Monday, February 10, 2025

A Spotlight on Synchronicity

A Spotlight on Synchronicity

By Carolyn Brouillard

 Posted on 02/10/2025 by EraOfLight

Exploring the nature of consciousness is not just a fun philosophical exercise. Just as learning the rules of a video game allows you to play better and go farther, learning the mechanics of reality allows you to leverage them on your behalf for a more beautiful life.

We have all had those seemingly miraculous or uncanny experiences where everything perfectly comes together in a way that defies the odds. It can look like chance or luck, like being in the right place at the right time to meet someone, encounter an important new idea, or witness something profound. Sometimes, those “chance” events can change the course of our life.

But what is luck really? Some call it synchronicity—originally defined by Carl Jung as the “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than probability is at work.” He saw it as an acausal connecting principle, meaning these events are not linked by direct cause-and-effect but instead by underlying meaning.

In metaphysical circles, some believe synchronicities are spiritual messages or divine guidance. Some would say such events are meant or destined to happen because they put us on our life’s path. Others see certain synchronicities as furtherance or fulfillment of a soul contract, such as with another person or for a predetermined purpose.

It is not my goal to strip synchronicity of its supernatural feeling or personal meaning. I delight in synchronicity for the wonder and amusement it brings to my life and have set intentions around experiencing consciousness that way. But, as with all things, there are empowering and enlightening ways to look at synchronicity and ways that subtly undermine your agency.

Understanding the orchestration always at work opens up a fundamentally different approach to life. Instead of worrying about making things happen or stressing about needing money to do something, you learn to align with the energetic forces and allow your creations to come to you.

Whatever is needed will be there

A wonderful synchronicity recently put me at a gong collector’s house on top of a mountain. About a week prior, curiosity brought me to a Facebook group for psychedelic light practitioners, despite my aversion to the platform. The first post I saw was a woman asking if anyone offered services in the Asheville area. I don’t actively market my services nor live particularly close to Asheville but I responded. Her aunt contacted me and came for a session.

In our brief visit, she mentioned a friend who collects gongs and plays for people on a word-of-mouth basis. He happened to live five minutes from where I was already planning to be a couple days later. Being a gong-lover and practitioner, I called him, which led to making a new friend, having an enlightening conversation about consciousness and sound, and enjoying a powerful gong meditation, without any money being exchanged.

There appears to be a sequence of events connecting long ago choices like purchasing the light therapy lamp and moving cross country to interim choices like buying an event ticket in a neighboring state, and to more present moment choices, like responding to a Facebook post and calling the man on the mountain. But Jung was right—the convergence cannot be explained by direct cause and effect. I didn’t have the gong experience because I bought the lamp. It was simply part of the package assembled by the intelligent engine of consciousness.

My role was to sustain focus around exploring consciousness in novel ways, which includes being curious about sound frequencies and wanting to meet people who can hold a conversation about such things. Then, when presented with an opportunity, I followed up on it, activating that pattern-matching. The rest was orchestrated for me, which points to a larger truth:

Without us even knowing, all the pieces will be there.

Whatever connections need to happen, whatever conditions need to be in place, and whatever resources are needed will be assembled to create the experience in the moment. Because we have the perception of time, it seems sequential, but it isn’t. With all moments happening concurrently in the timelessness of the field, it is drawing together all of the pieces to fit the puzzle or the pattern, like a supercharged magnet attracting across time and space.

We are the meaning-makers

Synchronicity is a label we have given to our observation of automatic processes of reality simulation. Like a lot of metaphysical concepts, the idea of synchronicity tries to explain a process that has not been well-understood and has fallen victim to more magical or religious thinking.

This doesn’t make it meaningless. It just reveals the source of meaning as our own consciousness giving us feedback on the strengthening patterns in our life, whether we consider those positive or negative. We tend to say it’s synchronicity when we enjoy the result and “bad luck” when we don’t, but the same energetic forces are at play.

What synchronicity really tells us is that: (1) we are becoming more aware of the creative process, and (2) there is strengthening resonance and growing amplitude around a particular pattern. This is because higher resonance tends to attract more resonant elements and create more noticeable patterns, which become more visible and prevalent as the energy amplifies. Said another way, synchronicity may indicate a stronger magnetic charge around a sustained idea or belief and where your dominant frequency is taking you.

