Friday, October 11, 2024

Nothing Can Hold You Back

 Nothing Can Hold You Back

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on October 10, 2024


One Who Serves

Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme hum. Greetings to you We are One Who Serves and are here with Shoshanna to answer your questions if you have them. We are ready for your questions.

I have a question.

But I’ve been always hearing from you and other channelings that we have nothing to fear from all the changes that are happening but I’m just wondering how to continue on with daily life until the anarchy actually starts that I’m hearing about, especially because of all the millions of people that are coming through the orders that are starting to mess up our daily lives and take, over things and just wondering what kind of things that we light workers can do to number one, protect ourselves and I myself don’t want to take any lives if they started attacking me, but I do have a gun if necessary and I just want guidance as to how to survive this as it’s coming.


My dear brother, have you not been listening over these many years. You have been a part of this expression and hearing what we and others have been saying to you. Into all of you there is nothing to fear but fear itself it is all about the ball, the deep state to the dark forces and the fear that they have expressed or wanting to express to all of you that you would have that fear. And if you are having the fear then they are succeeding, but if you are seeing this as we have been saying as simply a movie playing out that has already been established, you were just seeing the results, so, that movie that is already happened you see so, do not think of it in terms of as you are saying, anarchy, because the word has been given a wrong meaning by those, are you saying dark for forces rocky is changed, change that is coming, can be positive, change can be change it all depends on how you look at it. But as you are looking at this, do not see the fear, do not see the hatred, do not see the wars, do not see the battles, do not see any of that, see only the light, expressing forth and the darkness receding and if you do that, if you listen to what we have been saying for quite some time now.

Let go all that. Forgive, forget and move on. There is no thing that can hold you back unless you let it hold you back. And as you are saying that right now you are letting it hold you back. Do not think in terms of survival, think, in terms of that it as joy into your life rather than fear and all of the things that go with what the dark forces have been attempting to put out there to hold you to the third dimensional expression. The third dimensional matrix. You see, if you as a collective are held to that third dimensional matrix, then they continue on with their program, but as soon as you as a collective begin to awaken and then that is their greatest fear that you would awaken then you have defeated them and you have moved on as we have been saying, so Shoshanna, do you have more that can be given or different perspective?

We may be able to give, we don’t have a different perspective. We have maybe something to add. What you have given. Would you like us to add their brother


Broth. Perfect brother.

It is difficult to ask you to change your thoughts.

It is difficult if you are believing what you are hearing.

Because in believing what you are hearing you create it for yourself. You attract it to yourself. You see, so One Who Serves has given this maybe in many words but this is the most important thing that you must understand is that believing something will happen, will cause it to happen.

Joanna that we speak through does not walk around and say, how do we prepare for anarchy, that James does not say, how do we prepare for anarchy? Because when you are fearing that you will be attached that you must have a gun.

You will create that you see and you may or may not believe this. You may think that all things are external to you. And that this is your faith. If you believe that you are the creator of your life and that you can create. You can prepare for peace, rather than prepare for war, then peace will surround you.

So, we again, we cannot go into your brain and change your thoughts. You are the only one that can do that. But when you change your thoughts, when you prepare for peace you will attract that into your life you see.

So, we will suggest that you do not fill your mind with the fear concepts that are being posted on the internet or being talked about. Did you not fill your mind with this as you will.

Those thoughts and surround yourself with bad things you say.

Say prepare for peace.


We are ready for next question

Are you sure? Okay, not hopefully it’s quick. I just was curious and because I thought other people may be interested on what it was. I had a funny experience waking up the other morning last weekend on my back. So I kinda snored, I was asleep and it kinda woke me up and then as l was going back to sleep and then I heard another noise. I mean, oh, it’s another snore, somebody else and, and then I went, oh, somebody else, it wasn’t scary or anything. I went back to sleep and then it kinda happened again. So I was just wondering what that was, I mean, I know you last, so my thought was perhaps another version of me because we talked about lot and I’m exploring that idea.

Of of you know, all the parallel realities, and was that, was that, was, or is there another message or something like that?


Then what you are looking for here, what is happening in your dream state, or in your awakening state. What is your question directly here?

Is it, was that another version of myself making that noise?

We would say to you.

What is it makes this of concern to you?

No it doesn’t, I was just curious cause it’s actually kind of positive, because I thought it meant, you know, maybe another dimension. You know, I’m kind of explore different dimension. So.


Very good. And this is what we were after here for you to express exactly what came to you in that, in that timeframe and how you felt about it. It is not something. So, serious, that for you to have to understand it. This is what it is for you. We cannot give you directly here anything more than this, than what your higher self has already prepared for you.


Was this, was this sufficient, do you understand what we are saying here?

Yes, yes, thank you.


Very good. There was another question.Yes.

First of all, I don’t know if I can ask you, but one thing I was just curious this morning when I went to take a bath, is that the water? The bath water was just beautiful, very, very light aqua blue and I wondered if that was an indication that the waters are being cleaned up or if it was just a fluke of light or something like that.


We would say to you how powerful do you think you are in certain frame of mind that you were at that time in terms of your expression in that moment and what you are capable of?

Creating for yourself. So do not think about it in terms of limitation, but think about it in terms of beyond the limitation here and what you are capable of. So, the direct answer to your question is yes, that was you.

