Donald Trump, America’s 47th President!
Message from Saint Germain
Channel: Jahn J Kassl

JJK: Two days ago, Donald Trump was elected the 47th President of the United States of America with a convincing majority. While some are enthusiastic and are now talking about a turning point for the better, others see this as just another deception, because Trump, they argue, is just as much a part of the system of the old matrix as those he claims to be fighting.
I am neither euphoric nor anxious. I simply think that things are in process and that every time brings about the necessary phenomena. Trump is certainly not a “savior”, but some things could develop better than before – above all, wars could be reduced, as was impressively demonstrated during his first term in office from 2016 to 2020. Does the spiritual world have a higher-level view on this, a standpoint far removed from everyday political analyses, opinions and assumptions?
How can we correctly place the events in the USA in the context of current events and what future awaits us as a result?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Embraced in love are those people who are of good will, who try with all their strength and might to make this world a better place and to make themselves better people.
process of healing
In the process of healing, in the process of ascension in the time before your ascension, events are gaining a new, escalating dynamic.
The closer people come to their awakening, that is, the point at which there is no return to the old, the more intense and ruthless the battles for human souls become – a battle that has been raging on Earth for decades and is now reaching a new peak.
This phase brings with it the fact that everything that has previously existed in secret breaks open and that true abysses are revealed.
Every event on the world political stage today serves to bring the hidden truth about the course of the world to light before the world public.
That is all that this time sequence of history is about: revealing the dark truth so that people can turn away from it in droves and open themselves to the light of truth.
The Spiritual Work of the “Icebreaker”
The entity you are talking about fulfills the important task of an icebreaker in this aspect of time, to break open what no one before him has been able to do. Breaking open eye-opening truths is the great spiritual work of this person for humanity.
In addition, this person, like others before him, is subject to certain powers of the old system – with the difference that this entity behaves differently at the crucial points for people’s awakening. This means that people are encouraged – rather than discouraged – by his example. It is a revolution that the dark entities do not recognize as such. Therein lies the creative power of this entity at this time.
Big Tech!?
JJK: Trump is very much intertwined with “Big Tech”, which is made more than clear by the choice of the vice president or the support of Elon Musk. Does that mean surveillance or digital money are “ante portas”?
What is at the door is one thing, what is happening and actually taking hold of humanity is something entirely different.
Energy for real change is released!
Everything is in your hands – and you are now becoming more and more aware of this through the example set by many people at different levels.
The election results of the last few months in Europe and now in the United States of America are part of the game, but at the same time they release a great deal of energy for real change.
People feel encouraged and some are surpassing themselves. The call for freedom, peace and unity is reaching ever larger parts of humanity. It is a groundbreaking revolution that can no longer be stopped.
Today it is less and less important what second or third parties want for you, but what you choose for yourself. The awakening of humanity does not mean that everything will be good and bright tomorrow, but means that you can find better and better answers and more effective methods to combat the issues you have raised.
Anyone who sees Donald Trump as a savior will be disappointed! Anyone who sees him as an icebreaker who will break down structures that have existed for thousands of years has the right classification.
JJK: For me, it is a true miracle that Donald Trump survived two assassination attempts. Many people speak of GOD’s protection and it seems to me that many heavenly forces had a hand in this, which proves that this man plays a special role at this time. But what happens now?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Everything is in flux, everything strives towards the good, the light and the true.
As the individual chapters of world history are written, more and more people are becoming perfect. They are emancipating themselves internally and becoming independent of news of this kind. For I tell you:
The true power is within you!
Where you stand, you are in the right place, and where you live, you are important! People differ in their tasks, but not in their importance for the whole. Because every individual can change everything. It is not the office that decides, but the importance you give to your own tasks and the office that is tailored to you.
In this sense, the lowest among men can rise to the highest and the highest can fall and become dust in the history of mankind.
Everything is connected and the power always lies in the heart of the individual: the true power is always within you.
So go and become aware of your role, just as those who are clearly leading the way in key political, economic, religious and cultural positions are aware of their tasks. Let these people inspire you to new ideas and encourage you to create your own paths, to take your life into your own hands and to bear responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Failures and successes are the responsibility of the creator that you are. Recognizing this means freedom and means having cast off the victim mentality and taken on the position of a creator. This is where the role model effect of those who lead you and in whom you often have great expectations lies – to follow their example and take your life into your own hands!
The significance of his choice!
In summary for the questions raised here:
The election of this person to this office does not mean that there is now someone who will sort things out or solve them for you! This event contains the wake-up call to humanity to abandon the victim mentality and adopt the creator mentality, and means that everything is possible when the time is right for the right will.
JJK: One question still comes to mind: Did the shooting change Donald Trump and, if so, how?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: When faced with the finiteness of life, a human being has the choice to fearfully preserve his own life or to throw himself into the fight more courageously than ever before. Empowerment or discouragement – this is the choice that such a situation fatefully demands of you – a decision that this entity has made in an impressive way before the whole world.
Beloved person,
encourage yourself, you have every reason to do so, for heaven is assisting you in an incomparable way.
The light of life shines upon you unconditionally and omnipresently, and you are safely held in HIS hand, breath by breath.
My notes: - God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommendedfrom the heart, not from the mind The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. TRUTH need no protection. Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
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