Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Creator Writings From 2023/02/26 to 03/04

The Creator Writings

From 2023/02/26 to 03/04

Trough Jennifer Farley

March 4, 2023

The Best

To grow you will need to release the old. 

The hurts, rejections, resentments, negatives, and any unrequited experiences from the past will keep you exactly where you are now. 

It may be challenging letting go of the things that have provided you with safety for so long, but it can be done. 

My love, release what no longer serves you! You are worthy and deserving of receiving the best of your Earth plane existence.

March 3, 2023

Feelings Are A Guide

In the course of your life, you will be given many opportunities to understand yourself as well as the humans around you and grow. 

Some of them may be so overwhelming you will not know what to do with the excess emotion. 

Whether it be joy, sadness, pain, anger or love, each serves a purpose and will guide you to a better understanding of yourself. 

Even though the experience may fade, the memory of those feelings are a guide and a reminder of your humanness and the gift of your existence. 

March 2, 2023

Embrace and Love

During this wonderful time of change, it is important to remember what you need. 

Settling for anything less than what you truly need, want and deserve is diminishing. Step up, embrace who you will become and love yourself. 

After all, it has to start somewhere, why not with you?  

March 1, 2023

Merit and Meaning

Your choices are your choices. 

Out of all the outcomes from an infinite number of those choices, each will resonate through your world with its own vibration. 

Yes, you could have taken a different path that led you to a different outcome. 

Yes, things could have been better (or worse) depending on the choice. 

But please remember; each choice (and subsequent outcome) has its own merit and meaning. You would not be where you are now without them. 

February 28, 2023

Created In Love

All was created to know itself in love!  Love is not to be meted out when the moment serves or when you have something to gain from it.  

It is an all-encompassing creation of The Universe that reverberates through every cell of every being on your Earth-plane.  

You may need to look more closely to see it, but it is always there…always present…always willing to give when others have given up. 

February 27, 2023

Time To Rest

It is time again to make yourself aware of some very strong energetic changes on the horizon…being aware is being prepared. 

Some of you may feel as if a madness has descended upon you, you may feel as if you are slogging through mud or that you want to move forward and you are being held back. 

Rest assured that the forward movement will start again, but only after you resign yourself to a short rest period. 

It is necessary, my child, to bolster your resources, check everything off your list and take gentle, loving care of your body. 

When things begin moving again (at a breakneck speed), you will be thankful for the down time you are having now. For now…just rest. 

February 26, 2023

If You So Choose

Have you ever wondered why you are doing what you are doing now and why you are the person you are in this moment? 

Before you arrived, you were given a choice as to what you would experience, what things you would learn and shown the infinite choices and outcomes of each decision you would ever make. 

You knew you had to opportunity to change anything in the blink of an eye simply because you wanted to. 

Now is the time to remember this.

So, if you ever find yourself questioning when your soul mate will arrive, what your life purpose is or when your current hardship will end, know that a basic outline is already in place and any situation will change if you so choose. 

You are an amazing manifester…you do have that ability!


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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