Okay, great, great.


May we add something here, dear sister.

Yes please.

Shoshanna continues

Water is the essence of life.

You and water represents driving, represents fullness, represents more life you see so, the color that was cast upon the water is your mood is, how you are feeling?

That is what we have to add.

That’s amazing


If you think about the experiment that was done by that one where they took water and it gave it different emotions and how it changes the crystals within the water. That is what we are saying.

Yes, I see. Thank you.


Would there be any further questions here?

Yes, I have a question, is “Ashar On The Road” and “Ashar Command” the same group or is one positive, negative et cetera. Thank you.



It is difficult to say positive or negative because it is from the one who is experiencing this, these messages, So if these messages that come from wherever they are the source of. If they resonate to you then that is what is important, not who they are, what they are for. Yes, do not think about the messenger but the message always, we cannot answer it any further than that, as there will be certain reviewing that will come forward in the time, see.

So, Shoshanna you have anything to add?,


Well, we agree that it’s not the messenger. It is the message that is always the more, more wise way to.

To view life, but what we will ask this one, if we may we have a question for you, dear sister, may we ask?


Shoshanna continues

Dear sister. What do you think?

Well, I listened to different information and compare for understanding. So, I’ve just heard accounts of one like Ashar on the road is more, gives more positive messages to people asking for that and that Ashtar Command is as a more negative influence and their action. So, I just wanted some clarity on that.


Yes, here’s the clarity we will give you listen to the good messages, listen to the positive. That is what is our advice to you dear sister.

Yeah, I know. And I know that but it, we like; you have a little more?

Yes,. It is, it is so important in everyone’s life moment by moment to let go of these negative things that come in that will influence you that will bring your vibration down, let go of that. We do not care what the name is.

We do not care if it’s Ashar or Yeshua, himself that is giving the negative message that you think you are reading Yeshua was words what he would never do that we will tell you that you must focus on to the beauty, all the positive, all the Love, all the light that you can to create that for yourself. You see everything else discard.


I get it

OWS continues

Through all of the channels, the messages, they’re always all coming through human consciousness and as they are coming through human consciousness, it depends on that particular consciousness in that moment how these messages are brought through, even through this one we speak through now, it is always the same and there will never be a hundred percent. There will always be that filtering that happens through the human consciousness.

When that human consciousness has moved into the fifth dimension and beyond and at that point, the channeling will no longer be needed. Just think of it as again the message that is being brought forth and how it resonates to you. That is the one worth listening to.

Oh, I got it. Thank you.


We are ready for next question. If there is one.

Yes, I do, this. It seems to me like nature is trying from so many different ways to communicate with me.

like, I see plenty of videos in the internet.

Turtles that are have been dropped on a fresh net come to the boats and that’s to help the human. Same thing with other animals, Wales and, and others in general and, and to me that is very, very important, important because it seems like the gap of communication between animals and humans are getting closer, closer and, and, and we are more connected to each other but in particularly, the wind and the birds. I had very connected with me. I kind of, I kind of feel the energy of the wind that comes to bring me messages of renewal and changes and at the same time like, the birds are sending to me in my patio like giving me messages of peace and from quality and for me the birds and the winds that are connected and I wonder what are they trying to say to us right now. Thank you.


So, your question is what is the wind saying to you, or is your question about the more of the connection between humanity and the animals which is your question?

Yes. humanity and perhaps the wind is a very it’s a major player right now. It seems to me.


Okay, we will say here. It is all about vibration and consciousness and add the vibration frequency increases across the human kind, it being a part of that or at least those that are ready to move up into that higher vibration of frequency. So, you are coming closer to matching the vibration of frequency of all of life here on the planet.

The animals, the plants. All of this and the wind and all of the elements as well, and you are finding that you are communicating or coming closer to being able to communicate with those that are in that higher vibration of frequency already since they’re waiting for you to catch up, you as the collective humanity to catch up to them, to move into that higher vibrational frequency that GOD is already providing for those who are ready for it.

So Shoshanna, do you have something to add?.


We can add, may we add dear sister.

Yes, please, thank you.

Shoshanna continues

Dear sister.

We will say that every moment now as you are breathing and living your life, you are recognizing the oneness. You are sensing it, you are feeling it, you are transformational, you are transforming into this one, that you see and it is a gift, it is not all beings that experience the ONENESS in this lifetime. But you are experiencing it in some ways. Even with the wind, the wind has a job, you can recognize the job that the wind has.

And it is a transformational job, the wind transforms life you see it carries Debris away, it’s spread, it cleans the sky. Wind has a job that is transformational and the message for you is that you are transforming, you see and you must accept this and be in gratitude, in joy and enjoy each moment that you are recognizing the ONENESS. Does this make sense to you sister?

Oh! You don’t know how much it makes me cry of joy. It is wonderful. It is wonderful because we are all ONE for sure and I know it deep inside.


Very good. Then we need to release channel now. Shoshanna. do you have parting message?


We do not


Verry good. Then we simply say, you have a saying, “keep on keeping on” and just continue to allow that saying to play out for you because you are again as we have said in many ways, you are coming to the end of this movie and preparing for the new beginning.

We release channel now. Shanti, peace be with you. Be the ONE.

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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