Who am I saying thank you to? And what for?
By P'taah
Through Jani King
Posted on Mach 4, 2025
Q: As we are all part of the All That Is, and should never give away our power to anyone or anything, who or what are we being urged to say thank you to? And for what precisely?
P’taah: Well there is always something to say thank you for. And as we have said, when you are in your thank-yous and your gratitudes you are being in your Now. The thank-yous and gratitudes bring you to a place of non-separation, a place where the Universe may support you, opening the doorways of non-separation that you often keep closed – in your beliefs, and, we would say, in the parameters of your field of experiences. Very often you are held by those beliefs and by those experiences, and forget your power, forget that it is about non-separation, forget that love is the connecting rod, if you like, the connecting tool.
And so who you are saying thank you to, indeed, is to Source-ness, to the Goddess herself, to your own light-being-ness, your own power place. It is to remind you that you are not separate, and again it brings you in to the Now moment which is your power place of choice.
When you really come to feel that you exist in a field of energy, and that all things are connected, you understand that you, by the tenor of your energetic field, draw to you that which matches.
When you are in a place of peace, when you are in a place of excitement, when you are in playfulness, when you are Now, you are in your place of greatest creative power. The thank-yous bring you to this place, and allow this great creativity to be unhindered.
So it is so important, you know, that you really allow yourself the time to say your thank-yous. It is your connecting rod to the Universe, to your light-being-ness.
It is you who is powerful! Each of you, so extraordinarily powerful! And our desire for each of you is that you will recognise this power, and use this power to manifest that which is truly wonderful for yourselves, and for everybody and everything around you.
You know, when you are giving the thank-yous you are Now, and you are saying thank-yous for the Now of whatever it is you are co-creating.
And for you indeed one of the greatest gifts is that, no matter how you may feel irritated, and how you may feel impatient at times, what it is giving you is the extraordinary knowledge not only about your own power of creativity, but also the power of love.
G'day dear P'taah and Jani friends
We have many gorgeous water birds up here in the wet tropics of northern Australia, and I love how their feet drape over whatever they're standing on! These two are cattle egrets, for most of the year they're mostly white, however in their mating season (our wet season) they colour up, as we do 😊
Jani is really enjoying the many birds and the beautiful plant displays in her garden right now, and she continues to offer Personal Sessions with P'taah via audio call. We're living in uncertain times right now and a chat with P'taah can be the perfect way to re-align ourselves with what we know is truth, and feel immersed in gratitude for our being-ness. If you would like further information about a Personal Session with P'taah, or if you'd like to make a booking, please send an email to ptaah@ptaah.com.au
I have been listening to and transcribing Conversations with P'taah for many years now and I am continually amazed at how each new Conversation seems to gift me with fresh understandings, even though, at the bottom line, P'taah's message has always been the same. This month's Conversation with P'taah is no exception and I am so very grateful to myself for choosing to do this work, enabling the most wondrous epiphanies for myself! Thank me, thank me, thank me!
You can see the topics discussed in the February here:
We hope you are enjoying your own epiphanies in these times of change.

- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists (fake Jews).
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