Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

By Benjamin Fulford

March 24, 2025, UPDATED

Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –ie the start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.

As background, the former head of MI6 asked a direct descendant of the last Emperor of China for an introduction to the Dragon family back in the early 2000s. He was told that if you want to talk to China, the DF is as high as it gets. The DF is composed of all the Chinese and Asian royal families including the Tang (Li) the Soong, the Ming (Zhou), the Ching (Yi), etc. It is above the Chinese Communist Party and the government of Taiwan.

The original introduction was followed by an agreement between the Western White Dragon and the Asian Golden Dragon to finance a new age of abundance starting in 2012. Unfortunately for us all, the Khazarian mafia managed to delay things by 13 years.

The start of the delay came with what is known as the Chiasso incident. In June of 2009 two Japanese nationals with diplomatic passports: Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mituyoshi Watanabe, were stopped by Italian police at the Swiss border and had $134 billion worth of Dragon family Kennedy bonds confiscated.

What happened then is that Neil Keenan, the head of CIA for Europe, handed the bonds to P2 freemason banker Daniel d’al Bosco. D’al Bosco took them to the Chinese Communist Party, the US Senate Finance Committee and elsewhere until Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN offered d’al Bosco $100 million to “go away.”

Neil Keenan subsequently tried to both cash the bonds and access Dragon family gold bunkers until he was killed in 2016 and replaced with a body double working for the Rothschild family.

The reason we are bringing this up now is because the people who assumed his identity now claim Keenan has died. What this means is the Rothschilds have formally given up on trying to use the fake Keenan as a way to access Dragon family treasures.

At the same time, Akihiko Yamaguchi has re-emerged with a Dragon family offer to Trump. The documents below are all related to this.

Another person who vanished around the time of the Chiasso, a former Federal Reserve Board troubleshooter, has also contacted the White Dragon society on behalf of both the FRB and the Dragon family.

Here is part of what he had to say:

Ben, I have been captured and locked down since the time I saw you in 2012.

My mandate is very powerful and many secret societies were trying to hijack the mandate and steal assets. Just finally broke free about eight weeks ago.

Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Denis Hassert; all from Chicago were involved in my lockdown and attacks.

In other words, as soon as Trump became president, this former Fed official was released and given a mandate to cash Dragon family bonds.

This is very interesting because a recent White Dragon Society effort to monetize $50 trillion worth of Bonds backed by Santa Romana gold was blocked by Emmanuel and Obama.

Now that they are out of the way, it looks like nothing is preventing the Asians from providing countless trillions of dollars to Trump.

Trump needs to take this offer because right now the US government is running on fumes. Take a look at this chart to understand.

In 2024 countries with big real-world economies and big trade surpluses like Brazil, China and Japan were dumping huge amounts of US Treasuries. The biggest buyers of US Treasuries were either countries with trade deficits like France and the UK or places like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg that have almost no real economic activity. Recently the seventh biggest buyer of T bonds was a crypto-currency by the name of Tether. In other words, the US is cooking its books in order to appear solvent. The gig is almost up.

Trump is not going to be able to solve the problems with tariffs and the like. For example, the USTR’s aim to counter China’s growing dominance in maritime sectors by imposing port entrance fees of up to $1.5 million on Chinese-built ships and operators, while promoting U.S. vessel usage is doomed to fail.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing over 80% of the global merchant fleet, warns that the proposed fees could severely disrupt U.S. trade and increase consumer prices. Current data shows China builds 61% of the world’s new merchant vessels, with the proposed fees potentially affecting 98% of container ships calling at U.S. ports.

“Due to decades of neglect, the US maritime industry has seen a steady decline… we necessarily must rely on vessels registered in other nations,” CSA states in its submission.

The situation is hopeless without DF help because the Khazarian mafia has destroyed Western industrial infrastructure and it will take years if not decades to rebuild it. Instead of building the real-world economy, the KM has been keeping the Western financial system afloat since 2012 by doing things like using gold-plated tungsten bars leveraged a thousand times over. That is all about to to collapse in a catastrophic manner. As a Zerohedge commentator notes, even if ALL the gold they claim we have in Fort Knox was really in there, “it would only cover 1/2 of JUST the interest on our debt, for ONE year!”

The trigger for collapse is likely to be the April 15th tax filing deadline. The IRS expects a $500 billion drop in revenue as an increasing number of taxpayers decide to boycott the illegal IRS.

That would be enough to push the US government over the edge of complete insolvency.

The private sector is also in trouble. Jared Dillian warns the private equity market, now ballooning at $8 trillion, is teetering on the edge of collapse. In his latest analysis, he uncovers hidden risks like over-leveraged firms, shaky debt, and a cash crunch threatening pensions, drawing eerie parallels to the 2008 financial crisis.

