Sunday, October 27, 2024

Love and Joy are Your Greatest Protection

Love and Joy are Your Greatest Protection

The Angels

Channel: Ann Albers

Posted on October 27, 2024

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are those who believe as you do and those who do not, but in the depths of human hearts, you are all more alike than different. Your deepest wishes, although the forms may vary, are nearly identical in essence.

You all want security. You all want to feel free and in charge of your lives. You all want the opportunity to live in a way that feels purposeful and pleasing to you. You all want to feel connected to life and what you believe to be a higher power. You want to experience health, abundance, and joy in one way or another, and you are all, without exception, seeking an experience of expanding love. The qualities you desire to experience are the same. The only thing that differs is the way you wish to experience them.

The majority of conflicts in humanity arise from fear — from feeling as if there is only one way to have what you want and only if you get your way. There is a great fear that if others don’t cooperate or comply, you could be robbed of your own hopes and dreams. What if someone doesn’t agree with you? What if they get in your way? What if you want to sell a house but no one is interested, or you want a raise, but you are denied? What if your candidate does not get elected? What if a loved one leaves the planet?

How on earth can you experience what you desire when it appears that so many of your desires rely on the cooperation of others?

We have heard these and similar questions throughout the ages. They are legitimate questions and very understandable when you look at the world through the lens of material, 3D reality. In the material sense, an uncooperative person can indeed stand in the way of your hopes and dreams, but in the energetic paradigm, dear ones, the river of love can flow around any and all who create such “obstacles” to your wishes. The Divine can help you to create change and connect you with those who naturally and easily fit your life and your dreams.

Suppose you want a specific job, but the person who interviews you prefers someone else. You may feel slighted. You may feel you were not given a fair chance. You may be right.  However, from our perspective, that job is not a perfect fit for you. You want to work in an environment that wants you.

Suppose you did get the job and love it, but two years later, a difficult coworker is hired. You might feel that this person has ruined your perfect job. Nonetheless, if you are willing to stay in your own vibration, remove attention from unwanted behaviors, and focus on how you want to feel, the situation will inevitably shift. An unpleasant person will not stay long in pleasant and happy energy if they can’t get a reaction. You may be guided to leave, or they may decide to leave. You may be laid off only to enjoy some downtime and then connect with an even better job. The situation may simply dissipate.

Even the difficult people who present so-called obstacles in your path, in retrospect, can be seen as the catalysts that help you move forward into a better future.

Suppose you love one political candidate, and someone else gets in office. For many of you facing your elections, this will be a reality. Two can’t sit in the same chair! However, dear ones, does that mean that you will suffer because of someone else’s action? Only you can decide that. Can you pray for the one sitting in the chair to have the love of God rise from within and to make wise decisions? Instead of fearing someone else’s influence, you can focus on the qualities you wish to live and enjoy in your own life.

Trust that God is still God and no matter who appears to be in charge, God can find ways to care for your heart, that feel wonderful to you.

Even in countries torn by war, there are those still living amazing lives. You have the power to align with the Divine or not dear friends, and aligned with God, you give the Creator—the ultimate lover of life itself, the parent of all Creation, the Being that wants you to live a life that feels loving to you—the power to help you live your life in a way that is pleasing, supportive, and in harmony with the ones around you.

You will all find great relief as you release your need for others to behave as you wish and instead focus on how you want to feel in your life. Look at what is pleasing to you and empower it with your attention. Pray for all beings to know God’s love. If someone is upsetting to you, imagine the light of love pouring towards them, but also into yourself.

Dear ones, you are One. It is hard to imagine that you are part of the same field of love as those you adore and those you despise. They are waves in the Ocean of Love, just as you are. Some you want to dance with, and some you don’t, and that is fine, but remember always that deep within you, there lives a light that connects all things and all beings.

This Presence wants you and all to have the experiences you wish for. If you are refused one opportunity, assume a better one is coming. If one person rejects you, they are redirecting you to those who will love you more. If the person in office has policies you don’t like, make it your policy to labor in love and adhere to your own values in your own life and your own circles so as to experience the quality of life you desire.

You did not come to earth seeking sameness. You did not come to earth intending to rely on the agreement of others to feel the love and security of the Divine. You came, dear ones, eager for the buffet of life itself, for it is in looking at the differences that you discern your truth and your desires and then have the opportunity to align with them in your own life.

Fear not, dear friends. God is with you. Whether you agree with someone or not, the Divine agrees that you all deserve to live a life you love, a life of security, happiness, health, and joy. Relax into that. Breathe. The power that creates universes is there for you always. We, your angels, are one with that and love you so much. Relax in our arms as well. In that love, there is nothing to fear.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

The Angels.

Ann Albers

  • ©2016/2024 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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