Thursday, January 23, 2025

Extreme Upleveling

Extreme Upleveling

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on January 23, 2025

Planet Earth is receiving VERY POWERFUL energies at this time as cosmic events surge forth into the inner and outer realms of our planet.

This morning (EST), there have been M.3-Class solar flares with a building sunspot already as huge as two Earths ready to explode with X-Class flares.

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Solar winds are blasting at approximately 526.3 km/s — almost 600 km/s, and they are pushing positively -charging particle plasma into our planet from deep space.

The intermixing of both necessary clearing and cleansing frequencies with the more challenging protons from deep space are causing most people to experience strange dreams (when sleep is achieved because some people are having insomnia), extreme fatigue, heat surges, heightened anxiety, rapid heartbeats, a sensation as if electrical zaps are moving through their physical system, headaches, dizziness (mild or strong), digestive upsets, and muscular aches and pains.

All of these are the usual symptoms of potent incoming energetics from both our Sun and from outside of our solar system.

As has been advised in articles of a few days ago, these cosmic energies will continue for many days — at least until the end of the month.

It is advisable to continue with self-nurturing actions that keep the nervous system calm while these energies move through the physical vessel, the emotions, and the mind—the entire construction of the human being.

Some persons will experience the aforementioned symptoms more profoundly than others.

Some people will have all of the symptoms, and some will have only a few of them, but everyone is experiencing activations in various ways — even those persons who are completely unaware of how cosmic energetics work upon the human collective.

While it is true that allowing oneself to be handled by conventional medical procedures and chemical drugs (because of thinking that something is “wrong”) can certainly cause a disruption of the natural and vital cosmic forces that allow for true healing to occur, most of the symptoms that cause people to rush to their doctors (and become worse due to side effects), are actually transformational powers orchestrated by SOURCE who knows what to unleash into creation and when.

Humanity has been provided with the spiritual and natural modalities that can keep us grounded while the reception and acclimation to these cosmic forces is achieved.

As is constantly being discussed as a way of annihilating the “programming” that most of humanity has been exposed to, the depleted magnetosphere (Earth’s protective shield) has been breached because of much of mankind’s disharmonious thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds which have vibrationally moved into the atmosphere, ionosphere, stratosphere, etc. and manifested disharmony which has included literally damaging the planetary shield.

Now that a new era has arrived in its early stages, the realization of this will be a major focus as ways to heal the planet “Herself” and the many “spheres” around and above “Her” are developed.

A better understanding of the “Photon Belt”, the “Great Attractor”, and other cosmic forces discussed throughout the years that these articles have provided will occur.

In simple terms, the cosmic energetics are continuing to ramp-up because the current time line is demanding a deep and potent clearing and cleansing as well as a great illumination.

Mankind will not be allowed to continue to make Earth a garbage dump and a planet of hatred, war, disease, famine, economic problems, poor leadership on all levels, social upheaval, and many more situations that are not good for planetary civilization.

So, as has been suggested before, everyone must continue to review how they may have been subjected to “programming” over many decades and also how thousands of years of ancestral “programming” has also been a part of the cellular records.

This must be done so that the new era can unfold in earnest.

Dr Schavi M Ali



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Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024

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