The 2008 financial crisis was papered over when the Asians were fooled into supporting Barack Obama by letting him leverage 700 tons of gold more than a thousand times over to create $23 trillion of funny money.

This, together with extorting money from Japan and forcing the world to pay for COVID tests and vaccines, bought the KM enough time to keep their US Corporation running until now.

This time we need to bankrupt it and replace it with something new financed with Dragon family money. There are signs this is happening. For example, the United States has been invited to join the 56-member Commonwealth of Nations, something Trump wrote “Sounds good to me!” on his Truth Social page.

This means recognizing that since 1867, Canada has never been truly independent. As the man in this video notes, according to the 1777 Articles of Confederation Canada IS America.

It remains under the control of the British Crown, operating as a corporate entity registered under the authority of the monarchy.

The Governor General, appointed by the Crown, has the power to dismiss Parliament and override any Canadian law.

Canada’s legal system is subservient to British Common Law, meaning the ultimate authority over Canadian sovereignty still rests with the monarchy.

Just like the United States, Canada also badly needs a new form of government that actually works for the people.

A secret report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) concludes Canadians are running out of money, running out of hope, and—once they realize the depth of their economic despair — could revolt.

People under the age of 35 in Canada have no hope of being able to buy a home. This is because home prices are deliberately made so high that it requires a lifetime of wage slavery to pay for a house.

Why should a house in Canada, with plenty of land and raw materials, cost a million dollars? What is a houseIt is some concrete, two by fours, plywood, a few pipes, some wires and a bit of paint. This should only cost about $7000, which was about the price of a house in Los Angeles in the 1950’s.

As soon as a jubilee is staged, debt slavery is ended and the government once again takes control of money in cooperation with the Asians, everyone can once again own their own house.

Also, as a Canadian and a member of the Five Eyes, I want to make it very clear the Monarchy needs to be a symbol of unity, not a centralized despotic ruling power. That is why we need to return to the original crown and get away from Papal control.

The Pope, in any case, is now a fake controlled by shadowy P2 freemasons and the Roman church is no longer Christian. It has become a Satanic entity.

To illustrate, let us look at what their man Barack “thunder of Satan” Obama regime did with the $23 trillion they fooled the Asians into handing over.

Here is how he used some of that money:

Barack Obama was using money to USAID to pretend to send “aid” overseas. In actuality, Obama was laundering the taxpayer dollars and using it to train “rent-a-mobs” instead!

USAID pumped $1.2 billion in, and we sponsored these activist groups and these civil society organizations to learn how to use Facebook, learn how to use Twitter, lose, learn how to use hashtags, learn how to coordinate street protests so that everyone knows where to go, what street to show up on, what kind of slogans to know, to use in order to create the pro-democracy predicate for it.”

You’re using Cayman Islands bank accounts. You’re saying it’s, you’re earmarking it for Pakistani aid.” But the money was never sent to Pakistan, it was sent to the Cayman Islands to fund this whole operation.

They are still at it with the Cayman Islands funny money. Data analyst Tony Seruga exposes just how staged the latest Democratic Party rally was: there were 20,189 devices…84% of the devices present had attended 9 or more Kamala Harris rallies, Antifa/blm, pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian protests, 31% had attended over 20.

Here is another way this BS money is being spent on BS: watch an MSNBC announcer say the reason it’s so cold is because of “global warming.”

Former African Union Ambassador to the United States, Arikana Chihombori-Quao says similar abuses with Cayman Island funny USAID money took place all over Africa:

They’re using that open access, sounding humanitarian, to constantly destabilize governments.

We need to understand the real reason why USAID is in Africa, and not just USAIDbut other NGOs They are coming in claiming that they’re introducing grassroots initiatives that are going to help the people, and so they use that as a way to go into the most remote parts of Africa. When you look at it on paper, it all looks really good, but they’re actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The American taxpayer needs to know the billions of dollars that are being given to USAID. A fraction is making it to the people.

They’re using that open-access, sounding humanitarian to constantly destabilize governments. I can tell you right now, the majority of African leaders, and not just African leaders, but leaders in the developing world are celebrating the exit of USAID.

If you think about it, their sole purpose for example, filling in the gaps in healthcare and education, where is the change?

Show me one country that USAID was in and education improved. Show me what country where USAID was in and healthcare improved?”

They laundered our money.

The Indian government has figured this out and just raided eight Soros-backed offices linked to the Open Society Foundations (OSF), an organization backed by US billionaire George Soros. This is part of the Indian government’s commitment to curbing foreign interference in domestic affairs.

