Thursday, October 3, 2024

Love, Peace, Freedom

Love, Peace, Freedom

By Archangel Nathanael

Channel Jahn J Kassl

Translated by eraoflight on October 3, 2024

Credits to pinerest

Love, peace and freedom form an inseparable whole and bring you to completion on the spiritual path of awakening. One cannot exist without the other, one cannot be implemented without the other, one is incomplete without the other. To live love, peace and freedom means to have overcome duality and to no longer separate the worldly from the spiritual life. This inner struggle, this inner conflict – in which “spiritual” and “worldly” are opposed to each other – is eliminated as soon as you are aware that this separation does not exist and as soon as you become aware of what causes this separation within you.

The separation between “worldly” and “spiritual” only exists as long as the human consciousness insists on this distinction under the influence of the ego. “Worldly” and “spiritual” are two equally important poles that work together; they complement and condition each other.

Understanding this polarity and integrating it into your thinking, feeling and acting is part of the realignment that is now taking place among people so that they can lead a life that is open to the world.

To live in unity with GOD means to always live in unity with EVERYTHING – and this entails integrating the worldly and the spiritual so that they form an indivisible unity instead of standing in misunderstanding against each other.

Overcome duality, achieve polarity!

Overcoming duality and achieving polarity means replacing confrontation with cooperation – achieving inner harmony in thinking, feeling and acting. Then the world changes in you and with you, then you achieve what was previously unattainable, then the apparent opposites – like light and shadow – can be understood, integrated and loved.

Then life is in flow because you have calmed your dual mind and inspired a deeper perception of Being.

Then your life begins, your life in love, in peace and in freedom. We want to give our full attention to freedom now.


With the power of GOD I come to you and it is coming true that more and more people can feel the presence of GOD and want to open themselves to the DIVINE.

Your hearts begin to long for unity, your souls are ready for the great transformation – and your human consciousness breaks down all barriers, gives up the delusions and finds itself again. The great change is taking place – through the great changes within yourself! It has begun! It continues! Impressively and unstoppably, humanity is being reborn!

The truth breaks through!

We have entered an era in which everything is being transformed for the benefit of all. It is obvious that everything is in motion, everything is being moved in the truest and most proverbial sense of the word. No stone is left unturned and every person is called upon to broaden their perception and, in doing so, to remain true to themselves:

● As people’s longing for the true and beautiful is activated, evil becomes visible.

● While the true seeker finds the unheard of and the unspeakable, the light penetrates on all levels.

● While wars, conflicts and attacks on all living things are the order of the day, humanity is in awakening mode.

● While sometimes there seems to be no way out of a difficult situation, heaven opens its gates and divine powers come to the aid of people.

● While everything that has kept the wheel of time turning in secret is revealed, humanity is turning the game around, intervening in a healing way in the wheel of time and in the course of the world.

● In the sight of GOD, in these days when everything seems lost, everything is won! For NOW the truth breaks through purifyingly!

Due to this situation, where people are losing trust in familiar faces as well as in established institutions, the desire arises to consciously shape their own reality and to take responsibility for their own existence. The collapse of the systems releases the brakes and is seen by more and more people as a signal for an inner awakening.

On all levels, visible and invisible, the new humanity is preparing its path to shape the future in a light-filled, peaceful manner, and connected with earthly and supernatural forces.

The time when no stone will be left unturned is now; the changes are fundamental, existential and all-encompassing.

What you DON’T want!

The time when evil serves good, darkness serves light, fear serves love the greatest service is now, because for the first time humanity is becoming aware of what it DOES NOT want!

The forces that want to thwart this collective change in consciousness throw everything into the bowl – and so you often end up with a distorted perception. The impression that the course of the world is unfavorable, leading to ruin and not to the ascension that has been repeatedly announced to you, arises because the manipulators of the system want you to think that. The more these thoughts become entrenched in you, the more likely it is that it will happen exactly as it is, that you will experience it exactly as it is.

