Saturday, October 19, 2024

We Lived through Covid. Now We Live through “Climate Change”

We Lived through Covid. Now We Live through “Climate Change”

By Steve Beckow

Posted on October 19, 2024

I haven’t been mentioning something about climate change because I haven’t wanted to complicate the discussion.

But I will mention it as a bookmark.

In my opinion, there’s some climate change that’s not a man-made fraud, as I believe Hurricanes Helene and Milton were.

That climate change is attributable to a number of reasons connected to Gaia’s Ascension. The first is Gaia’s need to stretch and shed some of the negativity that coats her, if she’s to ascend smoothly and easily.

My understanding is that that the renting and stretching is happening in sparsely-populated areas so as to minimize the threat to humanity at large. These matters are discussed in The Truth about Climate Change. (1)

Let me offer one quote here, from Matthew Ward, just to make the point. We’ll witness our return as a planet to conditions similar to the Garden of Eden, he says.

“‘Global warming’ due to humankind’s willful neglect, ignorance and denial absolutely is real, to be sure, but the melting of polar ice, record-breaking temperature extremes and other weather anomalies are Earth’s steps toward returning to a moderate climate globally, the way it was when the entire planet was ‘the Garden of Eden.’” (2)

I don’t know the meteorological mechanics of having a globally-temperate climate, but I do know that, in the afterlife (which is higher dimensional to us), sunlight is constant and the weather temperate. (3)

Our Ascension is causing changes to our Sun. These are a second source of climate change. SaLuSa described them:

“Your Sun is changing, and [it] is by far the main reason that the [climate] changes are taking place. In time they will settle down and you will have more temperate conditions throughout the world. The extremes of weather as you have always experienced, will no longer occur and life will become more pleasant and totally bearable.

“As the changes are brought about they will open up opportunities to receive the higher energies. It will enable the cleansing of the old and allow the new to manifest.” (4)

So not greenhouse gases or car exhaust, etc., but natural changes accommodating our return to a worldwide temperate climate.

The literature is agreed. There’s some actual climate change happening. It’s attributable to Gaia and our Sun, in preparation for us all ascending. In future we’ll live in a temperate climate worldwide.

There’s nothing to fear from it. It’s leading in the right direction.  When we couple this information with our knowledge that those who refuse to welcome the Light will soon be unable to stay, we have reason to remain calm and unpanicked in the face of the cabal’s next big production.

We lived through Covid. Now we live through “climate change.”


(1) See The Truth about Climate Change at

(2) Matthew’s Message, May 12, 2013, at

(3) Here are other afterlife communicators on the uniformly-moderate temperatures:

There are no extremes of temperature so another spur to effort is missing. (T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 115.) [Lawrence of Arabia.]

I noticed, too, that a comfortable warmth pervaded every inch of space, a warmth perfectly even and as perfectly sustained. The air had a stillness, yet there were gentle perfume-laden breezes – the truest zephyrs – that in no way altered the delightful balminess of the temperature. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson in Anthony Borgia, medium, Life in the World Unseen, 7.)

There’s no unpleasant wind or cold. It’s always the same, steady, unvarying, genial warmth you can feel now. So there’s nothing from which we need protection as on earth, in the way of elements. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, More About Life in the World Unseen. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1956; c1968, 34.)

Here is testimony on the endless sunlight in the higher dimensions:

Here, … there is … endless sunshine and beauty of timeless perfection. (Arthur, Lord Sandys, in Cynthia Sandys and Rosamund Lehmann, The Awakening Letters. Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1978, 39.)

It is always light; but we do know when your sun hides its face from you, and we use your expressions of day and night which you would understand better than our continuous light and our limitless activity. For spirit, sight does not require the sun. (Spirit Control Mary Bosworth to Charlotte E. Dresser, in Fred Rafferty, ed., Charlotte E. Dresser, medium, Life Here and Hereafter. Author’s edition. Downloaded from, 2 Feb. 2008, 98.)

It is perpetual day [here]. The great celestial sun forever shines. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson in Life in the World Unseen. ibid., 15.)

(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009, at

Steve Beckow


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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We Lived through Covid. Now We Live through “Climate Change”

We Lived through Covid. Now We Live through “Climate Change” By Steve Beckow Posted on October 19, 2024 I haven’t been mentioning something...