Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What Was It

What Was It

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on Octuber 8, 2024

Part 1

A brief afterword and addition to the Co-Creators’ operation, carried out from September 18 to October 02, about which Disclosure News narrated (see – Awareness, DNI, October 3, 2024). Recall that their op removed from the Earth’s Subtle Plane the negative energy of the Causal and System’s level. What was it? And how this impacts on us and our lives?

As we know, besides the 3D, Earth, like our body, also has other dimensions, which are a single structure. Its main layers are physical, etheric, thin-material (or subtle), Causal, Monadic, Sub-Systemic and System level. On the latter “floor”, the Chief Programmer of the Local Universe develops our planetary Matrix. At the Sub-System level, the Matrix is recoded and unfolds as the Earthly world. How does this happen technically?

The System and Sub-System floors are only information space, and don’t have energy as such. It appears only on the Causal Plane (according to the scheme and formula laid down by the Matrix’ Programmer), which, together with all the lower levels, are hybrids, i.e. the synthesis of data and energy in different combinations. 3D mixes constructive Light and destructive Darkness in various proportions: from 99% to 1% in terms of the predominance of Light, and exactly the opposite, as well as numerous Gray options, like 77% to 33% or 33% to 77%…

Our Earth belongs to the Gray eons by the fact of its birth by Yaltabaoth (the son of the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe and World Mother Sophia), where initially Light and Darkness were equal. After the launch of Maha Yuga, the mechanism of the epochs’ change, the proportion became floating. For example, during the Satya Yuga, there was 90% the Light and 10% – the Dark. In the last, already closed Kali Yuga, the ratio has altered to exactly the opposite, and led to the deepest degradation of the habitat, tougher living conditions, etc.

Today, after the deactivation of Mach Yuga, Earth is moving into a new reality, the realm of Absolute Light that, as soft, is already downloaded and activated on the System floor. Changing the constants of planetary reality at lower floors was only a matter of time. It would seem that enough to set new Light codes and energies in terrestrial Subtle Plane and patiently wait for a change in the physical level…

But Co-Creators dramatically changed this scenario. By their operation during the eclipse corridor on 18.09-02.10, they at one bout moved the ENTIRE Earth’s negativity from the Systemic and Causal levels to a new, strictly isolated enclave of the Black Universe that the Absolutes built recently for this very purpose. Here was why, all destructive energies were not annihilated and transformed, but in a completely preserved form and state were placed in the ghetto, which is eagerly awaiting its dearest guests from our planet.

Part 2

On 5 October at 04:04 PM CET, via the ground team, Co-Creators unveiled the new details about their operation during the last eclipse corridor (see –What It Was, Part 1, DNI, 4 October 2024). They clarified that on the Sub-System and Causal’s levels, purification from negative and destructive energies and programs was successful. Now, a similar work has begun on the terrestrial Subtle Plane and the ethereal layer. That is, the depth of the stripping has expanded, and new tools have been added for this.

In parallel, all previously launched processes of bringing new Light energies to the planet will continue in full swing, as evidenced by another Solar tempest and a class X magnetic storm that started on 2 October and will last until at least the late evening of 12 October. Displaced by them the old, 3D energies are annihilated or transformed into Light, rather than accumulated for further removal from Earth.

Co-Creators informed how this would occur on the Subtle and ethereal plane. Unlike the previous op on the Causal-Sub-System’s floor, in this case, a single Mega Portal will be involved with coverage of the entire planetary reality. And added sensational news: The Mega Portal will be located on a thin-material spot precisely above the CERN’s LHC (Large Hadron Collider).

The choice of the localization point wasn’t accidental. Here, on the surface, is the mightiest power place, which in the distant past Darks used for their bloody rituals and mass sacrifices. Their black magic Portal has survived to the present day, what Co-Creators took into account in their decision-making. And the most important thing was not that energy that comes to the surface through this spot, but THE NATURE OF THIS ENERGY.

In the Earth’s history was a period, when silicon life forms reigned. After it, amassments of that exceptionally strong vital energy remained in the depths of different continents. This energy, resembling bluish-white plasma, is now seeping out in many spots, imbuing rocks, water, power places, crystals with its unique power, igniting their glow. Its sources are hidden most often deep under the massifs of mountains, so that it wouldn’t be reached, because a numerous fierce wars continued during millennia for the places of its concentration.

But few space raiders could get access to some of them. The most famous is the place called today the Grand Canyon on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, where, in addition to blue energy, crystals, gold and other valuable elements were mined. Similar traces remained in the Cordillera and Andes of South America, New Zealand, Australia, Siberia and Europe (for more about pillaged crystals and other resources and their restoration see – The Global Crystals Operation Parts 1Part 2Part 3, DNI, 29 September, 1 and 2 October, 2020). Most of the mountains were erected specifically to hide and secure this blue energy’s springs and, above them, the Portals to other worlds.