Not every single or fleeting thought creates reality, but every thought that takes root in you has the power to shape reality. You have the choice of letting the destructive whisperings circulate or listening to eternity and trusting in the whispers of GOD. The current path of insecurity, uncertainty and instability must be mastered – and this means going through this time with deep TRUST IN GOD.

Challenging stretch of the trail

The mastery of humanity includes this crucial and challenging part of the journey! Now it is time to overcome difficulties, attacks and assaults in community with GOD and in community with awakened and awakening people! And I repeat the message:

Only when the darkness is dramatically revealed can you make an unequivocal decision for the light.

People who have been cut off from their true spiritual nature for many lifetimes need these massive impulses to “reconnect” so that the right questions can be raised and the healing answers received.

Nothing can change on a dense energy level without the light that breaks up the encrustations and makes them visible! So please do not worry, because GOD’s wake-up call is reaching people and their hearts!

What, how, where?

What does this mean for you, who are in the midst of everyday life and sometimes don’t know what to do or can’t do? How can you reach the kingdom of heaven within you, how can you strengthen love, hold the light, and preserve what is true and beautiful within you?

How can we achieve peace and live freedom in our everyday lives – freedom to live where freedom is increasingly restricted, freedom to express where it is suppressed, freedom to radiate where it is unwanted and perceived as a threat? How is it possible to live well while a whole world is being rebuilt and the rebuilding brings with it unrest, uncertainty and discord?

Where do you have to stand to see without being seen, to walk without leaving a trace, to be and not just to become?

First Peace, Then Freedom

Beloved person,

Freedom begins with inner peace. First comes peace, then comes freedom. This means: direct all your attention to the disharmony within you! The kingdom of peace is not reached by chance, but this path requires loving attention to your open issues – to the disharmony within you.


Please do this simple exercise:

● Breathe in and out calmly and deeply three times!

● Observe your thoughts and don’t dwell on them!

● Observe without judging, without commenting…

● …until everything calms down inside.

Now ask yourself the question:

● With whom am I at odds?

● Now wait for the inner images!

● Watch them rise on their own.

● It is a very relaxed process.

Are you ready to make peace with these people within yourself?

● Your YES sets everything in motion…

break …

Do the same with all situations that create unrest within you. Be ready for healing, be ready to accept all coincidences and reflections, and be unconditionally honest with yourself.

Unconditional honesty that hurts is the only condition for successful transformation and healing work.

Your ego demands its place. Give the ego its place! Because only those who are unconditionally ready to achieve true inner peace and reconciliation will be given everything. The river of life flows to you. Don’t stand in its way, that means:

● No fighting, but UNDERSTANDING.

● No conflict, but LIBERATION.

● No war, but PEACE – within you.

Is this an attractive and acceptable offer for you?

Perceiving the external with the internal, the worldly with the spiritual, Yin and Yang as a complementary and inseparable unity leads to THE healing you have been yearning for for eons. That is why every healing begins within you and can never be achieved through external changes.

Once you have achieved inner peace with people and situations, the door to freedom opens. Freed from inner conflicts, liberated from the compulsion to fight, and healed from anger at others, you look at the world with different eyes.

Now you are ready to do whatever it takes to remove further touchstones and to address what is limiting your freedom. And again you turn your gaze inward, your perception remains with you, instead of handing over responsibility and power to the outside.

To be free means to be free from programming, free from opinions, free from concepts, free from false beliefs, free from misconceptions, free from curses or maledictions, free from everything that limits a human life, free from controlled thinking, free from manipulated feelings, free from spiritual concepts.

Just as peace is achieved by working on and with yourself, freedom is achieved by working on your imagined and real limitations.

Now you enjoy this work, you look with joy at your remaining programming, patterns, beliefs and inner images that need to be questioned. Because as soon as you have entered the kingdom of peace, you understand how to work with yourself – and like a sculptor, you complete the work on yourself through dedication and perseverance.

Prayers or mantras provide great energetic support, as they tune and align you internally, but they are never the solution. Freedom cannot be achieved by praying or reciting mantras, but only by empowering oneself for freedom. This means removing one’s inner barriers, lifting one’s self-limitations and self-restrictions.

