Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What’s Happening Now? – 3

What’s Happening Now? – Part 3 /3

By Steve Beckow

Posted on August 14, 2024

(Continued from Part 2/3, yesterday.)

What should we expect next?


Matthew: We remind you that if a lockdown is ordered, it will provide you with protection and be short-lived, and if a communication blackout and/or an economic closedown were to occur, those also would be brief. Ignore whatever sounds frightening—it could be what the dark ones want to do but no longer have either time or the global network to carry out. (2)

What can you tell us about what we can expect in our future?

Ag-Agria: There are still events unwinding that must see themselves out, but you will see the end coming quite suddenly. (3)

Matthew Ward: Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions would not sanction killing 90 percent of Earth’s population, an Illuminati goal of longstanding. They [the Illuminati] cannot have a third world war—they started WWI and II and made vast fortunes by selling war machinery to both sides in both wars—and they cannot fabricate and release more lethal viruses.

The councils hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all. (4)

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: As you continue to travel deeper into space it is inevitable, and welcomed that everything of the lower vibrations is being left behind. It means that time for the dark Ones to continue with their evil plan for world domination is limited, and in fact they can no longer achieve their objectives.

However, they would rather try to destroy everything than admit defeat. Be assured that that will not happen as greater forces than theirs are looking after the destiny of the world and its people. It has been so for eons of time although the dark Ones have had freedom to carry out their plans. They can only be thwarted by those of the Light opposing them.

It is the Rule of the Laws laid down by the Higher Forces overseeing the destiny of Mother Earth and its people. It may seem at times that the dark Ones have a free reign to do whatever they like, but it is not so as there are limitations to their actions based on the overall situation. …

Every soul will eventually find its right place and proceed to grow and evolve at lightning speed. You have so much to look forward to if you did but know it. So do not be disillusioned by present events as these will soon pass. You were chosen to be present at such a time because of your experience and ability to adapt and still help others to find the Light. (5)


Naturally, for these ‘types’ of changes … much has to be carefully put into place, so as to cause as little upheaval and unsettlement as possible. …

Blossom, as so many of you have become aware of … there has been a ruling over your people, that has kept one ‘at bay’ without their knowledge. Yet, as more and more souls awaken, so much of these diabolical behaviours caused to humankind are becoming more apparent.

There is to come a time … when this shall cease to be.

When the ‘Good Guys’ are in place for one to see, believe, and therefore … TRUST. … These Truths have to be revealed by those who are to … ‘take charge/are in charge of’ … the days that are coming. …

The ‘Good Guys’ are a large component of an even larger component, of an even larger component … that are of, not only the Highest intelligence, yet, of the Highest Light of Consciousness.

The Souls involved were meticulously chosen and groomed for the greatest task that they were to be assigned.

We have spoken before of Souls on and off Planet that have devised and created a Plan that is so intricate, so incredibly complicated, so brilliant that it cannot fail.

All meetings and gatherings that have taken place regarding the bringing down of the so-called ‘elite’, have been underway for many years. The planning of this Victory has involved masterminds of the Highest calibre in order for The Plan to be carried out in such a way that … as it falls into place … the Brilliance of it is unsurpassed, without question.

You see, Blossom, it has had to ‘appear’ as if your World is run by those of great darkness … and indeed, for so long this has been the case. Yet, projects have been implemented, whereby infiltration has successfully proven to make use of that which those who think they have it all in place, have in actual fact … been useful in providing the foundations of what is required for the Plan to move forward … in the right direction. (6)

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Working together we assure you that your efforts will be rewarded and your journey made as smooth as possible. We have knowledge well beyond your present understanding and it will be used as and when applicable. Together we are a force to be reckoned with that will not yield to the tactics used by the dark Ones. (7)


(1) The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 11, 2020, October 11, 2020, at

(2) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 2, 2024, at

(3) “Ag-agria: You are great Beings about to return “home,” through Mike Quinsey, n.d., at

(4) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023.

(5) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 24, 2023, at

(6) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 3, 2024, at

(7) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for April 12, 2024, at


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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