Friday, November 15, 2024

All is Exposed to the Piercing Light of Truth

All is Exposed to the Piercing Light of Truth

The Arcturians

By Chellea Wilder

Posted on November 15, 2024

Greetings, We are the Arcturians.

It is an Honor to be speaking with you.

Thank you for this Transmission.

Humanity is currently experiencing a powerful awakening, due to the Massive influx of Frequencies now engulfing your Mother Earth. These Energies are lifting those who have already begun their awakening to a much greater, heightened awareness. This heightened awareness connects you deeply to your psychic essence, triggering dormant abilities.

Recently, more individuals are experiencing an increase in their intuitive abilities. Nurturing this newfound awareness opens the door to insights that go beyond your physical reality.

This Monumental shift in vibration, has also brought with it the exposure, and disclosure, of what has long been hidden from the Human Race.

As Light is brought to the manipulative forces affecting your world, a profound shift is taking place within your existence. The unveiling of these hidden motives is like peeling back the layers of a complex web of deceit and manipulation that has long been woven around your Human society. These dark entities, which have thrived in the shadow, are now finding themselves exposed to the piercing light of truth.

As their power begins to wane, there is a sense of desperation that has gripped these forces, driving them to take drastic and reckless actions in a bid to maintain control. Their once carefully laid plans are unraveling before their eyes, and they are scrambling to cling to the remnants of their influence. Yet, the more they resist, the more apparent it becomes that their time has come to an end.

The awakening of humanity to the true nature of these manipulative forces is a pivotal moment in the evolution of consciousness. It is a call to rise above fear and complacency, to stand in the power of truth and integrity. As the light continues to shine brighter, it illuminates not only the darkness that has clouded your perceptions, but, also the path to a future built on unity and freedom.

As these truths come to light, you also uncover the dark agendas that have attempted to manipulate humanity. The forces of light are here, ready to assist your planet and all its inhabitants.

It is essential to stay alert and discerning. The dark forces thrive on fear, confusion, and division, aiming to maintain control over the unaware. Trusting your heightened intuition becomes vital in navigating this complex landscape.

While the dark forces might express their intimidation, you must remember that the Many Forces of Light are Much more Powerful and always present. Your many Guides and Angels, and other beings of Light, are ready to assist you, and we are just a thought away.

Embracing love and compassion strengthens your spiritual resilience and creates a shield against these negative forces.

Listening closely to your intuition is key. Paying attention to gut feelings or vivid dreams can provide impactful insights.

Humanity and the Earth is on the brink of significant transformation. With greater awareness comes the responsibility to use your gifts for the greater good. Each person plays an essential role in this collective awakening. By shining your light, you inspire others to do the same, creating a positive ripple effect.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that real change starts from within. By nurturing your spiritual development, you contribute to the collective evolution that can lead to a brighter future for everyone.

Embracing the growth within yourselves allows you to play an essential role in this awakening. Spiritual mastery is not merely a destination, it is an ongoing commitment to learning, understanding, and embodying love.

As you navigate this journey, welcome the unknown, trust your intuition, and prepare for the beautiful transformation that awaits you.

We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.

We Are the Arcturians.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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