?

What if I told you that, as far as I’m aware, the setting is already Fifth-to-Seventh Dimensional. We just don’t realize it.

Same principle, is it not?

I was always silent. I just didn’t recognize it. That I am silent was not part of my belief system. Likewise, we may already be existing in higher dimensions and we just haven’t realized it.

The realization progresses each time I remember it. It’s unfolding even now.

I’m saying to myself: I AM silent. I always was silent. What was I thinking of?
Now I start to enjoy the silence. I feel safe. I feel joyful. My face is naturally smiling.

I hear the delightful sound of Aum, which so many mistake for tinnitus, and, in what I now see as silence, I become entranced with the sound and want to listen to it.

Just as higher-dimensional love feels like a destination, like we’re home, like there’s no place else to go, so this silence also feels like a destination.

But love is the feast itself whereas this silence is the space in which the feast shows up. It itself is neutral. It’s what it allows and calls forth that inspires, uplifts, and empowers.

For another person, the enabling space may not be silence; it may be stillness or love itself. I imagine it depends on the individual.

In silence I am present. There’s no more pretense.

Breathing up love from my heart in stillness greatly magnifies what I’m able to draw up and experience.

Here I go, drawn aloft again as love becomes bliss . I’m losing my train of thought. And I’m losing my desire to communicate, to break the silence….

Sitting in silence and bliss, there’s nothing more I want, nothing to do, nothing to……

As our way of thanking you, please download a revised and expanded copy of Towards a Cross-Cultural Spirituality here:



Steve Beckow

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