Tuesday, October 22, 2024

This is Heaven on Earth?

This is Heaven on Earth?

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted October 22, 2024

Last week we wrote about the challenges many are facing now. Spirit sought to send a bit of light and hope for what’s ahead. I received a very powerful letter in return. I would like to share it with you below, along with Spirit’s response.

These posts are always a breath of fresh air, and although I believe what the  guides are saying, and feel held by Spirit, I look out on a world in crisis. Our democracies around the world, including our own, are being taken over by authoritarianism; ecosystems are starting to collapse; pollution has infected our oceans, air and water supplies; we are in a mass extinction; shootings are on the rise; the fossil fuel companies still have a stranglehold on our governments; and our civility is crumbling. It would be really helpful to hear from the guides how to hold this contrast to what they are saying.  How long is the global transformation going to take?  How many will have to die in the process? Will I live to see the age of peace when all this is turned around?  How will the Earth recover? How do I hold all that I see and experience in this moment as the darkness intensifies?

I was guided to offer this response:

Thank you so much for asking these very important questions. It is indeed a time of accelerated breakdown leading toward what we will come to see as an ultimate breakthrough.

In our Love Note last week, we were speaking about individual experience and evolution, and we are grateful for the opportunity to address the larger world through your question.

First, know that you are indeed always held in love, that you are cherished, and that you are dear beyond words. Forever it shall be.

And to your question…

The Earth and all of its established systems are undergoing profound change. As you are noting, there is widespread dissolution taking place, as it was deemed on the highest levels many years ago that a gradual metamorphosis would not be feasible. What’s happening now is the breakdown that has been predicted for many years.

This breakdown will continue to take place for some time. You may have noticed the increase in severe weather like tornadoes, flooding, and fires. In recent years, we have even heard about the visitation of locusts of biblical proportions. So much devastation is taking place and on such epic levels. There has never been anything like it in our lifetimes.

Though you may not be aware of it now, your consciousness, in partnership with the consciousness of everyone on the planet, was part of this decision-making process. Despite your seeming powerlessness in the face of these events, as humans, you have the greatest influence over them. You can use your consciousness to shift all of these outcomes and timelines, to some degree.

Your greatest offering in this time is to be a compassionate observer of these events. Allow your heart to be tender for those involved, and at the same time, it is of benefit to learn to cultivate a neutral, witnessing consciousness as well. As these events trigger deep emotions, they are designed first to show the places in your own heart that are in need of healing. As you feel into these events, as you feel anger, or frustration, or fear, or sadness arise, tend to that first. Be loving to yourself, and though it may not be immediately apparent, or perhaps even make sense, look for any precursors in your history. That is, seek out any events in your own life that also elicit these emotions. Send love to these places in you. Pay attention to and seek to heal your own heart first.

This guidance is not intended as a glossing over or diminishing of how you feel in relation to the events taking place around you. We only ask that you use these experiences for self-healing and self-actualization first. Once your heart has been tended to, there are two pathways to take.  

As an initial step, attune to yourself and discern if there is an action you are called to take: offer your services, lead a movement, or send money to support people already working on the ground. Scan your body, heart, and mind for any impulse to reach out. Then, follow it, if you will.

Once you have scanned for the presence of a call to action, and noted or taken appropriate steps, if any, come back to a restful place inside yourself. The next step is to send love and white or golden light to the situation. Then, visualize the outcome you most desire. And don’t just visualize it, feel it in your body as if it has already happened: Democracies have evolved into new, higher forms, with awakened, heart-centered leaders; methodologies for healing have been found and offered widespread for epidemic illnesses; and the violence in the human heart has been met, loved, and lifted out of the need for angry expression.

None of these events have been set in stone, and they are vastly determined by the collective consciousness of every person alive today. As for how long global transformation will take, you will see significant differences within the next few years, but the larger transformation may take up to 50. Please know, again, all numbers and timelines are changeable. It truly is dependent upon what you are holding in your own heart - each and every one of you - that determines the outcome here. The more you cleanse and heal and uplift your own heart, the more you take appropriate action, and the more you radiate goodness and wholeness and love, the direct impact is real and immediate and beyond that of which you can be consciously aware.   

The Earth will recover, she assures you.  

She is a living, breathing being just like everyone here, and she wants not only to survive, but to thrive and move to her next highest level of evolution. It cannot be any other way.

Will there be additional loss of life? Yes, sadly, it is most likely.

Will there be continued pollution and shifts in the ecosystems of the world as we know it? Yes, unfortunately so.

And yes, to all of the other critical issues you mention.

And yet…

We say again, where you end up will be far beyond anything you can imagine now.

Thank you so much for this letter and for the opportunity it provided for us to respond.

When we say you will have Heaven on Earth, we mean it.

We ended our Love Note last week by saying, “Together, let’s have the next weeks be the start of something beautiful.” So yes, let’s have the next few weeks be the start of something beautiful - for yourselves first and for everyone else on Earth, including the Earth herself, as well. We will speak more of how to call this in next week.

Much love to you,

Brynne and the Celestial Team


The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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