Monday, August 19, 2024

Schumann Resonance And Consciousness Elevation

Schumann Resonance And Consciousness Elevation

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on August 19, 2024

Note: The following should be printed out (click here for printable version) so that it can serve as periodic review material for veteran readers or as new information for those who are just beginning to study cosmic energy and how it affects planetary life. As the Physicist Nicola Tesla once said: “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”.

The persons who read these articles regularly know that the “Schumann Resonance” is our Earth’s vibrational frequency and amplitude which is also referred to by world scientists as its “heartbeat”.

In other words, our planet turns at a specific rate or “spin” which in ancient times was calculated to be between “7.8” and “8.8” cycles per second— as studied and taught by “Rishis” or “Sages” who were both scientifically and spiritually-oriented.

As Earth spins, events occur due to cosmic electromagnetics in concert with Earth’s electromagnetics that cause strong activations at the very depths of the planet.

Such events are the many types of weather patterns which can be either mild or intense like when hurricanes or tornadoes or tropical storms or earthquakes happen or even minor pourings of rain.

As the ages have passed, however from global beautiful weather and peace and harmony among all people (previous “Golden Ages”) to turmoil, Earth has been spinning and been amplified at increasingly higher levels which are rated numerically by modern-day technological devices that sometimes black-out because the energetics occurring in the cosmos affecting Earth are too powerful for the technology to handle.

As a simple example, think of a tremendously intense thunderstorm (or worse type of weather event) that causes homes and businesses to lose power until technicians can fix the grids that control the power lines in neighborhoods after the storm has subsided.

The main technology that scientific organizations and institutes around the world follow is that which is in Tomsk, Russia, although there are other devices used such as ones in Italy, Canada, and the USA.

However, the one in Russia seems to be the one most readily updated.

The term “Schumann Resonance” is named for the German Physicist, Dr. Weinfried Otto Schumann, who studied Earth’s vibrational frequency and amplitude and finally published his research in 1952, and after extensive further research by other Physicists around the world, it was accepted with the understanding that this type of knowledge was well-known in ancient times as mentioned above.

A “vibration” is an “oscillation” or a “movement” of something at specific regular intervals.

A “frequency” is a reference to those intervals of turning. An “amplitude” is something’s “strength” and “power” as it is activated by the “vibrations” or “oscillations”.

The cosmic energetics in connection to the Earth’s energetics create “codes” or “messages” that deal with “changes”, “adjustments”, “clearings”, and “cleansings”.

Thus, when Earth’s “Schumann Resonance” has been activated (some scientists use the word “disturbed”), its very molecular structure and atoms are worked upon, and all of the creation upon this planet Earth receives the same “workings” — plants, animals, birds, insects, and of course, human beings. Everything on Earth has a type of consciousness or sentient energy (life force) in varying degrees.

As human ego has taken center stage throughout many eras of time—the space/time continuum — the consciousness of collective humanity has altered peaceful co-existence and created strife and devastation to each other and to the environment.

This has necessitated a much more powerful action to be made upon and within the Earth and for cosmic events to help the action to manifest.

In other words, due to the governing of a HIGHER POWER, whom many of us call SOURCE so as not to offend those persons who insist on giving the SUPREME CREATOR a specific “name” (for example YAHWEH, ALLAH, BRAHMA, AHURA MAZDA, etc. — when all of these are actually characteristics), the “Suns” and the “Moons” of all galaxies and their planets all have “consciousness” and have been prepared so as to send forth certain energetics as messages in certain periods of history.

Such is the case now as it has become necessary for Earth’s creations to be adjusted, cleared-out, and changed so that bio-photons (LIFE LIGHT) can be received for the purpose of releasing old time lines and new ones “installed”. Humanity — and all other aspects of creation—are transforming along with the Earth.

This requires a higher rate of molecular “spin” and a surge of LIGHT to go deep into the cellular records, and this is happening with human beings — also referred to as “mankind”.

The word “man” is from the Sanskrit term “manas” which translates as “mind” and also as “consciousness”. Thus do people have different states of “mind” or “consciousness” — some very high and some very low.

When consciousness has devolved or become low, all sorts of disharmony is the result. Those who have or who are gradually developing a higher level of knowing endeavor to assist others as best as possible to awaken and become spiritually-attuned as ancient civilizations were prior to their falls.

Often the concept of humanity releasing carbon density and becoming crystalline is discussed. Scientific investigation has actually seen LIGHT beaming from some of the cells of certain persons with a high level of consciousness—a “super consciousness”. Such persons are often “Yogis” (male) or “Yoginis” (female) mystics. However, for the majority of mankind, the letting-go of old philosophical notions, indoctrinated religious ideas, racial divisions, etc. constitutes the “crystallization” process.

In other words, coming into HIGHER KNOWLEDGE both spiritually and intellectually is becoming “crystallized”. As the magnetite particles in the Earth are transformed, so are the magnetite particles in human beings as well.

These are crystalline-like substances which are throughout the planet and humanity and other aspects of planetary creation.

Indeed, there will come a time when much of humanity is so elevated that a brightness will be able to be seen shining throughout the auric field—a literal glow around the physical vessel.

Sometimes this can be sensed but not truly seen around particular people. Thus, we may sometimes hear someone say: “There is a glow about her”. This indicates that there is something very different or unique in character and personality and actions about a certain woman or man that is not like average or common people.

As the physical vessel is changed inside and outside along with the planet Earth, all of the atoms, subatomic particles, molecules, cells, muscles, glands, tissues—everything that makes-up the “material form” of a human being—is “consciously” leveling up to the height of the elevated mind. Think of the effort it takes to climb to the summit of a mountain. This requires prior training in mountain climbing.

The body is challenged in various ways during the training and the climbing. This is why nurturing the mind, physical vessel, and emotions are all important at this juncture of the space/time continuum.

Creation is being invited to an ELEVATION PARTY. Human free will can accept or reject the invitation. As we continue to self-reflect during the Mercury Retrograde (which completes on August 28th), and as we enter the portal today, Friday, August 16th of the Super Full Moon which will occur on Monday, August 19th, and the portal will close on August 22nd, consider all of the rest of August a time of “Independent Study”.

Deal with your relationship with DIVINE ENERGY, with your understanding of various eras of history, with how you work on maintaining wellness, and other subjects that are key to your elevation.

There has been a strong solar flare this morning—an “M.1-Class”, and our Sun continues to harbor energy for “X-Class” flares. “G1” or higher geomagnetic storms are expected as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) arrive.

The magnetosphere is extremely pressured with dense particle plasma, much of which are the positively-charging protons that are coming from outside of our solar system.

The “Schumann Resonance” is very activated, and charts are indicating powerful radiation waves coming into the planet.

Storms, floods, and other serious weather situations are likely around the globe this weekend as the “Super Full Moon” approaches which causes a “pull” upon the waters of the planet and on the inner and outer fields of the planet.

This “pull” will also be upon the emotions of human beings as well.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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