In a sign the French are becoming aware, a nationally broadcast TV show started talking about things like the elite using adrenochrome. The author Gérard Fauré has written about massive consumption of drugs (mainly cocaine), sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, child trafficking, murders, and assassinations by the elite. On TV Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example. When Fauré mentioned the name of France’s President Emmanuel Macron, the TV interview was cut short.

However, now French Protesters are chanting “We beheaded King Lousi XVI, we can do it with Macron.” There is no doubt another French revolution us underway.

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In Holland the farmers’ protest party has stunned Dutch politics by winning seats in Provincial elections and becoming the largest party in the upper house of Parliament.

This is a huge defeat for Mark Rutte and his World Economic Forum puppet masters. 

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Similar things can be seen with other WEF puppet leaders. In Canada the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot make a public appearance without attracting an angry mob. (This is a very good video).

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In Israel, Mossad workers and elite officers and soldiers who volunteer in Military Intelligence’s Special Operations Division and cyber warfare units are fighting against the attempt by Benyamin Netanyahu to turn that country into a Satanic theocracy.

Dan Halutz, the former IDF chief of staff, is among many calling for a “war of liberation for the State of Israel.” Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted: “The government’s incitement against the protests caused this. Violent thugs behaved wildly around the country.” The Jewish people are about to be liberated from millennia of Babylonian slavery.

In the US, meanwhile, the fake Joe Biden cannot appear in public either without shouts of “Let’s go Brandon.”

The legendary investor Carl Icahn reflected the views of many pundits when he said in a recent TV interview “our system is breaking down, I think the whole –the whole economy…is breaking down…The net worth of the median household is basically nothing.”

In the latest sign of societal collapse, a CNN reporter fell victim to a ‘smash-and-grab‘ robbery while reporting on San Francisco’s “rampant street crime.”

The video below on Bill Gates -with over a million views- shows where American public opinion is headed.

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The situation is such that the highly respected Colonel Doug McGregor says he would be surprised if Biden is still in the White House in 90 days.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador the Washington DC reflects a Christian revolt against the Western ruling class with his latest comments:

The present crisis shows us the collapse of a corrupt West… The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.

The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist.

The white hats in the military and the agencies really are taking action now.

The FBI, The Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and US Marshals Service are working to bring indictments against Ralph Baric, Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak who collaborated to bring the “Covid19” global pandemic, genocide and bioweapon against all of humanity. Over 14 million dead from the bioweapon vaccines. weaponized a common cold coronavirus that’s been around for thousands of years. They spliced it with an HIV gene making it very highly virulent, highly toxic and highly damaging.

The fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus, and mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated and highest among the vaccinated in every age group.

The reason China suddenly ended its “zero Covid” policy is because they found out PCR testing was a fraud and a giant bribery scheme aimed at destabilizing the government. What is true of China is true of the rest of the world.

The cornered KM rats are fighting desperately to avoid jail or worse by spitting out threats and trying to assassinate in all directions.

For example, the head of MI6 reports “The room where I normally read was blown up, the whole place in bits. I had to take all of the collapsed ceiling away. It was bomb site. MI6 will respond accordingly with full thermonuclear. All corners of the country will be involved.”

Now we have the Pentagon threatening terrorist attacks against Europe and Asia as this report shows:

Army Gen. Michael Kurilla, who leads U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Islamic State’s Khorasan Province, commonly referred to as ISIS-K, is rapidly developing the ability to conduct “external operations” in Europe and Asia.

Since everybody who is even slightly aware knows ISIS is a KM creation, it is clear General Kurilla needs to be arrested.

In addition to threatening terror attacks the KM and their fake law enforcement agencies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) are filing war crimes charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin, threatening to arrest US President Donald Trump etc.

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Now the KM are also coming out of the closet about Ukraine too. Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO now says “the war started in 2014.”

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“All of them prefer to ignore the brutal violence against innocent civilian population and unarmed and wounded prisoners of war, the use of prohibited warfare methods,” says Gennady Gatilov Russia’s representative to the UN Geneva office.

The Russians are taking their own actions. For example, Moscow has set a $15 million bounty for Italian Defense Minister’s head. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as Russian special forces intensify their hunt of KM Nazi war criminals around the world.

Speaking about hunted war criminals, last week the Trilateral Commission, set up by David Rockefeller and now headed by his son Jr. had a meeting in New Delhi India where they tried, and failed to get Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support for their sinking “rules-based world order.”

One of the featured speakers at this meeting was Meghan O’Sullivan, the North American chair of the Trilateral Commission. She has failed to respond to public accusations she was involved in the murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. If she is still in India we would like to request that Indian authorities arrest her.

We would also like Laurence Spelman Rockefeller to prove he is now with the white hats and go public with what he knows about the Project Blue Beam fake alien invasion plan.

With that, here are the latest UFO appearances from around the world.

1. Very fast-moving UFO Orb

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2. A project Blue Beam reverse-engineered craft

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3. A UAP over Michigan, USA 

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4. A UFO hovering over water 

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5. 3 flashing Orbs over Los Angeles, Ca 2023

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6. UFO over Salvador. 

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7. Ancient UFO petroglyphs