Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kp Index Rated “Unsettled” As Energies Surge To Earth

Kp Index Rated “Unsettled” As Energies Surge To Earth

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on August 14, 2024


The “KP Index” which rates activations to Earth’s inner core and outer atmosphere is rated UNSETTLED this morning, Sunday, 8/11/2024, and this may elevate to STORM as coronal mass ejections surge to Earth for several days with high solar winds pushing them forward and as strong solar flares explode.

The magnetosphere is extremely densely pressured with wide-reaching particle plasma. Thus, high cosmic energetics are streaming to Earth and will continue to do so today and into next week.

Geomagnetic storm levels could reach “G2” or “G3”. Whatever you are experiencing physically, mentally, or emotionally (as long as you have been nurturing yourself naturally and not relying on chemical drugs and invasive conventional procedures) are acclimations to the continually escalating cosmic events and their cleansing procedures.

Earth is also moving through a meteor shower which is also sending out activations.

The human physical vessel is constantly adjusting to solar flares, coronal mass ejections, solar winds, comets, meteors, helio-spheric current sheets, eclipses, equinoxes, solstices, the vibrations of other planets, etc. — and all of these are causing direct situations on Earth such as various types of storms, floods, and earthquakes. Earth is receiving more intensified LIGHT from all of these happenings, is rising higher in frequency, and is spinning faster on “Her” axis.

Humanity has reached a point where its harm to the environment, to animals, to plant life, and to each other cannot/and will not be sustained much longer.

Very ancient teachings that are far older than those which many people are unfamiliar with, speak of cataclysmic occurrences which have altered Earth in the past, and these occurrences have been referred to in more historically recent sacred books.

Mercury Retrograde is an excellent time in which to review major situations, so let us engage in a brief review of a verse in the book known as HOLY BIBLE. There is a verse in the chapter “Genesis” which speaks of the creation of the Earth (as well as other planetary orbs, humanity, etc.).

It says (in part): “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the Earth, the Earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the face of the deep while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.

Then God said ‘Let there be Light’ “. However, the much older TARGUMS (“Teachings”) which is the Ethiopian (Kushite) holy book states from the Ethiopian language translated into English: “When the Earth had been laid waste, the Earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the face of the deep…” Now, the words “had been” are what is known in basic grammar as “helping verbs” which assist in expressing that something had already taken place such as in the sentence: “She had been to the store” which indicates that a woman had already journeyed to a shop to purchase something.

This is different than saying “She is going to the store” indicating that the woman had not yet been to the desired shop to make a purchase. Thus, in speaking of our planet Earth, there was a time long after its initial creation when it was devastated — when it had experienced a cataclysm.

This was a period which has been often spoken about in these teaching articles as “Kali Yuga” — “Age of Chaos”. This is where humanity is now, and it is at the most critical stage of this era — its “twilight” when shadowy darkness is hovering and steadily becoming darker. There have been many other “Kali Yuga” eras. This is the most recent one (which began in about 4300 B.C.E.).

Yet, as those who are studious in various subject areas of spirituality, history, certain ancient languages, and science realize, out of darkness can come LIGHT such as when dawn rises and when a Pearl emerges from the darkness of an oyster or when a baby is born from the darkness of a Mother’s womb. The Sanskrit term “GURU” translates as “Bringer of LIGHT from darkness”.

SOURCE is our greatest GURU, and we also have human Gurus who teach about ancient scriptures and historical happenings that, for example, many Christian ministers or Muslim imams are unaware of (not all—but many).

The HOLY BIBLE and the HOLY QU’RAN as well as some other holy texts have lots of teachings that are based upon sacred DIVINELY-REVEALED principles from very, very ancient civilizations.

These books, however, are also unfortunately filled with cultural or ethnic frameworks or lifestyles that people think are a part of the path itself.

When more of humanity understands that Yeshua Ha Messiah (whose Latin name is “Jesus”) traveled, studied, and was initiated onto many spiritual paths in Bharata (India), Persia (Iran), and Bon (Tibet) and that the Holy Prophet Muhammad told his followers when he was teaching them that: “This is not a new religion”, then our planet will come together in the realization that there is one GOD with many attributes. Thus, ALLAH is BRAHMA is VISHNU is AHURA MAZDA is SRI MATRE is ALMIGHTY GOD is THE LORD, etc. (even though the term “Lord” refers to a member of the British Parliament—but I am sure that readers get the point).

As humanity continues to fight its wars, hate various racial groups, subjugate women, harm children, destroy animals, be materially greedy, as the ultra wealthy cause economic problems, as certain scientists conduct vile experiments, as conventional medicine continues to force dangerous chemicals onto the public for prophet, and as more and more horrible situations carry on, SOURCE is observing how humanity is misusing its gift of free will and has orchestrated ways to deal with this.

Mercy is shown in giving humanity time to change its ways of unrighteousness and ignorance to righteousness and HIGHER KNOWLEDGE.

Studying is very important in spirituality. An interesting verse in the BHAGAVAD GITA says: “There is no greater service to the DIVINE than the teaching and spreading of the TRUTH”. It also says: “Those who teach DIVINE WISDOM have worshiped iped me”.

Mercury—the planet of the mind and communication— will continue to be retrograde in Virgo—the sign of work, deep details, service, and health— until August 28th, so it is just in its 7th day of being retrograde with lots more days to go. Make good use of this time for study, relaxation, and self-reflection.

Saturn—the planet of discipline, organization, and lessons is also retrograde, but it is retrograde in Pisces—the sign of either spiritual elevation or delusion. This is an opportunity for people to review their spiritual orientation and to achieve greater knowledge and the wisdom to use that knowledge wisely.

Saturn will be retrograde until November 15th. Pray for knowledge to come forth to you, and most importantly pray for you to desire it. Remember, a verse in the HOLY BIBLE says: ” Without knowledge, my people perish”.

With all of the activities and obligations that we all have daily, be sure to make acquiring knowledge — which is actually achieving HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS — a daily activity also. Without it, you are merely an empty vessel that can be filled with any latest trend of any kind. Do not be “programmed”. Be ENLIGHTENED.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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