Monday, September 30, 2024

Your Life

Your Life

by Master El Morya

Channel: Sylvain Didelot

Translation by EraofLight on September 29, 2024

Hello everyone, I am El Morya. I am happy to be here among you, you know well that time does not count, that all these nuances, these impressions that you have do not count either [1] . This is undoubtedly a large part of the message of this day, this message that I have to give you.

This message is that nothing matters but love, coming together, being reunited, together in this Earth experience.

I would like humans to be able to rejoice in the Illusion. It is often difficult for each of you. Difficult, because it seems so true to you, so right, so important as you say, that your attention, your moods, your consciousness, lend more energy to the Illusion than to the reality of the Being who came to live this era, this time, this space, to evolve, to advance, to advance towards his own quest for love, his own quest for a happy existence, because yes, you are in search of a happy existence.

Happy existence is an existence that occurs when one is at peace, and when one loves and is loved too, let’s say. Love is not just one way to end and experience happiness. This existence is meant to be joyful in reality .

The superposition of states of consciousness that makes you not, comes most of the time from a particular desire, and this particular desire is possession. Possession is the first destroyer of joy. It is paradoxical. I am not telling you that you must not have anything to be happy, but above all, that when you are in having, you do everything to preserve it. You do everything to keep permanent in a world of impermanence, you want to keep the resource even financial, I hear it, I understand it, you want to keep everything you possess. What energy do you put into it? What energy, what consciousness do you put into it? These objects are temporary anyway.

I confess that I do not understand humans to the extent that, even though I was one, I always knew that we do not take things with us to Heaven, to this Paradise, to this Kingdom promised by Christ. We do not take any object, any money, any medal. We take what we are , what we have become, what we have learned, what we have experienced.

So I invite you, in this period that you are living, to concentrate on the living, to concentrate on what is there and which creates a memory in you, a recording. This is lasting. Everything you see, everything you hear, even my words now, you will be able to see them again, you will bring them with you to the Other World, to the other Kingdom. On the other hand, you will not take your objects, I repeat, so I invite you to a certain detachment. I invite you to become Aware, now, of the fact that for most of you, you already have exactly what you need, exactly what suits you.

Dear Consciences, dear friends, you are here and now in the time that will allow you to love even more. You know that, despite the many divisions that you are undergoing, despite these divisions, you are human beings who have come to live a human experience above all, an experience of reunification .

Many of you ask us, we who are in the Kingdom, for Peace, Peace: ”  Guides of Light, give us peace, work for peace, establish peace in this world.  ” In this case, we also pray and say: ”  Human of Light, be Peace, and establish Peace in this world  “, because your power is great, powerful, perhaps even more than ours . We have a power of intercession over your choices, a power of intercession over what you have already chosen for yourself, we cannot completely change the Divine Plan. This Divine Plan is precise, rigorous, it leads to your full success, to the full Consciousness of each and every one of you, at every moment and at every moment.

You are the work of Peace. I said it earlier, all that you can do in this world, since you continually ask us also the question: ”  What can we do?  “, what you can do in this world is to radiate and resonate the state that you want in your world.

If you want Peace , I beg you, BE Peace, and be at peace with everything and everyone . Don’t pick new fights over and over and over again. For in doing so, you are creating new wars, new conflicts elsewhere in your world, and perhaps even elsewhere in other worlds, without you being fully aware of it.

You want Love , very good. BE Love . Be Love, that means, take care of those who have nothing. Take care of those who, in their humanity, are hurt, tortured, tired, sick, distant. All of these need your presence, all of these need your energy. Give them that.

You know, there is in the universal laws, a law called the Law of Reciprocity. The Law of Reciprocity is special, globally, what it means is that the world will give back to you what you give to it. So, whatever you want, you are invited to give it.

GIVE. Give is a word that you are not used to saying completely really. You are not used to saying it correctly in the sense that when you give, most of the time you do it in the hope of receiving . There is not a gift here . It is not a gift, it is a loan , you lend something in the hope that it will be returned to you. Oh! No, no. The law of reciprocity is very, very clear: he who gives will receive. He who gives will receive what he has given, in one form or another, in one blessing or another.

