Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Creator Writings from 2023/01/29 to 02/04

The Creator Writings

From 2023/01/29 to 02/04

Trough Jennifer Farley

FEBRUARY 4, 2023

A Whole New Level

Can you feel it? Like an older vehicle revving its engine, with low bass reverberating through the air, the energy is ramping up to a whole new level. This may be overwhelming and exciting at the same time so; it is important to keep your wits about you. Allow The Universe to show you how this new shift will best fit with your current paradigm. There is no need to rush, dear one, take your time…everything has been arranged to be in your highest and best for the highest and best.

FEBRUARY 3, 2023

Respecting Others

Every single person you come in contact with on a daily basis deserves respect. 

It is not up to you to judge where they came from, what they have done in the past, who they are, what they are wearing/thinking or where they are going. 

They are human and, therefore, should be treated equally. 

If, for some reason they choose to show you otherwise, then the perception can be altered as your free will dictates. 

The Universe does no less for you!

FEBRUARY 2, 2023

Reaching Across The Veil

There is an amazing thing going on in this moment; the ancestors of your Earth plane have moved closer to support and love you through the changes you are going through now. 

Each one of those that loved you unconditionally while they were with you are reaching across the veil to offer their assistance in your growth and learning. 

The wisdom and knowledge of the ages is available and at your fingertips. 

Ask and it is yours!

FEBRUARY 1, 2023

Respect In Communication

Think about this today…

You have your beliefs, others have theirs. 

You can debate all day long, there still may be no resolution to conflicting ideals and that is perfectly okay. (Smiling) 

What feels true and just to the heart will always differ from person to person. 

It is important to remember to keep respect in the equation. 

You may not agree on a particular point but listening and understanding is key. 

This is respect! 

Allowing yourself to maintain your beliefs, whatever they may be, and letting others have theirs is fundamental in communication. 

If you are not hearing, you are not communicating.

JANUARY 31, 2023

Standing Up

Each human will have moments of ‘I’m not good enough’ and the negative thoughts seem like an endless loop in your head.  

It may not be easy, but you can re-direct them to the positive.

The Universe is gently reminding you that you do not need to be perfect.  

You will have your moments of not-so-good but there are also plenty of “Wow, this is great” moments as well.  

It all depends on where you choose to focus.  

Whenever you feel yourself slipping into the negative stand up, brush yourself off, take a deep breath and begin moving forward again.  

The Universe is there to support you every step of the way.

JANUARY 30, 2023

Your Changes Are Seen

My darling one; there will be times where you feel stuck and that is ok. 

There will be times where you feel that you have not done enough to enhance your growth and that is ok. 

There will be times where you feel like you have not made any progress at all and that is ok! 

In those moments of self-doubt, please remember that The Universe has seen and makes note of your expansion even though you feel as if nothing has changed. 

Instead of berating yourself for what has not happened, take comfort in the fact that even though it may feel as if nothing is moving, it most certainly is!

JANUARY 29, 2023

Your Boundaries

What do you do if someone has hurt your feelings or violated a boundary you have set for yourself? 

The most important thing to remember is that your energy has played a part in the situation. 

This is not saying that you are wrong….it is saying that you have a choice on how to react to it. 

Was it an honest mistake? 

Then take a deep breath and forgive the situation. However, if you choose to set a boundary, allow others violate it, then loudly proclaim your hurts only to do it again keeps you in the same space you were in the beginning. Remember, growth begins with you…just do it. 


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Reminder discernment is recommended.
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TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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