Quarantine on planet earth about to be lifted
By Benjamin Fulford
November 25, 2024
Full posted on Nov/28 2024
- “If the escalation scenario continues to unfold, it won’t be possible to exclude anything because NATO countries have in fact joined theconflict.”
- https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Additional-footage-from-earlier-today-Dnipro.mp4?_=1
- https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Russian-ICBM-hits-Dnipro-Ukraine-1.mp4?_=2
- https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/So-thats-what-you-wanted_-Well-youve-damn-well-got-it.mp4?_=3
The Supreme Court itself says that this case concerns the possible removal of the incumbent President and Vice President of the United States, as well as members of the United States Congress, finding them unfit to ever hold office in any federal, state, county, or local government of the United States of America,
The court also claims that it has the legal right to do so.
Trump must take action because the KM are not only trying to start a world war, but also to cover up evidence of their crimes. Shredding trucks have been spotted outside the Justice Department, showing that the shredders inside the building are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of evidence being destroyed.

Homeland security hearings were also suddenly postponed after FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to testify.
They must be handcuffed and forced to testify. That is why Trump must act before January 20th.
President Trump himself confirms that he is prepared to declare a national emergency and use the military to deport illegal immigrants.

Trump announced that he approved the following message:
“If Trump becomes president again in 2024, it will be the final death blow to what remains of the global order.”
-Yuval Harari

Here is what the real Trump promises:
“My plan is to dismantle the deep state and rid our democracy once and for all of the corruption in Washington – and that is corruption.”
Trump says he will:
Fire rogue bureaucrats… purge all corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus… completely reform the FISA courts to expose the fraud and abuse of power that is tearing our country apart… establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.. . establish an independent audit system… continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or waging disinformation campaigns against the American people… move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp.. . ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs with the companies they deal with and regulate, like Big Pharma. In doing so, I will dismantle the deep state and restore a government controlled by the people and for the people.
His right-hand man Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intervenes with the words:
The FDA’s war on public health will soon be over. This includes the aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapy, chelators, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals, and anything else that promotes human health and cannot be patented by the pharmaceutical industry. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Keep your records, and 2. Pack your bags.
The rest of the world has already taken action. The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on November 21 for alleged “crimes against humanity and war crimes,” including starvation as a method of warfare, deliberate attacks on civilians, and “murder, persecution and other inhumane acts.”
The warrant is supported by most countries in the world, including Canada, France, the EU, etc. What is interesting is that the warrant was used to track down leading politicians and countries that support the ongoing genocide in Gaza. This includes Israel and the US, of course, but also Xavier Milei, the satanic ruler of Argentina. Surprisingly, Victor Orban of Hungary has also spoken out against it. Obviously, someone has something serious about Orban.
Of course, the various Zionist henchmen in the so-called US government also showed who they were working for.
The elected Republican leader in the Senate, ZIONIST John Thune, describes the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant against Bibi Netanyahu as “outrageous, illegal and dangerous”.
Next Senator John Fetterman says, “I actually like what I see” regarding the pro-Israel stance of the [fake] new administration.
“This is NOT the original Fetterman. It is an avatar. This has already been proven in several photos. He too is a Zionist puppet,” commented a CIA source.
What all these so-called leaders have in common is that they have visited the fake Trump in Mar a Largo run by Leo Zagami.
As an example of the forgeries, there were press reports that said
“US President-elect Donald Trump and NATO chief Mark Rutte discussed a range of global security issues facing the alliance, NATO said.”
Look at the picture Zagami posted on his website, it’s an obvious fake as the heads are way too big in proportion to the bodies.