Oh! What is a blessing? Let’s say a blessing is a kind of coincidence, which leads you to something more positive in the direction of what you are going to give, again. Maybe we could define it like that.

Peace, Joy and Love are given. There are no real conditions to be joyful, to be happy, most of the time, it is a choice. Are you sick? Very well: You have the choice to continue to complain about this illness day and night, or you have the choice to make sure to look at the little moments of Light despite the illness, the little bursts of love and humor despite that. Your gaze then turns towards a possibility of different interpretation, to say to yourself: “Well, in this illusion I go through this illness, but the reality of who I am , that is what I came to seek in fact.”

You have come to rediscover yourself. You have come to find yourself in your relationships with others, in your relationships with love.

When you are down about a situation, tell yourself this: The Universe wants the greatest good for you, and you are the Universe. You yourself want the greatest good for yourself, and you can have it by stopping complaining. It is difficult, for Westerners mainly, very difficult to stop complaining , yet the reality is so there.

There is another key too, it is not so much the personal complaint, it is that of finding a systematic culprit , ʺit is the fault ofʺ: it is the fault of the other, it is the fault of the governments, it is the fault of the weather, it is the fault of what else, of the Guides, of the Light, of the shadow. This does not mean that there is no impact of these elements in your existence, of course, it simply means that by leaving your chain of responsibility, you also leave the little power that you have in the necessary change for yourself.

You have a power. I say “little power”, in reality, this “little power” would be like a kind of steering wheel. You do not know the engine, you do not know the wheels, you do not know the bodywork, nevertheless you have the steering wheel of your existence. This is already an exceptional power.

By looking for guilt elsewhere , by ignoring that you are the source of every experience you live, or by wanting to ignore it, you ignore the possibility you have to learn or change as quickly as possible , with regard to all of this.

So, if you want to change things quickly, start by stopping being in denial. Take your part, take your responsibility. You wrote part of the common plan and your individual plan anyway, in all cases, and that is perfect. You did this in the greatest love for yourself, to allow yourself to learn again and again, to follow this choice precisely, once again. What did you choose? How did you love? What did you choose? Did you choose love or did you choose fear, denial, anger, renunciation, abandonment, injustice? What did you choose?

“  Yes, but it’s not that simple  ,” you would say to me. Sorry to tell you, it’s usually simple. The consequences of this simplicity, yes, the impacts of this simplicity, yes, are perhaps, at first, difficult to live in this matter, in this universal matrix in which you are. However, deciding, taking this power that is yours to decide: “what do I choose to feel? What do I want? What is the sample, small or large, that I can offer myself now, a little bit of joy, a little bit of love, a little bit of peace, or a lot of joy, a lot of love, a lot of peace?”, it doesn’t matter. Even in the worst of situations we can offer ourselves a little bit of joy  : “Yes, maybe at times I suffer, but I am still here in this experience, in this world in full evolution.”

Let us talk about this world in full evolution if you will. Your planet is making great changes. It is preparing its identity, I should say, its earthly crust others would say, to integrate a more divine, more harmonious character and therefore, you will notice that it can no longer tolerate disharmony , it is becoming very difficult.

The children of the Earth, her children that she has carried for millennia, are no longer children but adults, who continue to choose like children sometimes, it is true, while you are still adults. This means that the Earth that has carried you up to now actually asks, by her actions, by her movements, for a responsibility of human beings in particular, a communication with her. She does not want you to be harmed .

Despite what you will apparently experience in the future, the Earth does not wish you any harm. What it wishes is perhaps to give you the shocks necessary for your understanding of being elements of Nature . I spoke to you again earlier about your possessions, and it is trying to tell you that you do not possess anything, that you are in truth in symbiosis with Nature permanently, and that you are invited to be in appreciation of Nature, of what it does for you, of the very air that it produces so that you can breathe it , through all the natural elements that it uses.

Let’s look at it another way. If you had to pay for the air you breathe so that it is pure, you would be in total appreciation if someone provided you with this breathable, pure air for life. This is what Nature does, it provides you with this element for free and for life. If you knew it better, you would see that it is capable of feeding you for free and for life too. So it is generous, it gives, it expects nothing in return, once again. It expects nothing in return. This does not prevent us from noticing ingratitude when we expect nothing.

