Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Inner Alchemy

Inner Alchemy

By COBRA ~ The Portal

Dated October 6, 2024

In this period of extreme outer chaos, it is very important that we strengthen our connection with our true (higher) self.

For that purpose I will post some key meditations that can help us to achieve that.

ATVOR meditation

The Ascended Masters have developed this spiritual technology and it creates an advanced pillar of Light:

It is generated by a mothership above the Earth. It descends into your body and goes through the Agarthan network into the center of the planet.

Say the following invocation three times:

I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I AM that I AM. I ask the Presence of the I AM that I AM to join and merge with me.

Now, close your eyes. Visualize a pillar of pure white Light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of Light.

As you breathe in, you breathe in the brilliant white Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out the brilliant white Light from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white Light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breathe in that Light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command mothership into your energy field. Each time you breathe into your heart, be with the Ashtar command.

Each time you breathe out, radiate the Light back into the mothership.

Keep breathing like this for a few moments.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes.

The video for the ATVOR mediation is here:

Meditation of Light

This meditation connects you with your higher self.

1. Make yourself comfortable. Watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white Light. As you breathe out, you breathe out brilliant white Light.

2. Visualize your soul star chakra above your head lighting up with brilliant white Light. Visualize this brilliant white Light emanating in all directions.

3. Now, focus on the crown chakra on the top of your head. Visualize a brilliant white Light emanating from your crown chakra in all directions. You as a reincarnated being, invoke the presence of your soul, your higher self. From your crown chakra, you are calling the presence of your higher self by singing the sacred mantra OM. Now, your soul, your higher self responds by singing the mantra OM from the soul star chakra back to you.

4. Then, you as a reincarnated being, sing the mantra OM again from your crown chakra to your higher self. And your soul, your higher self responds by singing the mantra OM back to you.

Repeat this a few more times.

5. Slowly, you are aware of your physical body. You become aware of the sound surrounding you. And, whenever you are ready, open your eyes.

Causal Body Activation

With this meditation, you will connect to your causal body, as the meditation will lift your consciousness to the causal plane. That will help a lot in the coming months and years.

1. Close your eyes. Watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in rainbow colored Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out rainbow colored Light from your heart into the surroundings. Keep breathing like that. Breathe in rainbow colored Light, and breathe out rainbow colored Light.

2. As you are breathing like that, you begin to realize that you are surrounded by rainbow colored energy. That is your Rainbow body, and that rainbow colored Light is your Causal body. Keep this rainbow colored Light in your heart and keep breathing this rainbow colored Light out to your energy field. Keep breathing like that.

3. Then, sing the following mantra a few times to activate the Causal body:

“Om mani padme hum”

4. Then, slowly become aware of your surroundings, and whenever you feel right, you can open your eyes.

Forgiveness protocol

This protocol will help you releasing past grudges and resentments. Please repeat the following mantra three times:

“I decree and command to release all my conflicts with myself, with my parents, with my children (if you have them), with my partner (if you have one), with my friends, with Lightworkers, and with all other people. I decide forgiveness”

Then, close your eyes. Visualize the Violet flame coming from the sky, going through you, releasing all the conflicts. Throw every conflict into the Violet flame and let it go.

Whenever you are ready, open your eyes.

There are other meditation that can help you.

You can invoke the pink healing light of angel EELA from Sirius:

You can connect with your twin soul:

You can connect with Agartha:

You can develop compassion:

You can expand your consciousness beyond duality:

You can receive a remote healing at the time of the full moon:

You can receive a healing in a Tachyon chamber:

You can use Pleiadian healing protocols:

You can heal the trauma of the fall of Atlantis:

If you practice the above meditations, it will be much easier for you to raise your vibration enough to go beyond the attack frequency where the dark forces operate:

To remove anomaly and to increase protection, you can also use the following device, developed by the Dragons:

I was able to arrange a discount for the readers of my blog. If you wish to buy it, you can enter the discount code COBRA when you make your purchase:

Victory of the Light!


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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