Om Namah Shivaya
Message from Babaji
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Translation by EraofLight on June 20, 2024

JJK : I had a sleepless night! Images of the impending restrictions on freedom as a result of the now threatened compulsory vaccination in Austria kept running through my head. What helps when the thoughts never calm down or when the collective “carpet of fear” leaves its mark?
BABAJI: The way is: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – repeat this mantra all day and all night long until it is unconsciously repeated in every moment of your life. That is the way out of every crisis.
This mantra of mantras strengthens you and keeps you in the center of your soul.
Say it all day long until you become part of this mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.
In doing so, you place your fate in God’s hands, and that is where it belongs if you want to overcome the challenges of this time.
This mantra is more powerful than any energy in the world. To always use it means to be invincible.
The trick of the dark forces is to make you believe that you have no power. With this mantra, your strength awakens and you become aware of your power.
If you want to become a fully conscious part of God and no longer be part of this matrix, then use this mantra.
At first you will have to focus on it, but gradually it will become a part of you. Shutting out the world so that the negativity that is currently being released does not reach you is the key to staying strong and sane.
Through this mantra you create your own energy field that no one can penetrate or destroy.
In this way you achieve a lasting connection to the source of all being, to the absolute truth of God.
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – say it without ceasing and all shadows will vanish.
I love you infinitelyBABAJI
Jahn J Kassl
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