It will continue its path with or without you this planet. And look, being able to thank for what is there, for the natural work, it is a little extra, a little extra that we all appreciate, you, me and Nature. This is why I invite you to gratitude for everything you have and that is so vital  : you could not live without water, you could not live without air, you could not live without food. Already see this as a powerful vector of gratitude, by the fact that this force of gratitude allows you to extend yourself to others.

Know, when we have enough peace for ourselves, enough love for ourselves, enough gratitude including for this world, we are able to offer to the other. We are able to expand. To expand again and again through love, peace and joy, that is one of the characteristics of God. That is what you are trying to become. That is what you are trying to be in this world, to remember who you are , to remember that you are also God in a particular form . Ultimately, you are a form that seeks to expand, to expand the best of itself in a principle of community, in a principle of exchange.

Expanding does not necessarily mean being in relationship with everyone, since I know as I say these words that there are people on your planet who feel very alone. To them I say, praying is also connecting. Praying is also joining this humanity, feeling united with it.

Conversely, I would say to those who see too many people, take care of each one. Take care of each one, do not walk past ignoring the people you meet. Contempt is a very powerful destructive force in your world. It creates injustice which ends up creating anger, which ends up creating wars. You know, that’s how it works. And when I say “those who meet too many people”, it just means at least becoming aware that each person you meet is a part of you . Do what you want with this information, in any case, becoming aware of it from time to time will allow you to continue on this path.

Among the questions of the moment, many are wondering what the future of France is.

Dear souls, France is indeed going through a troubled and disturbing period, however, it will find again in some time, in a few years, a luminosity, a brilliance, a light that it has not known for many decades, perhaps even a century . It will find that again, do not worry.

In appearance, here and now, for this country and for this world, everything is done so that everyone awakens and no longer expects any other savior than himself or herself. You are what you are all looking for together. For you to learn it, there must be enough pressure. It was not obligatory, only we did not see the human being move. consequently, there will be enough force and pressure for the French people and the people of the world to awaken to a greater Consciousness, by understanding the place of the Earth in the universe. I will say it this way.

The Earth is precious. It is magnificent. Understanding the Illusion is also and above all understanding that this illusion serves. It serves you. It does not harm you. By radiating, by offering, by giving, by loving, you only attract to you the most favorable circumstances possible to continue your evolution to be able to give, receive, love, share even more . Again.

Therefore, you are asked to radiate . To radiate is to BE. That is what it means. Notice, when we say ʺradiateʺ you usually think, and you are undoubtedly right, of the Sun. The Sun emits rays of light. Do you think that it waits to receive rays of light? It IS the Light. You too ARE the Light, and very often you are your own solution , I repeat. You are your own solution.

In this changing world, in this current tumult, the vibration of Love is even stronger and more present, and more necessary. You commonly expect from our speech, you say it frequently, more concrete things, more feasible things, and you also forget that perhaps through our words , perhaps through time, perhaps through space, we send a care at the same time as these words that I pronounce. We send a kind of sweetness, a spiritual blanket. We do not have to pronounce this for each and every one.

We are for the victory of Heaven , and in fact, what we call the victory of Heaven is the victory of all Humanity , and this victory, I tell you, is immutable. There will undoubtedly be quite a few “victims” in the appearance of this spiritual combat that is being waged on Earth, since it is indeed a spiritual combat above all. On the other hand, you will win. Humanity will win its Heaven, do not doubt it. Be patient. Be courageous. Be bold too, in any case, do not give up on the victory of Heaven. Pray to Heaven. Pray all of us. We cannot act directly in matter, but we can influence, influence as well as suggest to many humans one path or another.

Understand this, our power to suggest these paths, which we wish to be as bright as possible, depends on permissions from humans to allow us to do so. So, in effect, when you pray for Peace, you are, without really knowing it, asking us to go to someone who is angry and say to them, “Calm down. Everything is fine here.” You allow us to do this, given that your will for Peace is a will from Heaven, and the wills of Heaven fall back on Earth.

