KM spewing massive clouds of disinformation to cover up defeats in Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea etc.
By Benjamin Fulford
December 16, 2024
Full posted on 2024/12/19
In addition, we need more detailed information about the specific dates and plans contained in the proposal. For example, a more detailed explanation of the mechanism of issuing a gold-backed currency and the method of wealth redistribution would allow us to have a more in-depth discussion.
Your proposal has the potential to be an important step towards a better future for humanity. However, to achieve this goal, close consultations and cooperation with governments and international organizations around the world are essential.
This sensitive response sets in motion a serious horse-trading exercise that is expected to go in a positive direction. The White Hat counter-proposal is for both sides to appoint experts to work out the details jointly and in agreement with existing governments and institutions.
Of course, this requires systematically asking the people of the world what they want. But remember that everyone wants the moon, but there is only one moon. That’s why we need experts.
In any case, as the Asians point out, regime change in the West is not yet complete, and until the real Trump is in power, no final agreement can be reached.
There is now also undeniable evidence that what is now happening in the West goes far beyond a normal change of the US presidency.
One example is the fires raging in Malibu, California. Malibu is home to many of Hollywood’s pedophile Satanists and is a hive of tunnels. As the videos linked below show, these are not normal fires, but are caused by directed energy weapons from Area 51 in Nevada.
A US Space Force source explains: “This is a DEW attack against the deep state. The White Military Alliance is in control of Area 51.”
And then there are all the mysterious drones that are popping up everywhere, in ways that masses of regular people can confirm with their own eyes, not just on a screen. Since the drone stories are all over the media, we’re only going to report what our own Space Force sources have to say about it.
A source says: “These are balls and spheres, not toy drones. Some are replica aircraft, others are real. This could be further preparation for Project Blue Beam.”
Another source says they are spraying reflective material in preparation for some sort of holographic sky show around Christmas time. The Qanon website posts: “FALLOUT 2024: 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS,” starting December 25th.
Anyway, back to earth, we are seeing signs that a deep state purge is really about to happen. Christopher Wray has resigned as head of the FBI, and new director Kash Patel has released a list of deep state actors he plans to take action against. The names include:
Lloyd Austin
James Baker
John Bolton
Joe Biden
John Brennan
Hillary Clinton Rockefeller
Merrick Garland
Kamala Harris
General Kenneth McKenzie (Ret.) – Former CENTCOM Commander
General Mark Milley (Ret.) – Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
John Podesta Rockefeller
Jake Sullivan – National Security Advisor under Biden
Adam Schiff – Senator-elect and former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee
Polish intelligence informs us that Patel will also investigate what exactly Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky did with the hundreds of billions of US and European taxpayers’ money he received.
This would be a Bidenomics study. It works like this:
1. You pay taxes
2. I send it to Ukraine
3. You send it back to Hunter
4. Hunter gives it to me
5. Forgive Hunter
We’ll come back to Hunter later, but first let’s look at some other big names that will be appearing.
A CIA source notes: “The avatar Nancy Pelosi fell down a marble staircase in Luxembourg and broke her hip. She had to undergo hip replacement surgery. This is a perfect way for the MSM Deep State to say goodbye to Nancy. Elderly people over 80 who undergo hip replacement surgery do not recover. They travel over the rainbow…”
The same source says that Brazilian President Lula has already crossed the rainbow. A new avatar is being prepared. The new version will look different. I have an old photo of him in my archives.
Another big name about to go down is Mr. Pandemic himself, Bill Gates. Japanese authorities are preparing to hold Gates accountable for his alleged complicity in mass murder and a coordinated campaign to kill and maim billions of people during the pandemic. Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla are already on trial in the Netherlands to face charges of deceiving the public about the COVID-19 vaccines.
And then, of course, there is Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama, the real power behind the Biden administration.
Obama says Trump has a past that needs to be investigated. Obama was a grandson of Adolf Hitler who was used to destroy the US. Check out his record:
Occidental College Records – SEALED
Columbia College Records – SEALED
Columbia Thesis Paper – PROTECTED
Harvard College Records – SEALED
Selective Service Registration – SEALED
Medical Documents – SEALED
Illinois State Senate Calendar – SEALED
Client list of a law firm – SEALED
Certified Copy of Original Birth Certificate – SEALED
Signed and certified paper certificate of live birth – SEALED
Baptism Certificate – SEALED
Professor Henry Graff says: “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every major American politician who ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I am proud of them all. From American History to Diplomatic History, they all had to go through my classes in one way or another.

