Friday, February 28, 2025

Imagine We’re in a Time Machine

Imagine We’re in a Time Machine

By Steve Beckow

Posted on February 28, 2025

I’m really inspired by the leadership qualities of the Trump Team. As far as I can see, they’ve energized the United States and many countries around the world.

Not just the one person either. I’d be happy seeing any one of his team in the same chair Donald Trump occupies when the latter moves on to larger forums, as I predict he will.

They all seem not only capable but discerning and, most of all, caring. So we really do have very bright examples not only of a leader who is breaking down barriers and banishing corruption, but a team of lieutenants, any one of whom seems qualified to assume command if the situation arose.


I’d like to paint a thumbnail sketch of how we got to where we are. From before John Kennedy was murdered and our world changed. (1)

Imagine for a moment we’re in a time machine.  Set the dial to 1962.

Ever since the early Sixties, there has always been an element of society that was once described as a counter-culture. Back then they were called flower children and hippies. They didn’t want to be as disciplined as their parents were, who had been to war.

Their parents had also been through the Depression and wanted to live. Take a very disciplined generation and turn it loose in peacetime to “live” and you get nuclear families in owned homes, with 2.8 children, two cars, a pet, and a three-week vacation … somewhere else preferably.

You get “permanent” employment with regular raises, unions, a company benefits plan, a pension, paid vacation time, etc.

The children, who had not fought a war, also wanted to live but that’s where the commonality seemed to end.

We now know that the war machine that profited from both sides of WW2, (2) kept on keeping on. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq … endless wars. We also now know that it was our own governments who were engineering these conflicts.


Set the dial to 1991-2. The world has just gone through a recession which, it’s said, was the first jobless recovery. (3) Here is the tenor of discussion at the time:

“What is a computer for, if not to save labor?” (Jim Steinhart, “Database Octopus,” Canadian Datasystems, May 1991, 58.) 58.)

“Theoretically every time you make a $10,000 investment on technology you should have replaced one employee.” (James Miller, CEO of Royal Trustco in Macleans, Nov. 23, 1992, 44.)

“Most of the jobs lost are lost forever.” (James Purdie, “Upgrading is the best route to job security,” Financial Post, Dec. 16, 1991, 11.)

Automation was a labor-saving device. It eliminated jobs, trades, professions, careers – the whole thing. The labor it saved was ours, with no allowance made for a soft landing.

And how it turned out you can see around us. So many of the younger generation reaching adulthood with nowhere to go, no prospects, no good answers to the financial question.

No unions, no benefits plans, no pensions, no paid vacation time. Living with parents. Nuclear families becoming extended families out of necessity.

And some of us think the younger generation are lazy. We need to look deeper.

We automated the worker with no intention of easing their lot or sharing the savings.

This scene, where our youth have no clear professional or career prospects as the Baby Boomers had, will all change with GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act), whose keypoints mandate a new economic and social environment. (4)

That is a subject unto itself. But what it means for us is a recovery from a world laid prostrate by automation, ravaged by wars, decimated by vaccines, etc.

We think of the Q team as unsung heroes, but the people who planned and instigated GESARA, against all attempts to subvert it (do we remember 9/11?), (5) are equally unsung and heroic.

So here we are today. But the situation is just short of turning around, as Matthew said, “for once and for all.” (6)


(1) Several articles have appeared stating that John F. Kennedy was not killed; his double was. JFK went into the witness protection program and is often considered to be the heart of the Q operation.

(2) Matthew: Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions would not sanction killing 90 percent of Earth’s population, an Illuminati goal of longstanding. They [the Illuminati] cannot have a third world war—they started WWI and II and made vast fortunes by selling war machinery to both sides in both wars—and they cannot fabricate and release more lethal viruses.

The councils hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all.  (Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023, at (My emphasis.)

(3) I and most of my company of 2300 engineers were laid off in the 1980-82 recession. I think of that as the first jobless recovery. But others consider the recession of 1991-92 to have been that. Whatever the case, jobless recoveries have never stopped since then. They’re an easy way to shed workers and not have to pay a settlement: Their jobs have disappeared. Lay them off and never call them back. Problem solved. A heartless time it was.

(4) See What’s Next?
 Vol. 5: G/NESARA at

NESARA was due to be announced that day at 10:00 am from the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The gold to back it was in the basement.  At 9:00 am the first “plane” (or a directed scalar-energy weapon) slammed into the WTC at exactly the place housing the NESARA computer. Thermite being used to bring the building down, it melted the gold in the building’s underground, a river of which was noted by underground workers.

One of the beauties of gold is that it’s permanent. Given that the deep state closed off the WTC site after 9/11, I place my bet on the gold having been reclaimed and stored as gold bars … under the Vatican.

I’m further willing to bet that that gold was among the 650 planeloads of gold President Trump reclaimed from under the Vatican in around 2018 and took to – some claim Fort Knox, some claim Cheyenne Mtn., some claim an Indian reservation near Reno. But my bet is that that gold has become part of what is funding GESARA today.

(5) See “Nancy Detweiler, The History of NESARA,” 

(6) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023, ibid.

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists [the fake Jews].

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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