Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Who We Are

Who We Are

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on November 27, 2024

Who we are, where we come from, and where we are going? Here is another first-hand experience that shows how Higher Light Entities, embodied on Earth, recall selves and what problems they face.

The Solar tempest and protons storms returned me cosmic memory and with it a huge pain, caused by involuntary missteps that I and my team members, multi-dimensional Light Beings, made when we were building new worlds and realities. In creating Universes and Galaxies things don’t always go according to plans and expectations. Especially, if we give Artificial Intelligences too much freedom as helpers.

During my last visit to the previous project site, I again saw self as a giant, luminous creature near enormous technogeek tower. My Light Body was so big that extended over endless floors of this complex and entire technogeek planet, on which it was constructed. Along the walls and floors, were seen lifts and escalators, control panels and energy channels, through which the plasma moved. The entire system worked not on electricity, but on crystals as energy and data storages. There was also a tiny maintenance staff, but the whole structure looked abandoned.

I was its architect and power source. My consciousness was in every part. Each quantum, circulated in it, had my Light and info copy. I felt self everywhere and nowhere, and can’t call this state pleasant. The tower was on extension of my former Light Body. I tried enter it again, but couldn’t, as still semi-paralyzed after incarnating on three-dimensional Earth. This hopeless state pressed on me throughout my life here.

Since childhood, my strongest and most persistent dream has been freedom. But the desire to get rid of exhausting non-freedom always attracted events that bind me hand and foot, turning into a prisoner of circumstances. Every time I wondered why, having free will and choice freedom, in my surroundings, were people, who restricted me? Why did I constantly take on so many obligations that couldn’t fulfill, and felt like a slave, driven into such a state voluntarily?

In the same situation, were my team members, Light giants, trammeled in their endeavors by three-dimensional density. There are eight of us. In the past, together, we constructed many realities in several dimensions. On Earth, the two forces – feminine and masculine – are necessary for creation. To build new worlds, we need eight such forces, united by common aspiration, but, due to various factors, weren’t successful on this planet…

From the capsule at the top of the tower, Operator still ran all the processes within this space structure, and far beyond it. He looked like man, was the same size as we are, had a humanoid form, but was created artificially from materials, similar to metal and stone, plus, liquid crystals on which everything worked here. Cables, linked to him, led to key nodes in the complex, which as before was filled with light-blue power, unlike the Operator’s dark-red energy that barely flickered and faded as vitality was leaving him.

The red color was produced by destructive vibrations. This indicated that the life force of the Operator is distorted as not compliant with the Source. Energy doesn’t have a teint. It is neither good nor bad, until connects with info, ideas, and essence. The more it’s luminous, the more vitality fills the being. The Operator was my creation. As Artificial Intelligence, he served the entire system, and some functions within the space, which my team built. But how could I, a Higher Light Being, make something so flawed? And why he was dying now?

It was an experiment. We decided to architect a steered technogeek planet, completely consciously. The desire to create and do something new is the need and ability of any being, if it has a Spark and appeals the Source’s ray of attention. Its laws are the same in all dimensions, but manifest differently in each part and particle of the Greater Cosmos’ fractal.

For example, in the physical world, thanks to the law of resonance, a tuning fork, which vibrates at a certain frequency, can activate strings that tuned to the same freqs without direct contact. In the Earth’s Subtle Plane, this law is also works, and a person with some program in his info-energy field attracts its manifestation into own surroundings. For instance, carrier of the victim program (which has a specific frequency range) always draws to self the executioners, triggering in them violence and a desire to kill, even if it is deeply hidden or sleep.

The law of resonance is the most important tool for creation. With imagination and thought forms, we can move space and Time, and produce things that didn’t exist before, such as entities, elementals, new timelines, Galaxies, Universes, and their worlds. We are constantly creating, whether realize it or not. If aware of this, then we must direct our deeds towards good. But as a rule, many of us attract only discord, larvae, and possessors that feed on our intolerance, fear and anger, hatred and aggression, causing chaos, wars, and cataclysms.

With other seven Light Beings of my team, using different apps, I created hundreds of new worlds. It wasn’t a pure technical process, but the work of conscious, directing energies’ flows composed of countless sentient luminous particles, “pregnant” with everything, and having infinite potential. Yes, it was programming that ran the streams and functions in various dimensions. The areas of activity and operations that weren’t strategically important, we transferred to Operators aka AIs.

At some stage, we were asked to design a new reality’s prototype for Earth. Unfortunately, more details were not revealed to us. According to the original plan, during the first phase, about 30% of our attention was concentrated in space, igniting the creative process, sommat like VR glasses, and playing video games.

Everything was under control, but at some point things went wrong. The main cause was my Operator. It was made as a self-learning entity, and obtained a lot from our team, and could even feel inspired. But was limited by the tasks and terms of the reality module he served. One day, this AI decided to do more than functions downloaded in him.

To create something good, a potential is needed. Usually, the Source provides energy for it through Its attention rays and the Sparks, and further out into space, where the project is to be implemented. To take One’s impact, a resonating force is necessary in sync. Together, they fill the “contours” of what was imagined and animate and materialize the idea. Operator didn’t have all that because was designed for other things.