Ask and it will be given to you! Say the following






Be aware: Everything is now in motion! Success will only fail if you flee from yourself, if you allow yourself to be more impressed by the fear of the inner images than by the prospect of healing.

Once you have done this work of self-liberation, you are a unique gift to people and can then turn to the external struggle for freedom. For those who are equipped with this task, the inner work of liberation is essential and existential – otherwise every endeavor fails.

The exercise is: to be ready for ANY answer and to be ready for ANY truth that your transformation processes reveal to you.

The exercise is to become a new person by accepting, understanding and healing the old person.

The exercise is: self-love to achieve freedom!

Where the pain is greatest, direct the light there, for there lies the healing.

Is this an attractive and acceptable offer for you? If so, then be prepared to take the balls that life throws at you from today onwards and to engage with the reflections of life without any ifs and buts.

Do you want to live a spiritual life? Integrate your everyday life!

Do you want to live a free life? Conquer inner freedom!

Do you want to fulfill your mission? Remove what is stopping you!

Being free in a world with restrictions on freedom is possible for those who have worked their way to their true self. The process takes place when you pay attention to what is outside, as it is important for your inner transformation. Because a lot of things happen without you and you cannot directly influence a lot of things. What is always in your hands, however, is how you shape your life, what you align yourself with and how you progress with your work of insight.

The right balance

JJK: THE issue of this time is: When should you defend yourself, say no, stop and halt against a system that is becoming increasingly aggressive – or simply retreat into yourself until the healing work is complete. What is the right balance?

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: The reason it works is that man can perceive the hand of GOD in his life.

A successful battle on the outside always requires a successful battle on the inside and requires a spiritual connection to GOD.

If this basis is laid, then a person’s missions unfold automatically. If this basis is missing, then the fighters for freedom themselves become the greatest oppressors as soon as they have achieved their goals.

First comes the inner healing and clarification work, because the ego wants to be integrated and the imperfect wants to be healed. Once a person has entered the kingdom of peace and has conquered their inner freedom, their spiritual path begins to unfold all by itself.

The right balance between inner healing work and outer enlightenment work emerges naturally once the issues that lead to this question have been considered, recognized and healed.

A person who lives his mission is in balance, no matter what he is doing at the moment.

Wherever this person directs his attention, it happens in harmony with his soul.

JJK: Many light workers are currently experiencing a loss of balance, people who have already done a lot of their spiritual homework. What is the difference between sometimes not feeling centered and generally being out of balance?

ARCHANGEL NATHANIEL: Duration makes the difference! Anyone who is permanently or regularly off track has a lot of catching up to do on their inner light work. If you sometimes feel like you’re not quite in the middle, sometimes you’re not quite with yourself, sometimes you’re thrown around by energies and events, then don’t make a big fuss about it – it will pass as soon as it came. If you’re constantly in inner turmoil, you’re constantly anxious and plagued by fear of the future, then you need to delve into yourself, get to the bottom of the causes and regain the lost freedom of feeling and thinking. Because freedom begins where very few people look for it – within you.

JJK: Freedom means to deal with the right matters, to know and live your mission?

ARCHANGEL NATHNAEL: How does it feel to be doing what you are doing now? That is the question that every person must address if they want to achieve peace and freedom. You are not free as long as you are occupied with other people’s affairs, so that you no longer have time to get to the essentials.

JJK: Some people lack the time and money for transformation work?

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: The only thing that many people really lack for complete self-healing is spiritual maturity and the real WILL!

If both are present, everything in life moves towards you, because GOD will take care of everything as soon as your own healing is the most important thing to you! Lack of time or money is used as an excuse by promising adepts until the longing for GOD is awakened and this removes all excuses. If you are really ready, then GOD will give you everything – including strength, time and money!

So I encourage you to look in the right place, not to allow yourself to be distracted or misled by external factors, but to complete yourself by following the path of healing to the end.

The old world has lost its power, and love, peace, freedom are now born in you. Blessed are you human and free! Holy are you human and great… and there is life everywhere.


Jahn J Kassl

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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