It’s hard to explain. In reality, you are the source of EVERYTHING  : your story, the changes in your story, and we are just “influencers”, people who give little touches in one direction or another. Yes.

Let me tell you a little story. One day, I was walking in the desert with a friend. This friend said to me: “You know, I think we’re not going to make it to the end of this road. The road is long, it’s hot, we’re thirsty, and I can’t see the end of this road. I only see dunes and more dunes and more dunes.

I answered him, because I knew where we were going: “Do you think I would take you on a path that would make me die with you? Do you think I do not know that this path is full of pitfalls, but that the final destination is certain?”

I say this to you – obviously, we crossed the desert and found what we were looking for in this great city where we were widely welcomed for years – today, it is the same for us who are the Guides.

Do you believe that in the desert crossing that you are making, we will die with you, we will take you to your final destination? Of course not. We know perfectly well where you are going. We know perfectly well the possibilities that lie before you, and we know that you are going towards the best of yourself, towards that long-awaited city to resume my story.

In the same way, when we advise you, when we give you directions, it is not to lose you but on the contrary to direct you, to give you back the courage and the hope of knowing that we are accompanying you , and that we are not accompanying those who have no destination, only those who have this divine destination, this divine path of return to himself or herself .

Coming back to God is so powerful. It allows everyone to realize that all creation is filled with an energy of thought that ends up creating. Here, this becomes a little complex, dear friends, to tell the truth, all your thoughts end up taking shape in one place or another, on you, around you, or even on occasion, in another era on one of your brothers and sisters . It is certainly the greatest achievement that a human being can make, to master his thought, to master his emotions. It is THE greatest achievement of the human being.

If you were able to see how each of your thoughts ends up in a creation, in the world of Illusion including sooner or later in other worlds, I think you would take care of your thoughts, and you too often leave them in automatic mode.

Leaving your thoughts on automatic mode is giving control to the ghost in the machine, to the ego as you say. And this ego, because it thinks it has no power, will continue to take its thoughts with this notion ”  I can’t do anything about it. I can’t change anything.  ” Take back the power.

Take back your power here: “I can, here and now, give myself even a very small sample of what I want in my life,” because that is the secret .

I can, here and now,

give me a little sample of what I want in life.

Think about it, dear souls. Think about it strongly since it is the key to your success, these small samples, these small daily words, these small daily gestures, these small daily adventures that lead you to, here, change a road, there, change friends, partner, or here, change job, or there, review your plans compared to what was planned. All these adventures lead you to yourself, to the best version of yourself.

Do not regret anything about your past. Listen to me carefully, dear souls, EVERYTHING HAPPENED AS PLANNED. You are in the exact place or one of the exact places that you planned for yourself . If things are not going well, if what you see does not please you, it is because you have not given enough samples to your heart, to yourself. You have waited for it to come from outside, or you have chosen, as you regularly say ʺthe right time — when I will be better — when it will be simpler — when I will be at peace — when I will no longer complain — when I will have thisʺ .

My speech began with possession, it was voluntary. Nothing you possess will change anything for your soul. It is what you are , what you do, that will change your heart, your soul, your energy, your capacity to receive more, even . When I say “your capacity to receive more”, it is for the simple reason that your evolving world, this evolving Earth – I spoke about it earlier too – contains much more energy available for human bodies than before . It can even be difficult for some to receive so much energy sometimes in such a short time. It will be all the more “simple” as you will be in acceptance, in welcoming and in giving, in giving this excess of energy that you have.

How do you give your energy? Some do it in a magnetic form, others will do it simply by praying. Again, to pray is to radiate. So, radiate again. Pray again.

Don’t give up on this. Don’t give power to your governments. You are your government. Give yourself and grant yourself that power , even if it’s just words in your head, even if it’s just words spoken as you say it, say it anyway, and wait. Give yourself those samples of love, peace, and joy. Give it to yourself, even the smallest ones, even if it’s only for two minutes, give it to yourself several times a day, and watch the world transform around you. See your power. Realize how wonderful little moments of coming back to yourself are .

Returns to oneself are the true paths of Love:

Forgiving someone who has offended you is a path of Love.