Even though we know that the original Satanyahu is long dead, what is important is that the people who use his avatar as a front for their power are now becoming international pariahs.
Hossein Salami, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, says: “This means the end and political death of the Zionist regime, a regime that today lives in absolute political isolation in the world and whose representatives can no longer travel to other countries.”
The arrest warrants against Netanyahu etc. will likely be the first of many. The next will likely be against Bill Gates. A court in the Netherlands has ordered him to appear in court on Wednesday, November 27th to testify why he lied about the safety of the COVID vaccines. Should he fail to appear, an international arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court will certainly be issued against him. Since he is currently hiding in his police-surrounded underground bunker in Karuizawa, Japan, he will likely be arrested by Japanese police and deported to Holland. Japan is a signatory to the ICC,
We also noted that Gates’ mentally controlled slave, WHO chief and wanted terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus, who is fully vaccinated, was admitted to a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Wednesday evening for a “cardiac emergency.” Sounds like karma to me.
Returning to the arrests, it looks like a crackdown on pedophiles in the US and elsewhere is imminent. Trump’s fake nominee for Attorney General, Matt Gaetz, who himself faces pedophilia allegations, has withdrawn his candidacy. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has been nominated in his place. In Florida, Bondi championed a plan to create a law enforcement agency to combat human trafficking.
In addition, Trump’s new Border Patrol agent, Tom Homan, says he will prioritize finding or rescuing untraceable children who came to the United States as illegal immigrants during the Biden administration. “More than half a million children have been trafficked into the United States… We’ve already found some of them in forced labor, some of them are being trafficked for sex, some of them are with pedophiles,” Homan said.
In Indiana, Attorney General Todd Rokita announced that his office has sent a civil investigative request (CID) to Tyson Foods in Logansport seeking information related to human trafficking.
One sign that the child molesters will soon have nowhere to hide is the repeated questioning of Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz by several people: “What were you and your wife doing on Epstein’s island?” Dershowitz then tries to get a photo of a questioner so he can sue him. Guess what, Dershowitz, your people no longer control the legal system.
They are also losing control of the financial system. The real Trump sent emissaries to the Philippines last week to verify that the Santa Romana gold that will be used to fund the Future Planning Agency really exists. These emissaries previously demonstrated to this author a Nicola Tesla technology that surpasses anything current Earth science is capable of. They showed us a Trump-backed document claiming that Barter will facilitate “technological cooperation with the star races.”
Again, believe it when you see it. However, the WDS and the Asian Secret Society agreed that if the existence of the gold could not be confirmed, a basket of real commodities would be used to fund the Future Planning Agency. They also confirmed that the rationale of this agency would be a 50/50 split between East and West.
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the G20 leaders last week that East and West are on the same wavelength:
“We must see the world as a community with a shared future and accept our historical responsibilities…. To build such a world, we must support developing countries in adopting sustainable production and lifestyles, responding appropriately to challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, improving ecological protection and achieving harmony between man and nature.”
The WDS and the Asians are now using handwritten and hand-delivered messages to work out the details, as anything digital is visible to the rogue AI trying to take over this planet. This means the process will be some time consuming. We will keep readers updated on any new developments.
In case you don’t think we’re dealing with a malicious AI, let’s take a look at what the current controllers of the international financial system are up to. The IMF, UN and BIS just had a meeting with representatives of “200 nations” in Baku, Azerbaijan, where they demanded $1.3 trillion per year to combat “climate change.”
These globalist nutcases like the International Monetary Fund want to “achieve a net zero carbon target by 2030 to avoid the ‘climate cliff.'”
In other words, they want to decarbonize the planet. It doesn’t matter that we are carbon-based life forms.
To prove that these people are actively trying to destroy the life force on this planet, let’s look at the real science. First of all, carbon is not causing global warming. As this chart below shows, high carbon levels have been associated with low temperatures throughout our planet’s history.

This is because lower temperatures inhibit the growth of carbon-based life, so more carbon is released into the atmosphere when living things die.
Earth is currently cooler than the historical average, which means there is less life on the planet’s surface and therefore more carbon is entering the atmosphere.