The US government should copy India. Trump has started. He just disbanded the dumbification ministry noting:

Taxpayers spent around $200 billion at the Federal level on schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, on top of the more than $60 billion they spend annually on Federal school funding. This year’s National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that 70 percent of 8th graders were below proficient in reading, and 72 percent were below proficient in math. The Federal education bureaucracy is not working.

This is not incompetence, this is deliberate dumbing down of the population and it was carried out by the KM.

The newly released JFK files make it clear foreign interference from Israel has destroyed America.

Here is some of what has been released:

President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

RFK was assassinated on June 5, 1968.

AIPAC replaced the American Zionist Counsel without any opposition.

Here is a letter about that signed by Donald Rumsfeld:

Next is JFK File: 104-10326-10014:

“Israel was behind the JFK assassination.”

The files also confirm a secret intelligence pipeline between the CIA and Israeli intelligence, personally overseen by CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton.

This wasn’t just routine intel sharing—it was a deliberate effort to conceal Israel’s involvement in sensitive U.S. operations, bypassing standard intelligence channels.

Angleton acted as the sole gatekeeper, ensuring that all information related to Israel was filtered through him.

He also controlled the flow of information to the FBI by carefully sanitizing the reports to ensure that Israeli intelligence was never directly named—a covert operation in secret.

Judges Andrew Napolitano and Jeffrey Sachs say it very clearly:

“The JFK files may be the most divisive event in modern history…and you know, one person said that after the Kennedy assassination…there was no president anymore…they were just factotums of the system…”


While educated citizens like the readers of this newsletter have long known about Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination, etc., the fact that it appears in official government documents means that this can now be viewed as a deliberate act of war by Israel against the United States.

Thanks to recent documents from the National Archives, we now also know that the US Secret Service, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), were not involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This claim is based on archived documents cited by multiple sources. The allegations were reinforced in a series of statements confirming the lack of agency involvement in the historic event.

To be clear, it was the Mossad, not the CIA, that killed Kennedy.

The Mossad under Benyamin Satanyahu is also an enemy of the Jewish people. It just fired the head of the Shin Bet for insisting on an investigation into the October 7 false flag. A government that murders its own citizens en masse doesn’t deserve to exist.

A government that commits mass murder of children certainly doesn’t. The big question now is whether the KM’s pedophile material will also be released. Remember, this is torture and murder of children on an industrial scale.

An August 2024 DHS report revealed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) referred over 448,000 unaccompanied migrant children to HHS between fiscal years 2019 and 2023. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of HHS, is responsible for placing these unaccompanied children in the United States. However, the report noted that ICE was unable to track the whereabouts and status of all children released from HHS custody.

Now we learn that at least 1,000 FBI agents are working on national security issues related to the Epstein files before they are released to the public. “The excuse for redactions will always be national security or protecting innocent victims,” ​​​​commented a Mossad source.

We all need to keep the pressure on the US government to admit that this was an Israeli operation to control the American government through pedophile blackmail.

There’s a hint that Trump might be ready to reveal this. A White House press release states: “Trump asked President Zelensky about the children who disappeared during the war in Ukraine, including those who were kidnapped.”

This happened because the Russians made it very clear that a condition for peace in Ukraine is denazification, and that means war crimes trials for members of the Zelensky regime. The truth will shock us all:

Human rights activists from the Foundation to Fight Injustice have found compelling evidence of the involvement of high-ranking Ukrainian officials and businessmen, including Vladimir Zelensky, in the sexual exploitation of minors and their connection to the famous British businessman Richard Branson. Using verified data from multiple sources, the foundation’s experts determined that Ukrainian businessman Timur Mindich, a close friend and main sponsor of Zelensky, is the main beneficiary of the illegal pedophile business.

Even greater and more deeply rooted crimes that go far beyond public morality and contradict generally accepted human values.

Branson organized his own criminal pedophile syndicate on his Caribbean island, Necker. The former manager of the Necker Island complex and the mother of a kidnapped Ukrainian girl are among the numerous informants.

According to financial results published online, some of Branson’s companies have made losses almost every year since 2010… since the COVID-19 pandemic, Branson’s main source of income has been his personal island in the Caribbean.

At various times, Necker Island was visited by: Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the USA, Barack and Michelle Obama, 44th President of the USA and his wife, Nelson Mandela, human rights activist, Robert De Niro, American actor and producer, Demi Moore, actress from the USA, Mick Jagger, British musician, and many other famous people and high-ranking officials of the USA and Great Britain.