Leaving anger is a path of Love.

Leaving fear behind is a path of Love.

And you have come to take this path, so you will necessarily be subjected to these tests. What are you going to do? What are you going to do now? Give you a small sample? Wait for someone to give you the solution? Imagine that we ourselves are the solution? We are the suggestion of a solution, the small movement, the little nudge that will perhaps, yes, generate a coincidence here and there, to show you that you are on the right track, that your samples are good.

If we can’t do everything, we will do whatever it takes to push each of you towards the best version of yourself. To do this, you have to have confidence in Life. You have to have confidence in what you are , what you do, confidence in the Eternity that flows through you , indeed.

Now let’s look at some of the obstacles to this. The obstacles are of several kinds. They are human. So, in terms of humanity, I said it earlier, illness, loneliness, poverty can seem to be obstacles . Here, I invite you just to really, even if it lasted a long time, keep in mind the temporary side of this. I insist on ʺeven if it lasted a long timeʺ. It may have lasted 5 years, 10 years or 15 years, this can end tomorrow. Here, keep hoping.

There are also obstacles from what you call the shadow, the non-light . Of course it does everything to delay your progress , because that would leave it on a plane that would nourish it a little less. Here, the solution is simply the Light, that is to say, staying positive. Know how to see micro solutions everywhere, be ingenious, obviously not alone.

Understand that your world contains all the solutions if you are together, and it sees none when you are separated, or very few, since God to reunite, reunites. Excuse me for this sentence, it means that by yourself you are nothing and that you need either the visibility of the other divine shards that are the others, or the Light of God to be able to continue your path.

You dispense love, but never forget this: God loves you . This is not a small piece of information. God loves you. He wants the greatest good for you. At every moment, at every moment, He wants the greatest good for you. ”  Ah! Yes, but why does He allow this, why does He allow that?  ” It is the human who allows this, who allows that. God simply observes the change that takes place in you, the power that you put into transforming yourself precisely.

The time you live in is a time where followers will have lost. Don’t follow anyone. When I say follow, I mean those you think have the power. Listen to them, yes, but choose for yourself. Experiment, don’t just fill your head.

I remember earlier when I told you that we take with us everything we have learned, everything we have experienced, some of you must have thought ”  but I have learned so much! I have read so much! I have read the entire encyclopedia! Iknow so much, I am going to take that with me  . What I mean is that true knowledgeis not that which an encyclopedia will teach you, only that which will teach you how to forgive, how to love, how to make peace and as quickly as possible . AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

Leaving a state that we will call negative towards a positive state more and more quickly is the mark of God. You want to know his Love, it is instantaneous. You want to know his healing, it is miraculous, instantaneous there too. The more you are able to change your states of being and your choices quickly by stopping spinning this hole of fear, this hole of anguish, and the closer you will get to your Divine state, of course. Of course. On the other hand, it is knowledge through experience, it is not really knowledge through books. They will be able, as I tell you here, to give you advice, but to be, to live this advice, is the real learning .

You were given the theory when you were little to learn how to ride a bike, you knew very well how it worked in theory. Despite this, how many times did you have to fall? How many times did you have to be half desperate pushing the bike, telling yourself that you would never do it? In the end, many, many, many, many of you succeeded. Why? Because you stayed focused on the joy of being free on that bike. You stayed focused on the freedom that this work was going to give you, that this energy was going to give you. Stay focused today on freedom and peace. Don’t let your media decide where you should focus.

You need to focus on two questions, friends:

What is my capacity to love in this world?

And how can I spread this love even more around me?

This questioning is important, it is the very source of the Illusion of your world.

It is the path you took to Earth at the moment you left, at the moment you made this vow:

“  Souls of Light, Christic Consciousnesses, I will return with more love.

I will come back with more understanding of who God is.

And I will come back with samples of all this,

a bit like bringing back memories from a trip.

I will show you what I have learned.

For each of you, I will give this gift of love that I have been able to give.

For each of you, I will make this gift

of these shares of love that I also knew how to give  .

