Wednesday, August 21, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on August 21, 2024

This construct is not only a barrier, but an active conductor by which Co-Creators run and regulate the frequency regime in the 3D/4D/5D unified terrestrial eon. Within it, the boundaries are open and mobile, which facilitates our transition between the densities. At the bottom, vibrations in different territorial clusters range from 3.14D to 3.95D. Through the fifth dimension, thousands of radiations arrive, emitting millions of frequencies. After the activation of the Earth-Sun-Galactic cores’ energy channel (see – Ops Lion Gate, DNI, 14 August 2024), powerful high-freqs streams started transforming the planet and earthlings even more intensively.

This increases the load on all Light Beings embedded on the surface, and those who work from the Subtle Plane. They include Souls who not only forward energies from their worlds here, but also hold by self the multi-layered force structures that cover the entire planet with cellular networks. Some have been here since the Earth’s birth (see – Our Noosphere, DNI, 9 January 2023). Others came in later years, thirds – during last years, and fourths – recently.

Everyone works strictly on their level, maintaining their collective network as a Holder, operator and generator of the necessary freqs energy that they emit from self. The external network is wide-meshed and serviced by few Light Beings. The closer to the surface, the denser the networks are. In steering the lowest, most close-meshed, are engaged, actively or passively, millions of Adjusters, Starseeds, Crystalline and Radiant Entities, Lightwarriors and Lightworkers (see – The Adjusters, DNI, 27 December 2021; Mission, DNI, 10 October 2023; Live Portals, DNI, 26 February 2024).

Holders of the upper network don’t see continents – only a shining blue globe and other Matrices, which enter each other and unfold further into other dimensions, their higher frequency ranges (see – New Matrix, Part 8-1 and Part 8-2, DNI, 3 June and 4 June 2023). In the lower networks, Holders not only see, but are tightly tied, as nods, to specific elementals, mineral, plant, animal realms and territories. It’s a single organism, with its energy flows, where absolutely everything is interconnected.

It is noteworthy that Holders of the highest network sometimes incarnate at lower levels if some peer in the human body doesn’t work well or quit the job, and needs a good kick in the ass. Their functions are not just a mission, but the meaning of existence, which, unfortunately, they often forget, especially living on the surface, in the suffocating miasma of the 3D System. To awaken them and restore non-working or damaged nets, the supreme Holders have to incarnate dozens and hundreds of times over the millennia frequently risking their lives.

In order for the entire giant structure to work perfectly, every earthling, ideally, must glow Spiritually. If it not occurs (due to wars, moral decline, repressions, general degradation), the lower network begins to fail, which is also programed in it, like in a battery that is periodically runs out and requires recharging. The human layer constantly generates energy, but when it is buggy, it produces less and starts saving up. With an overabundance, occurs outburst and an evolutionary leap, then, everything repeats again from the beginning.

When bad times come, they always open our eyes to things that we didn’t pay attention to. Each problem contains an opportunity, and a much more powerful means than necessary to the issue solving. It’s important not only to see these resources, but to turn them to good use. Therefore, each outburst, more or less, incites to grow and expand. The high-frequency energy that we generate must accumulate and combine from all networks in a common planetary circuit to such a level that Earth and earthlings rise to the next stage. The similar happens in all worlds and on all planets. These are acts of creation, and Holders are its integral part. How do they perceive selves and their work? Here some intimate sharing in first person.

Not all of us are aware that we are nods of the networks, linked to them on our deepest inner level. Consciously or unconsciously, actively or passively, we receive and conduct info- energy’s flows 24/7, distribute and anchor them into the dense world, its Matrix. Sometimes in contact with each other, but more often independently, when, for example, we draw or look at a picture, listen or perform a piece of music, read or write a post, poetry, a book or engage in another kind of creativity. Thus, through it, we distribute streams around the planet.

As nodes of the global structure, we work with directed attention. It can be one-sided. For example, I find the next link in the network, attracted to certain people, not understanding why. This is exactly what it is. I focus my attention on them, the chain connects, communication or co-creativity starts. Or I come to the aid in response to the call to untie a traffic jam in the network. In it, there are still too many blocks and damages, but the process has become much more active now than 10-15 years ago.