Now listen to a real scientist explain how people who grow plants in greenhouses pay money to increase the amount of carbon many times over because it results in far greater plant growth.
“We are currently in a kind of CO2 starvation,” says Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University:
“If you look at geological history, most of the time CO2 levels were much higher than they are now… Most plants thrive better with more CO2 than they do now. So to call it a pollutant is a complete distortion of the truth. It’s not a pollutant at all… People [like Al Gore] saw an opportunity to make money by demonizing CO2, and that’s what happened.”
Elon Musk – one of the leading anti-carbon activists – is committed to eliminating carbon-based fuels. Musk is called the “richest man in the world” when in reality he is the world’s biggest launderer of central bank money created out of thin air. His push to force us all to use electric vehicles has failed due to the fact that they are much more expensive to run than traditional gasoline cars. That’s why global sales of electric cars are now in sharp decline.

It’s only a matter of time before advanced Japanese hydrogen technology takes over the auto industry. In the meantime, if you’re looking to buy a car, stick with petrol or diesel and save yourself a lot of headaches and money.
Of course, I agree with Musk on many things, especially his recent comment that blackmailed pedophile British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is “going full-on Stalin” as he demonstrates his pro-life attitude by trying to put farmers out of business through high inheritance taxes.


Starmer is now so hated that a MILLION people have signed a petition calling for an election amid growing anger over the tax grab in Labour’s budget.
A petition on Parliament’s website, submitted by a pub owner complaining that Keir Starmer has “backed his promises”, is gaining over 100,000 supporters every hour.
A poll last week found that support for Labor has fallen to a new post-election record low.
Sir Keir’s party is now three points behind the Tories and just six ahead of the Reform Party. It is two points behind the 25 per cent target after a week of wrangling over a plan to impose a low inheritance tax on farmers.
MI6 assures us that Starmer and the satanic fake King Charles operation behind his government will be brought down by a group led by Prince William. They say Nigel Farage will soon be Prime Minister and Starmer will be arrested for the rape and murder of children.
One sign that many of the elites are now trying to switch sides is that the KM-funded Antifa is now holding demonstrations condemning the Satanists. Here you can watch thousands of Antifa protesters accusing Israel, NATO and Ukraine of war crimes.
The KM hasn’t been given up yet, though. Alex Soros just issued a veiled threat in response to RFK Jr.’s appointment, tweeting: “You’re playing with fire! Americans will be finished if there’s another pandemic!”

Also, MI6 has informed us that Scott Bennet, a US military hero and patriot, was killed for releasing the detailed forensic evidence of the election theft. Please read the information in the link below for more details.
We will avenge you, Scott.
Also, the KM may have killed Putin number 7, forcing the Russians to use an AI-generated Putin until they can get a new Putin. As the image below shows, his hands are unnaturally immobile in his last video, a good indication of computer graphics.

Another sign that the KM is up to nefarious things is the question: “Why is the Coca-Cola company sending mobile morgues to Ukraine?”

One can assume that there is a lot of last-minute killing going on to cover up the massive money laundering, biowarfare and human trafficking operation in Ukraine. At least $183 billion in US taxpayer money was laundered to the KM through Ukraine.

The real US military has had enough. Admiral Sam Paparo, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, says the advanced defense technology currently being delivered to Ukraine poses a serious problem for the United States’ long-term defense needs. “And to say otherwise would be dishonest,” the naval commander continued. As he is in charge of the Pacific, he stressed that this could weaken America’s defense position in the region in the long term, at a time when Beijing is jockeying for military dominance.
It remains to be hoped that the secret space force will soon emerge from obscurity with military technology so advanced that Paparo will not have to worry about a few rockets.
As a sign that this process may have already begun, here is an alleged demonstration of a medical bed.
Personally, I’m still waiting to be taken for a spin in a flying saucer. I’ll let you know if and when that happens. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed and stay safe.

KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")
Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.
Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.
- https://benjaminfulford.net/
- https://eraoflight.com/
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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(email:nai@violetflame.biz.ly) Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com & rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also rayviolet11.blogspot.com on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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