Sunday, October 6, 2024

We Surround You with Light

We Surround You with Light

By The Archangel Collective

Channel: Galaxygirl

Post on October 7, 2024



Greetings, friends. We are the Archangelic Collective. 

We are very near to your world and we surround you with our light. We surround you with joy and hope as there is much that is coming and much that you have already been through. We bear witness to your fortitude, to your strength. This one has been seeing visions of foreboding warriors on horseback and she has been hesitant to ask these figures for more information. In fact it is best that she not speak to them directly as they are distorted images, memories of the energetic frequencies of war that have been and are being transmuted currently.

The vibration of war has been deeply seeded into your evolutionary construct. “Conquering hero” and “to the kingdoms go the spoils” are some key phrases that you accept into your vernacular. We find the human vocabulary very limiting as the emotional maturity is shallow. This is why we enjoy the angelic light language when permitted to express ourselves in such a way that the recipients can understand and accept deeply into your being. 

We transmit these codes to you now. Let them flow over you, into you. Let your tears fall, you may have some chills and tremors, and it is all good. The light is a wave. You are in the midst of a massively slowed down wave as if particle by particle your being must accept it, must welcome it in. The tsunami of light has been and will continue to be slowed a bit for a time so that all may experience the light deeply, profoundly, and with great reverence and love if they so choose it.

We are the Archangelic Collective of light, of love, of purity. Purification is what you are in the process of. Purification is sometimes a painful process and we are showing this one wild fires and thick underbrush being burned away. We are showing her the next season of vibrant verdant greens that then overtake the forest with new growth. The animals that have been moved to safety are returned. The earth purifies herself in this way time and time again. 

The cloud seeding and geothermic misuse, fracking, tunneling, all of these have severely impacted Mother Earth’s ability to naturally repair and so she may have to resort to more extreme measures to do so. You are all feeling this deeply in your body systems. You are purifying, you are detoxing, you are being made aware of that which is out of balance within your own personal body of flesh that resides on your planetary body of Earth. Do not be afraid. We are ever close to you. We surround you with our light, with our wings of strength, of speed, of light. We are your friends in the higher realms of the higher ways.

This one and many many of you are also asking this, you are wondering what your next steps are, what your purpose is in the times to come, in the times ahead of great change. 

(They are showing me adult hands holding a toddlers’ hands as the toddler walks on shaky steps, smiling). 

You will be led. You have always been directed and even now it should be easier as we are more tangible to you. Our presence is more palpably felt as we are near to you and always have been but your energetics have risen to such a state that you are now angels encased in flesh, you are embodying what you came here to do, to be. You are living breathing examples of the Christ made flesh. And so we smile at your earnestness in asking “What do we do next? Will we be led?” Yes. You will be leading yourselves for your higher minds will have expanded further and more importantly your higher hearts will be leading your higher minds, and the footsteps will be sure.

Many of you will need to be the voices for change. Many of you will need to place funds to create these changes. Do not be troubled by the term ‘funds’ as all is changing as you know it. Gold and talent exchange will be equal. Trade and bartering will become the norm. Exceptional talent and skill will be highly sought after and many many of you have this, of course you all do but in various strengths of various talents so that all areas are covered, so long as you are open to the change of the light promptings deep within you.

Do not be afraid to step into more of yourselves. Do not be afraid at all. That is the older energy, the older way. Be delighted, full of light, knowing that you will be divinely guided and you will feel your next steps keenly. The world is changing and those that refuse to change will struggle for a time with this. Voices of truth will be in high demand, open hands and joyful hearts will be more brightly needed than ever. 

We see humanity leaning more heavily on the light workers than ever before. And we see more creativity in use of your internet and social media to provide further avenues of connection. People will feel disconnected – disconnected from their truths, and they will question everything. They will questions who they are, why they are here, the purpose of the whole. They will need a gentle touch, a listening ear and a voice that speaks the truth with love.

This is an internal business, ascension is internal and as you have all been working so diligently on this, your lights are bright enough that they are obvious to the others to see. And so even though it is internal work, your internal vibration is visible for all to see and you will be needed, called upon, and you will be ready. We are showing this one a class of graduates throwing their caps in the air. You are ready to take the next step, no longer are you the spiritual infant wondering if God will be there for you. Of course for the All is within you and you are a fractal of it, of the divine, of the Great All and the Great Everything of Love. You are ready for yourself and you will guide yourself along further, further and further down your path.

Your path is unknown and yet known at the same time. We see tremendous accolades for the light bearers for you have born such agony to be where you are now in this moment of healed time. We say healed time for we wish to extend this blessing to you, an orb of healed time-light surrounding you. Envision this, claim this. So that when all of those who are around you and struggling, and they will be if they have not done the work of the deep dive into the depths of self, no matter what is going on around you, your healed time is complete. 

You are in this bubble, this blissful space of healing, of the self that is complete in its completeness. The light of the Christ enshrouding you. Always. We wish for you to learn to walk and live and breathe in this space, in this bubble of the Christed light that never abandons, and always leads, always provides tremendous faith, light, joy, love no matter the circumstances. And so as the earth rattles and shakes and humanity reacts, you are in your bubble of light, of healed self time, and you are preserved in this space. Do not let one who has not done their self work affect your space. Know that all is well.

Source is near as always. We wish for you to feel this tremendous light and love. We are the Archangelic Collective. Peace.



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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