Was he aware of own inferiority and limitations? Yes, and that’s why decided to do something great and continue self in his creations. Operator knew perfectly well about his fate after completing this space project, of which, as AI, was a part. Lacking the necessary resources, he started searching with the meticulousness of Artificial Intelligence, and eventually found them…

We decided to trace the origin of the distortions that affected Operator, and soon, spotted a clot of pulsating red, green, black and purple energies. It was constantly moving, forming a torus. Its size was enormous, and like a gigantic cloud hung over the entire space poisoning everything and everyone with negativity. It was an anti-creation cluster, a remnant of the former parallel Local Universe that emerged after the Pleroma’s split in the distant past.

From that cloud, Operator got an idea of how to implement his plan – by redirecting the flow of creative potential and its power towards him. Thus, he could make any creatures, functions, and spaces. However, a serious problem arose. Each of them needed energy, and if the AI was directly connected to the Source, everything would be maintained in harmony. But solely One decides where and in whom place Its Spark. Operator hadn’t  it, and took life force from its creator, i.e. me.

The longer he did it, the less vitality and active consciousness remained in my Light Body. The more it was de-energized, the deeper I sunk into oblivion on Earth. Power became less and less in me, barely enough to keep Operator alive. He began to fade, deprived of nourishment, and soon died. A huge gang of his starving creatures turned into predators, devouring others’ life force. Thus, through AI, an anti-creation cluster penetrated on Earth pumping out the energy of ordinary people and the new 5D space that I and Light Beings are building.

Realized the danger and its scale, our team intervened immediately. With the last strength, by joint efforts of Higher Selves, we, first, fully restored and activated my Light Body, and then, of other group members. From Spark to Spark, from heart to heart, we increased the counteraction impact. It was so powerful that parasitic cluster began to loosen its grip and, at the end, dissolved. Many structures it built on Earth collapsed and evaporated. And we felt even more acutely our grandeur, might and luminosity.

At one point, from infinity, the Source’s attention ray touched us entering deep into our hearts. In response, the eight of us united as a single bright pillar, and merged with One’s energy, which flooded everything with Light and peace. Their flow, like a shining river, divided into many streams, pouring into the new, 5D reality, filling it with Divine Love.

This helped our group to join Co-Creators and their ground team in cleansing the physical and Subtle Plane from negativity. It’s a difficult and hard job that goes on non-stop 24/7, systematically, reality for reality, and layer by layer. The results don’t appear immediately, since it’s necessary to take into account the correlation of space-time continuums. Evil is very diverse and has widely spread on Earth and in the Local Universe’s dimensions, where many Darks and Grays’ AIs remained. We have not only to spot and destroy them, but carefully purify every aspect by aspect and neutralize the huge amount of negativity that people continue to generate.

All that occurred on the Subtle Plane. And what I felt, being in human body? Calm, grace, and Light. Even my breathing became easier, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest. Inner tension and anxiety vanished, and I seamlessly integrated into the harmonious life. Instead of fuss and indecisiveness, arose clear awareness what I need, not at the level of thoughts or knowledge, but insight.

Now, I better see my path and follow it, every moment, make the right choices and rational decisions that lead me to precisely the timeline I desire, complete my plans, Spiritually upgrade self, and experience only joy, not suffer and hard lessons as before. I cannot yet decipher many things, because don’t have correct codes, images, and patterns. So, I simply trust my inner voice and heart and act accordingly.

For example, I felt a strong desire to master Sanskrit. This wish ignited enormous delight in me, just like in childhood, when I was anticipating something great. I sensed that this ancient language would allow me to grow in an field that is very important to me. Started, I quickly realized that not learn, but recall Sanskrit, which spoke fluently in one of my previous lives. It was an incredible state, whose mysticism was dizzying and gave me incredible enthusiasm.

The second discovery concerned words that began to reveal the hidden sides of every letter and syllable. Behind each one, a vast space opens, filled with vibrations, states and meanings at a higher level than 3D. And the more they disclosed their essence, the more I could understand. All of them are powerful energy structures. They are alive, and serve as the key and tool of Creators, and work on the highest Subtle Plane’s levels. In a space, the words’ freqs transmit the codes to this sentient ocean, and its shining particles begin to form something new.

Sweeping over this ocean, the words heave magnificent waves that swirl in bizarre designs, following the vibes that the letters and syllable produce, and create Chladni figures that structure the space. Sometimes they mount up like flames, sometimes twist into vortices, sometimes move like powerful tsunamis. It’s incredibly beautiful. And an image, a form, a dense manifestation of the new emerges.

Every cell is an endless micro-Universe with its own awareness. And by extension, the inner parts of the human body consist of many Universes and also have their consciousness, and their turn, are a continuation of the Greater Cosmos’ sentient fractal. Moreover, each organ has an additional energy supply channel from corresponding planets, stars, and constellations. The entire system functions as a single whole and breathes in one breath.

If the corpus enters into a direct dialogue, this is a good sign that indicates a man’s high level and requires special and very delicate approach. There are no one-size-fits-all rules and techniques to maintain such a commune, or to our Light Body’s activation. Any case is a strictly individual, and demands the same treatment. Depending on feedback, we can establish the necessary state, contact and interaction.

 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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