Synchronicity is not a sign from any external messenger but an indication to us, by us of where there is building momentum.

For example, if you believe seeing repeating numbers, like 11:11 or 444, means you are on the right path and you keep seeing those numbers, it means you are resonating with the idea of being on the right path. It is similar to how tarot and oracle cards work. When you pull a certain card, it is because you are resonant with the message it contains.

This doesn’t override the idea of guides or angelic helpers. I believe those beings help direct our awareness to certain things and perhaps nudge things along by lending their energy to them. But what they can’t do is override our frequency. They can’t create resonance where there is none. Nor can they (or anyone) violate our free will to make our own choices.

This is an important point foundational to understanding consciousness—there is no external authority.

You are consciousness itself—a fractal of the one mind of Source exploring itself through endless expressions and possibilities. Whatever you need is capable of being provided by you because it is all your energy. The intelligence operating through you is limitless.

We set things up a certain way to facilitate the game of human reality but any constraints are perception only. Synchronicity seems random and unexpected but it is perfectly orchestrated by our larger consciousness using its inherent intelligence to support our individual and collective growth.

Consciousness has no constraints

What this means is that whatever dream you hold in your heart is possible. Where people often stumble is by making assumptions about what needs to happen or what they need to have before the dream can be realized. These assumptions usually act as constraints because they limit the conditions for creation.

Because the field takes its commands from us, however we say it needs to be, it shall be. If you set up a lot of interim steps and dependencies, you will need to resonate with and create each of those steps before the dream can happen. All the while, you are bringing a lower frequency to it because you haven’t actually embraced your full creative power. You aren’t believing in the limitlessness of intelligence to assemble a package that doesn’t require baby steps.

Consciousness doesn’t put conditions on your dream—you do.

As I ask of my coaching clients, “Where are you making assumptions about what needs to happen?”

For example, perhaps you want to travel the world. You believe you need to get a certain job, with a certain salary, to save a certain amount of money to be able to do it. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is not the only way, nor perhaps the most efficient way. It’s kind of like setting up a dating profile with a long list of filters, like he or she has to be tall, wealthy, like dogs, want kids, share the same religion, and so forth. The more constraints you impose, the smaller the pool of possibilities.

Instead, when we allow infinite intelligence free rein to assemble and optimize the package from the total field of potentials, we can access solutions beyond our human imagination. When we relinquish our insistence on a particular form and focus instead on the essence and qualities we want, we expand the pool of available potentials and allow opportunities to come to us. Again, in the moment of manifestation, whatever is needed will be there. It is a holistic pattern-matching process not a linear chain of events.

To consciousness working with energy, material things like money or a car are not a hurdle nor somehow harder for consciousness to create.

The question then shifts from “How can I make this happen?” to “How big can I dream?”

Creating in the eternal now

What I’ve been building toward in my recent essays is an understanding of a reality that is:

  • Holistic rather than linear,
  • Pattern-based rather than causal,
  • Created in every moment rather than fixed,
  • Responsive to your consciousness rather than externally driven, and
  • Organized and optimized to support its own endless exploration and expansion through you.

Because reality is perceptual not physical, it is not constrained by linear causation. Synchronicities aren’t a sequential unfolding but revelations of the actual pattern-based nature of reality emerging into our awareness. We can think of them like cosmic winks, realizing that it is the aspect of our consciousness beyond human perception that is offering feedback on where we are headed.

All is available to us when we learn to cooperate with natural forces and assume total responsibility for our experience. While it is wonderful to be surprised and delighted at what shows up, we can know that it came to be through our focus, attention, and resonance with the essence of it. What matters is where we place our energy and what choices we make in coherence with them.

Above all, our frequency determines what we are a match for. Being in the highest state possible, full of joy, wonder, and the spirit of the Source you are, will make you an open vessel for anything you can dream.

Carolyn Brouillard

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

  • Reminder discernment is recommended
    from the heart, not from the mind
    The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
    No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
    Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
    TRUTH need no protection.
    Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024

    Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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