A New Year is a Great Time for New Stories
The Angels
Channel: Ann Albers
Posted on January 6, 2025

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are all the authors of your own reality. The stories you tell yourself today will become the reality you live in the future. If you tell yourself you are strong, capable, and connected, this will become your reality. If you tell yourself you are capable of learning something you want to achieve, you will be able to achieve it. If you tell yourself that the universe has your back, you will allow it to support you. If you tell yourself people are good at heart, you will find far kinder characters in your life story than if you tell yourself a sad reality.
If you are not living as you wish now, examine the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle!) stories you have told yourself throughout the years. Then, dear ones, change your stories to write the book you want to live. You can rewrite your past or your future! You can tell the story of your past with yourself, starring as the victim of many villains! Or you can tell the story of your past as a “hero’s journey” in which you underwent many trials, gained strength, and emerged triumphant. The reality is the same, but how you perceive it changes the way you feel about it and, as well, changes your vibration. And, as we’ve been saying for years, your vibration will attract, allow, or impede what you wish to experience.
Tell the story of the future you wish to live. “I don’t know how, but I know I will go on vacation later this year.” “When I meet the love of my life, we’re going to have so much fun.” “I can’t wait to see how the money shows up.” “I look forward to greater connection with my dear ones in spirit. This will be a fun journey or reaching for their loving presence.”
Tell the story of your present in an empowered fashion, too, “My body knows how to heal. New cells are being born in every moment. They are programmed by the Creator. I will love them and believe in them and enjoy the process of my own healing!” “Every day, I’m getting younger!” “I am creating amazing friendships.”
It is a habit for so many of you to spend more time “reporting” what has already been created instead of engaging in your own “creative writing!”
As you “report,” you vibrate to what you are reporting about, which becomes the story you will keep creating. Gossiping about the terrible person at work will help you vibrate to everyone with similar energy. Complaining about life before you will help you vibrate to all you don’t enjoy. Worrying about your finances will tune you into the frequency of insecurity and lack.
Conversely, finding things to enjoy and appreciate will bring you more blessings! When you want more of anything, think about how you love it, why you love it, and how much you appreciate it. “I love that kind person who let me get in front of them in traffic! I love all the kind drivers. I love people who care about others. I love that there are so many good people out there.” As you go on in this fashion, you’ll start to recall other kind people and build a field that will draw more kind people into your life.
You are not at the mercy of a screenplay written by an external God, nor are you subject to star in a story created by anyone else upon your earth! You are creators—each and every one of you is free to write the story that will become your life. The more you find reasons to feel joyful, playful, expectant, comforted, or even content about your stories, the more you will begin to live these very same realities.
Dear ones, nothing is out of bounds, no matter how people will tell you otherwise. Nothing is impossible with God. The problem is not the Creator’s ability to deliver your dreams and guide you to them. In the Source’s love story, you are eternal beings, beloved, supported, cherished, surrounded by angels, and able to tune into any reality you choose. So if the Divine has written you a love story, but you are writing something else, you are so loved that you will be permitted to star in your own script.
Tell the stories you want to live. Write the “book” that delights your heart. And then, dear ones, watch the story come to life around you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels
Ann Albers
- ©2016/2025 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:
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My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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(email:nai@violetflame.biz.ly) Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com & rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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