Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Angelic Celestial’s Soul’s on the Planet

The Angelic Celestial’s Soul’s on the Planet

By Celestial Angelic Blue Ray

Channel: Shekina Rose

Posted on October 30, 2024

I met a Celestial Angelic Blue Ray, a being from the Stars.

Her higher self-shared: I am in service to expand the Spiritual light on the planet.

(During her session)

I am immediately taken by a magnificent blue light that enveloped me. A blue light that permeated everything. This blue light became a portal, transporting me to a gateway of white light. This white light exuded a sense of pure divinity, expansion, freedom, joy, and the presence of being. I listen to her higher spirit mention the planet Sirius. I viewed as she traversed this blue light, heading towards Sirius. She can star travel, and her spirit showed me that the energy of Sirius is also significant to her mission.

Additionally, I observed her in the water as a mermaid with a Pleiadian origin. I saw my client Crystalline Christos body that was radiating crystals of high frequency hues. My client Crystalline Christos body had already been developed from another existence.

She then said, “I am Angelic.” Later, as I continued to be in her energy field, I told her she was a Celestial Angelic. This was prompted by a vision I had of her emitting light fields that resembled a planet in waves of various colors.

I viewed her holy power, —we all have these innate divine spiritual abilities that we already developed. Depending where we come from, such as the stars, the light, and the angelic realms.

To fulfill your mission, your purpose is to be the Divine Light you were created to be, allowing to awaken and activate your spiritual Gifts. Trusting and following your intuition, having faith in your empathic guidance. Being in your full soul’s alignment, you have spent many lifetimes preparing for this role.

 (The Celestial Angelic and Celestial Angelic Blue Ray’s}

  • Celestial Angelic are deeply empathic and often possess innate healing abilities; they originate from the stars, celestial realms, other galaxies, or dimensions.
  • They might perceive themselves as an angel or an angelic entity, a sentiment that is difficult for them to express because they sense deep inside that they are unlike other humans. Their life on Earth can be difficult because they don’t fit in with society or their family. They feel the world and others through a sensory-intuitive lens.
  • Celestial Angelics are able to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging as they embrace their identity as they become more aware of who they are, how their energy field functions uniquely, and their purpose and service to the planet.
  • They radiate and foster harmony creating peace in their surroundings, are adept at discerning the character traits of others.
  • They tend to have a loving, kind nature.
  • The stars, celestial alignments, full moons, and the annual Sirius rising can influence them, as they share a unique connection to the stars and the Universe that sets them apart from others.
  • They have a profound connection with the angels, angelic realms, angelic beings, fairies, mermaids, enchanting kingdoms, and the essence of nature. The Blue Ray Celestial Angels are linked to water.

They are conduits for these Divine Realms to the Earth, having established a source connection with the Celestial realms and universes from which they originated.

*They are here to serve with their spiritual gifts and higher purpose, enlightening humanity’s genetic code and raising God consciousness on Gaia.

 Shekina Rose

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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