His “wife” Michelle (Big Swinging Michael) Obama can no longer practice law; why? Big Swinging Mike had 22 assistants while other First Ladies had only one.
The other big name to go down is Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Mossad sources insist the original is long dead, but the group using his avatar still clings to power, but not for much longer.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman asks: “Has Netanyahu decided to start a civil war?… It is impossible to fight against Iran, the Supreme Court and the Attorney General at the same time.”
Iran’s National News Agency, which does indeed have sources on the ground, reports that Netanyahu (or rather a chubby avatar) is on trial in a high-security underground building to face charges including: “The process of purchasing a submarine from Germany between 2009 and 2016, coinciding with Netanyahu’s term as prime minister, violating existing laws.”
According to CIA sources, this was the submarine used to launch a nuclear missile into Hawaii in an attempt to blame North Korea and thus start World War III. The US military subsequently sank it.
Meanwhile, CNN is trying to save its declining ratings with obviously manufactured news. This is what a Pentagon expert says:
EVERYTHING in this CNN video about the fake Netanyahoo trial is AI generated – from the journalist to the courtroom scene to Netanyahoo’s speech and the background characters – everything is 100% computer generated. You are watching a video game.
If you still can’t tell at first glance that none of these characters are real people, pay attention to the eyes and mouths, which are usually easy to see, and all the shiny mask-like faces with no expression. Also, the NPCs/background characters are very obvious if you look closely (most people never pay attention to them).
To make matters worse, CNN has also released a suspicious video that appears to show a Syrian prisoner being unexpectedly “rescued” by Clarissa Ward. So is this news or fiction?
In any case, the people who use Netanyahu as their avatar are spreading blatant lies about what is happening in the Middle East. They used their fake Netanyahu to boast: “The collapse of the Syrian regime is a direct result of the heavy blows we have dealt to Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.”
Much of the Western reporting makes it seem as if the overthrow of the Syrian government was a great Israeli victory and a great loss for Iran and Russia.
The reality, however, is the exact opposite: it was a loss for Israel and the United States.
Why else would Iran, Turkey and Qatar reopen their embassies in Syria for the first time in over a decade?
In a sign of the revival of the Ottoman and Persian empires, Iran and Turkey signed a “comprehensive memorandum of understanding covering various sectors including trade, transport, customs, transit, investment, banking, electricity, agriculture, culture, tourism and cooperation.” That sounds to me like Iraq, Syria, Jordan, etc. will be divided up.
It also looks like Turkey is at war with the US. According to Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler, his army has killed 2,939 US-linked terrorists in northern Iraq and Syria and is calling on the US to disband its proxy forces there.
We also note that Russian troops continue to operate in Syria.
BBC Arabic, for its part, reports that Israel has not taken control of a single city in southern Lebanon and has not been able to repel Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on Israeli-controlled areas. Hezbollah has managed to extend its attacks deep into Israel’s interior and disrupt daily life in major Israeli cities.
The BBC reports that the Israeli army is fatigued and that Israel was forced to accept a ceasefire with Hezbollah because it feared the political and economic consequences of recalling more reservists to the war front.
“The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are incapable of achieving even the slightest victory on the ground. They have no discipline and many of their men behave like thugs… they no longer have so many weapons and are probably running out of many of them. And finally, several of their units, which have witnessed the crimes of others, are on the verge of rebellion,” said French journalist Thierry Meyssan.
He also points out that the map of Greater Israel that is circulating is actually the map of Greater Assyria, the satan-worshipping empire of antiquity.
Now that the Assyrians are defeated, the people who are installing Netanyahu are issuing a statement saying:
“We have no interest in a conflict with Syria. We will determine Israel’s policy towards Syria according to the emerging reality on the ground.”
It will not be long before the fall of Israel, Egypt and probably Saudi Arabia will be in the headlines around the world.
Other dominoes are falling in other regions. In Georgia, KM henchman and former Georgian president Salome Zurabishvili, who said she refused to leave the presidential palace, was offered the opportunity to stay there as a cleaner.