Then the planet was bigger, and only much later began to condense and decreased by about third. But before terraforming, many cosmic civilizations were attracted to its biosphere, which was created by silicon-crystalline life forms. It doesn’t mean that we will return to those times. But the change in the tilt of the Earth’s axis, the northern lights with white nights, which are becoming the norm in places, where they hadn’t occurred before, sunrises at “wrong” hours, and the appearance of silvery clouds – all this and much more is caused by the release of the blue life energy, displacing technogeek and other pollutants. We’ll see more and more similar processes.

Today’s Greys are direct descendants of the ancient robbers of Earth. It was a powerful civilization that had previously shredded and devoured entire worlds in many Galaxies, breaking through from a neighboring Local Universe. Co-Creators destroyed it, collapsed its entire space, and the invaders literally had nowhere to return, and spread like rot over the nearest eons.

They tried to prolong their lives with high-tech, improve their bodies with cyborgization and become eternal, but were severely punished with the help of a virus that they could not resist. The software of this virus is now manifested through AI, blockchain and crypto currencies. They were used very widely in their world. On Earth, it is also spreading rapidly, what is not yet realized by people, although it’s already manifested in our civilization. But it still can be aware and come up with the right solutions and measures (see – Awareness, DNI, 3 October 2024).

Now, the entire Earth’s space is preparing for the moment when this blue energy will completely come out. Its powerful streams are already visible, bursting upward from the depths. Where this does not happen, it permeates minerals, soil, roots and tree trunks, and through them, impacts on animals, people, Nature, and the entire physical and Subtle Plane in sync with Solar flares.

Around the planet, a crust of old space tissue with dead or fading frequencies has been preserved. It was made by vibes, emitted by mankind, NAA, Dracos, Repts and other negative civilizations during their staying on Earth. These layers in the mental and astral fields are filled with old destructive programs, thought forms, aggressive emotions and pain. Energy tentacles hang from this crust, like from the ceiling, reaching out to people, clinging to feelings of fear, anger, hatred, apathy, and can literally suck out all vital forces in a few days if a person hasn’t will and don’t resist. The “ceiling” is selectively stretched across the planet, but is now being actively dismantled, decompressed, and slowly melting.

The aggravation of many events in the geopolitical and personal lives is largely caused by the removal of this gray-brown crust with all the mental and emotional garbage, accumulated in it. It is squeezed out by the high freqs of the growing sphere of blue energy, discharging accumulated stresses in space. Defending selves, tentacles from the “ceiling” exude the red acid substance, trying, if not to corrode the blue sphere, then at least to make breaches in it, penetrate inside and completely rewire.

On the surface, these breakouts cause outbursts of extreme brutality in the countries where the war is going on, hysteria in the mass media, politics and socials are off the charts. This crust is still very dense over many countries of America, Asia and Europe, so they do not glow on a Subtle Plane, and experience large vibrational fluctuations that constantly shake society, political parties and factions. Some call for urgent changes, otherwise “we will be wiped out.” Others don’t want to, and stubbornly try to keep everything as it is.

Central Europe shines the least, where the black magic orders are especially strong. But it is here that the largest blue energy’s cluster is reliably protected by the Alps, to which many so-called scientific centers attempt to worm into. And CERN, with its Large Hadron Collider, is one of them. But they don’t have access keys, and never will, because a much more powerful force comes into play – the Mega Portal of Co-Creators.

The LHC is a particular concern for Galactic Committee since many are completely unaware of the extremely dangerous consequences of such installations. It once led to the death of a giant planet and turned it into our Sun (see – Removing The Dark Legacy, New Galacom Ops, Part 22, DNI, 15 June 2021).

Recall that this planet, where the first earthlings in physical bodies appeared, was in the center of the Milky Way. Eons years later, they had to get involved in liberating the Local Universe from the Archons invading it. But events took a different scenario. Darks could send their agents to the planet. They divided its population, pitting different groups against each other and arming them for war, providing military high-tech of enormous destructive power. Among them was the collider technology. It was introduced under the pretext of obtaining a source of eternal energy and a tool for creating an artificial Universe.

When the colliders were perfected and the acceleration of particles in it was equal to the light speed, the installations began to explode one after another due to the matter and antimatter juncture. This caused the detonation of a gigantic stockpile of other weapons, accumulated on the planet, – nuclear, thermonuclear, and other. To survive, part of the population went deeper under surface, closer to the center of the planet. Some moved to the satellite on the orbit. Many died. All attempts to stop the chain reaction failed. It continued to escalate, and soon the planet blasted and turned in the Sun, destroying all life.

Later, the Sun was removed to the periphery of our Galaxy, and a new Earth, appeared to give birth to the next civilizations. But the lessons were not learned. In the late, Third Atlantis, history repeated. Co-Creators had to destroy the Fourth Race to save the planet. Such an end to the current Fifth Race the Galactic Committee and friendly space races, of course, will not allow. They carefully control the work of the Large Hadron Collider, blocking dangerous experiments in every possible way.


 Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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