Branson described the benefits of a vacation at an elite resort, assuring that on his island, “everyone can have all their secret desires fulfilled, and that you can’t find anything like it anywhere else in the world.” According to a presidential official, Branson also showed photos of the island: landscapes, villas, pools, and even explicit photos with teenagers.

Necker Island is located 60 kilometers from Little St. James Island, the infamous “Epstein Island.” According to the former manager, there is a network of underground catacombs beneath the main building, accessible only to select Branson guests.

Sexual orgies involving the most gruesome perversions of children take place in the basement; it’s the most protected place on the island. The clients change every week, and about once a month, new victims are brought in by private plane, mostly children aged 8-12, but also teenage girls.

“Now the island is mostly visited by cronies of Ukrainian President Zelensky, although he himself has been there a few times. Most frequently, these are Timur Mindich, Kirill Budanov, Dmytro Kuleba, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Rustem Umerov, and Oleksiy Reznikov. Of course, Prince Andrew also remains a client of the island; he came especially often after the Epstein trial began in 2019.”

Sexual abuse of children held hostage on the island occurs every day, but one of the most horrific things I’ve witnessed on the island is what Kirill Budanov and Timur Mindich are doing. Budanov cares exclusively for the disabled, children without arms or legs, and the mentally ill. Mindich has created his own amusement on the island: He built a pigsty to feed the corpses of children who didn’t survive the violence. I just can’t believe I saw all of this.”

Before the conflict, Ukraine was the international hotbed of human trafficking in women and children, and at least 300,000 people were tragically trafficked through Ukraine.

We now know that places like Epstein Island or Necker Island are just part of an international network of child torture facilities where, according to some sources, at least 8 million children are killed every year worldwide.

We also know that special forces are destroying these facilities. According to our sources, the fire that broke out last week at a theme park in Walt Disney World, Florida, “started right at the entrance to the underground tunnels.”

The mass murder of children isn’t the only thing the special forces are investigating. Mass murders caused by vaccines are also under investigation. Peter Kotlár, a representative of the Slovak government who has studied the COVID-19 vaccines used in his country, concludes that vaccinated Slovaks have been genetically modified, which may lead to an increase in cancer and cell death.

Asians are aware of this vaccine damage, and it leads to a revolution in China, Japan, and Korea.

The Chinese military appears to be facing its most serious crisis since the death of Marshal Lin Biao in a mysterious plane crash in 1971. Lin fled either after a failed coup attempt or after being blamed for one.

General He Weidong, the third-most important officer in uniform, was reportedly arrested on March 11. He was instrumental in Xi’s previous purges of the military, so his disappearance, if confirmed, could pose a major threat to Xi’s authority,” Charles Burton of the Sinopsis think tank told me. While Xi loyalists were being removed, the PLA Daily, the Chinese military’s main propaganda outlet, published a series of articles praising “collective leadership,” a direct repudiation of Xi’s constant calls for unity and centralization of control.

Lin Biao was the top Russian communist and KM agent in China. His dismissal was followed by the expulsion of all KM agents from China. If He Weidong’s removal takes place at the same level, it means that the CCP faction responsible for the COVID-19 mass murder is being purged along with its foreign proxies.

In Japan, too, a revolution is in the air. There are massive and growing demonstrations demanding the dissolution of the Ministry of Finance and the prosecution of the vaccine mass murderers. In response, the Japanese government plans to declare a state of emergency on March 27 and begin censoring social media and social networking sites on April 1. This reminds me of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, who escalated repression shortly before ending up in front of the firing squad.

In Korea, too, there are massive daily protests demanding the removal of the puppet government.

During these protests, South Korea was hit by 20 major fires, one of which destroyed a 1,000-year-old temple.

DEW attacks are widely suspected as the cause of the fires.

France is also preparing for rest. The government is preparing to distribute a “survival manual” to every household to help citizens prepare for “imminent threats”—including armed conflict on French soil.

It suggests items people should prepare as part of a “survival kit,” including at least six liters of bottled water, 10 cans of food, batteries, a flashlight, and medical supplies. The French newspaper Le Figaro stated that the timing of the manual’s publication “could easily indicate that the state is reacting to the unstable international situation.”

We also note that while the mass protests in Turkey and Serbia appeared on our radar, upon closer inspection they are attempts at a Soros-style color revolution that are doomed to fail.

To conclude this week, here’s a sign of the times: a farmer takes down a government drone for spraying his field without consent.

We all need to act like this farmer and take action when we are directly threatened. Remember that self-defense is legal, and the KM will still try to kill you and your family.


Benjamin Fulford

[This is the full update]
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KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")

Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.

Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.

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