In South Korea, parliament impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on Saturday, but he too is refusing to leave the presidential palace. Perhaps Yoon could be offered a similar job as a caretaker in the presidential palace.
In addition, someone should inform the US military governor and de facto ruler of South Korea, General Paul Joseph LaCamera, that the reunification of the Korean peninsula is imminent and that he must act accordingly.
It was also very likely that LaCamera ordered former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun to attack North Korea with drones in order to start World War III. If so, he must be arrested.
Military officers are already being arrested. Admiral Robert Burke, former deputy commander of the US Navy, “has been accused of passing on a lucrative government training contract to a private company that promised him an annual salary of $500,000 + stock options.”
As the white military now goes on the offensive, the KM’s horrific crimes against humanity will also make headlines around the world.
The video below is a nod to what is now becoming common knowledge. It features TV host Stephen Colbert and Killary Clinton discussing “eating babies.”
These people also steal organs. Most recently, 17 Zionist rabbis were arrested for running a crime ring that harvested organs from living people to sell them. One rabbi sold kidneys for over a decade. Try searching the internet for “rabbis arrested for selling organs” and see how much comes up.
This brings us back to Hunter Biden. “His blanket 11-year pardon is too suspect even for late-night comedy shows. I hope they keep asking why 2014 is so important. The truth will shock the world,” commented a Mossad source.
What the world will find out is genocide, baby factories, industrial torture of babies for adrenochrome production, bioweapons factories, etc. in Ukraine.
The people behind it are desperately trying to use Biden to evade justice – hence this headline:
“Biden commutes sentences for nearly 1,500 Americans and pardons 39 in largest single-day pardon | Capitol Report”
In addition, two Chinese spies convicted of stealing American technology secrets were pardoned, as was the relative of a Chinese Communist Party leader who was arrested on child pornography charges.

This reminds me of pictures I was shown of Hunter in bed with underage Chinese actresses. It’s quite possible that they have even worse evidence against him.
The Biden regime is also trying to protect Big Pharma and mRNA vaccine makers from liability until 2029.
Even if Big Pharma is shielded from liability for mRNA crimes, there is much more they can be accused of. Dr. Michael van de Meer, the former head of MI6, told me that he worked with Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio vaccine in Africa. He said the vaccine was used to spread HIV as part of a project to depopulate Africa. There is no liability protection for this.
No wonder Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s lawyer, Aaron Siri, wants the FDA to revoke approval of the polio vaccine.
The real Donald Trump says he will consider ending childhood vaccination programs and eliminating certain vaccines. He says: “I think somebody has to figure it out. If you go back 25 years, there was very little autism. Now you have it.” His son Barron was damaged by a vaccination and suffers from a mild form of autism, according to a doctor involved.
According to the CDC, about one in 36 American children today has a diagnosis of autism, compared to one in 150 in 2000.
The other thing that happens is that the government begins to stop the chemical poisoning of humanity.
As our Polish correspondent reports:
Chemicals are everywhere: in the air, in the water, and in our bodies. They cause thyroid and liver problems, cancer, and infertility. For a while, banning these chemicals was a no-brainer for our politicians. But industry has persuaded them to do nothing. Next week we have a chance to fix our broken chemical laws and revive the ban on toxic chemicals for good.
The EU has a plan to replace the chemicals regulation (REACH) that has failed to protect us from being poisoned by chemicals that have always been there. But it was scrapped last year when the European Commission and our governments believed industry lies. It has been collecting dust in a drawer ever since. [3] Now we finally have the chance to change the rules and ban chemicals that have always been there. Next week our leaders will meet to discuss chemical regulation for the first time in their term of office.
“Did you know that 90% of the ‘foods’ sold in stores today didn’t exist 90 years ago? And guess what else? 90% of the diseases we struggled with today didn’t exist either. Think about it.”

This illustration shows why this could happen. It shows what it would look like if the government was actually transparent.

If we don’t get rid of this satanic corporate government as soon as possible and reform our economic and financial system, China will take over everything.
The latest sign is that China is developing a new method of iron production that increases efficiency by 3,600 times. According to scientists, the process of making iron using this method can be completed in just three to six seconds, compared to the five to six hours required by traditional blast furnaces. While others fight each other in wars and threats and grow poorer through their stupidity, China can mass-produce iron and accelerate development in every way, including missiles and weapons.
President Trump, you must enforce the Brunson ruling and take action before January 20th. Otherwise, you can be sure that these cornered Satanists will do something very evil to prevent you from taking control. They will also try to start World War III to prevent China from taking control.

KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")
Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.
Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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