Sunday, September 8, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 8, 2024

Co-Creators permitted disclosing this info only from 4 September 2024, when everything was successfully terminated. Three weeks ago, on August 17, an irreparable, as it seemed, however inevitable happened. The new Earth’s 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia, began to rapidly lose its form of an Absolute Crystal (Ideal Sphere), and started turning into the former stellar polyhedron with energy-consuming sharp angles that carried then a huge amount of karma and could not ideally re-transmit the Source’s energy.

The 14D Logos has formidable resistance to it, but couldn’t cope with exponentially risen earthlings and Darks’ negativity during the last months. Al-Terra-Gaia held on as best as could, but unfortunately, the forces were not unlimited. The cumulative effect has worked. On 17 August 2024, a nidus of causal karma formed in terrestrial 14D Matrix. Due to the strong destructive factors of war in space and on Earth (see – Soldier, DNI, 2 September 2024), and the accompanied emissions of dark energies, the center of infection began to grow avalanche-like, absorbing the radiant substance of the planetary Logos. It was on the verge of collapse, and even stopping the process would not have arrest karmic infection and the loss of many functions as an instrument of the Earth’s transformation. A single 3D/4D/5D eon would cease to exist.

The time was literally running out in minutes. No one knew what to do… Al-Terra Gaya was fading in front of all, and Co-Creators, Karma Lords and other Higher Hierarchs couldn’t involve directly, because are not embedded on Earth. This is a necessary technical condition for providing assistance. In this situation, the Higher Selves of several Lightwarriors made a self-sacrificing decision and independently intervened in the situation, since there was no a seconds left for approval.

On the evening of 17 August 2024, each op’s participant began to actively take in self the karma-stricken segment and process it. It saved the situation. The terrestrial Causal Matrix was completely purified, but at what cost? The infected part was gigantic in size and simply gobbled Lightwarriors, self-organizing like karmic avalanche. To pull through and stay clean, their causal shells instantly dropped it onto the lower manifestation bodies, the physical corpuses that were on the verge of life and death. After this, everyone survived as best as could, by mobilizing everything had learned over the years of service and participation in dozens of ops.

As is often the case, on the physical plane, the taken karma manifested itself as severe injuries. Lightwarrioress, the group’s co-head, got the heaviest, when undertook the annihilation of the primary pest-spot. On the same evening, she suffered a severe fracture of her arm with dislocated bones. Only strong painkillers helped her to successfully complete the operation and not lose consciousness from the hellish pain that continues to this day.

In parallel, Lightwarriors singled out fragments from their Causal Bodies, deleted personal programs and data from them, and put this surrogate substance in the terrestrial causal field to prevent a mass defect and Earth would remain operational. On the night of August 30th to 31st at 00:01 LT, they took their parts back, and returned to their places chunks completely cleared from karma. Thus, for the first time they became donors of our planet.

The entire op ended successfully, but it’s too early for everyone to relax…


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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