This is your gift back. This is the distribution you make to the people you love on the Other Side too, because I know you focus on the people you love on Earth. This is important, I have no doubt about it, besides, believe me, there are, for many of you, lots of beings you love and adore who are on the Other Side. Do not think only of the members of the lost family, also of all those you left on the Other Side. There are many of them and they already love you, and your soul wants to bring them back a memory.

Do this. Do this in Consciousness, “  I will bring them this gift  .” These are not gifts, again, objects – I repeat, you will not bring any object, any ring, any jewel, no gold, no money, no building, nothing – nothing but these experiences that you can place in the heart of your memory , with, you know, this little flow on the gift that is joy ”  here, that, I will bring it back! That, that is for me. That, that is for you  .”

This is also why I invite you to stop believing in selfishness in a certain way. Usually you say: ”  I was too selfish, I thought of myself.  ” In truth, if you did it with joy, you will take it with you and you will be able to give it as a gift to the Other Side. I am not telling you to think only of yourself, I am just saying not to forget yourself, because by not forgetting yourself, you are also not forgetting those who brought you to this Earth, those who prepared this experience with you. Your team in Heaven is eagerly awaiting your return, and they have taken good care of you, believe me. Everything that is prepared here, everything that is done here, is done with incredible, incredible precision, certainty, motivation. And you love these people.

Imagine that you work with a team of a hundred people for thirty years, to live an experience that will last 10 minutes. It’s the same with your Guides and your angels. The experience that lasts 10 minutes is your existence. And for 30 years you will have prepared this with your best friends, a bit like some athletes prepare their exploits by training a little, by first doing small jumps. To do what in the end, jump from space? I don’t know, maybe, but what a joy to see them again! What a joy to see this team again! What a joy to share happiness! Yes, you will have been the one who accomplished the feat, yes, all the same, you know very well that without this team you would not have been able to do anything. Just as you know very well the joy that this team will have in seeing that you come back with the best of yourself, with the fact of not having given up, of having continued on this path of Light.

We love you, and we are waiting for these little gifts, these little gifts that you offer us regularly, I assure you. We receive them with great honor and an additional motivation to continue on this prepared path.

We hurt your heart, your body, your energies. The Love and Peace that constitutes you are great.

… [2]

Heaven blesses your presence on Earth.

I take a perhaps more solemn tone to tell you not to look too strongly at the external events that are happening now, rather to become Aware of this path of Love that you have prepared, to become Aware individually and collectively of your capacities.

We will help you. Just ask for our presence:

“  You, the Guides,

even if I don’t see you,

even if I can’t hear you,

be with me.  ”

All right, we’ll be there. Say it how you want, we’re your friends, first and foremost.

What we do are impulses, little changes, little mood swings, little thoughts. You know, you hear it, don’t you, every time you’re upset, you hear that little voice that says: “I don’t have to get upset”, it’s us, it’s us who say that. And you think it comes from somewhere else, and you superimpose that with your consciousness: ”  but yes, she deserves it – he deserves it – this situation deserves that  ” . At that point we continue: “it’s not sure, it’s not necessary”, but we can’t go any further. So, that little voice that you hear, that little voice of the Conscience that you crush with the force of your power sometimes, that’s us. That little “go out, go and see outside” when you’re alone, that’s us. That “look at what’s going well, come on!”, that’s us. This “but no, you are not alone, you are just learning to know yourself”, is us too. Note, you hear us frequently, but, I repeat, you often crush this with the weight of your choices ”  but no, it’s terrible, I can’t let it go – I’m better inside  “, that is your choice, yours .

So, see, we are here, in little words, little sentences, in little thoughts, in little coincidences as you say, outside or inside, but we will not leave you. We will never leave you, because yes, the team in Heaven that we are is proud of you.

Being on Earth is already difficult, you know that. Even if we prepare a being to go into space for 10 years, even if he is only there for 10 minutes, what a feat! What a feat! Well, you are doing this feat. You have this strength. You have this courage to go to Earth to defend the name of God, to defend his Love, to show it to yourself and to be able to show it to so many other people, and for that we thank you.

In Love, in Peace, in gratitude, receive our strength, receive our Peace, receive our presence.

Blessings to each of you.

Sylvain Didelot


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024.

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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