High-freqs energy enters multi-layered networks from everywhere – the Sun, Stars, Galaxies and the entire Greater Cosmos, its breath. So, at the level of individuals and society as a whole, the neural network of the planet accumulates and distributes all signals coming from the Universe, transforms them into symbols and signals comprehensible to people. We, as nodes, decode these impulses into creativity’s forms, exhibitions, symposiums and other collective interactions, in which participants receive an energy and information charge.

Everything is permeated with these networks, not only on that planet. We can move and become nodes in any part if needed. And yes, we wake up the peers so that they come to their senses and maintain constant “voltage” or restore of collapsed sites. Sometimes they stop conducting energy, because the Holders jacked up job…I don’t want to accuse anyone of laziness, I understand that it’s hard for everyone, but it’s so insulting to see when someone, who could hold the entire network and its protection, degrades, gets drunk, stoned, goes rogue and falls by the wayside.

All of us, and especially those on the top network, take on fiery high-frequency energies and lower them through selves so that the incandescent vibes don’t burn unprepared people. Of course, when lowering, freqs and purity are lost, distortions begin, and men, taking streams, make vibes even lower and distort more… Unfortunately, they can consume only such weak energies, devoid of fire, and often there is no one nearby who could emit the necessary Light…

Yes, there are many Souls from very high dimensions among us. Our power is so strong that can protect the population of vast territories. Moreover, it doesn’t require anything special. Our personal life flows without any events, but sometimes, a huge weakness, fatigue and impotence come out of nowhere, killing all desires and aspirations. When it happened the first time, I asked the Guardian – why? And I got the answer: my task is just to be in this place, among people, and clean them with my energies, to neutralize the negativity. Hence, arises the fatigue and apathy. Energy from my star is being channeled through my Subtle Bodies. And my awareness of it is not required, I just need not worry, otherwise incoming streams are blocked.

To get rid of frazzle, I try to visit the mountains more often. They charge me up a lot. Seek to be there alone, and as close as possible to the snowy peaks, and at the same time not to leave people for a long either. When asked how to combine all this, I was told that it’s enough to imagine self among the snows, and it will be easier. When questioned, how many people like me are in this territory? – got reply: a few, but each area has its own…

Me familiar with this exhaustion. It’s like a concrete slab or a wall. It feels as if keeping a 24-hour defense on a Subtle Plane, and this mure cracks under pressure from the outside. I know the vibrations of the ideal, Divine and harmonious level, and aware of all the human vices and deviations on the planet. All my energy is spent on neutralizing this poison, preventing mass madness from seeping into my territory. I have to process and zero at least some of the negative impact.

And there is no time for ambition, earning a living, or other human affairs – if only the population would remain reasonable…I don’t know how long. The situation worsening is too evident. There are only two options for the events unfolding, and the scales can swing in any direction…

Don’t sense whether I’m a Holder or not, but this is what I’ve been doing for the last four years. I cover my territory with my energy wings, stretching out for several kilometers (if sit in a train carriage, car or bus), and stroke Nature, caress, talk and thank it and confess my love, sometimes to tears of happiness. Do this only during the spring-summer-autumn period. Since Nature is resting in winter, there’s no need to excite and wake it up. Sometimes I ask for rain, then, for the Sun, and in winter for snow (once, on the contrary, requested to take the rain away, it passed around, but not in the needed place). And always get feedback, which is not to confuse with anything. I love the wind, the mountains.. Some strike a chord, others no. Yes, they are beautiful too, but don’t give me joy and uplift.

I am loyal to people, aware that everyone has their own tasks to implement. But I can’t communicate for a long time. Lock myself at home alone, and don’t want to talk to anyone, only sing for self with pleasure…solo. Earlier, I used to clean my territory often, now less, usually, in the warmer months, rarely in winter. It happens spontaneously – arises the feeling that it’s time and I do it.

My territory was tip to me by a clairvoyant when I told her that one day, when half asleep, felt tremendous outbursts of mental and emotional dirt and started waving a broom all over the country. She said, don’t tear yourself up, here your area, and clean it. I never mess with events (at least, consciously), because everything has its own scenario. I travel around my territory, but rarely, only when have to. No desire to go abroad. Once was going to visit a friend in Italy for a week, problems immediately arose, and I had to cancel the trip. In other regions, at first, feel more energetic, sort of not at work. But soon, my turf begins to press me and come in dreams, and circumstances force to return immediately.

Fond of Nature, I literally imbue myself with it when go out of town. Watching and hearing about harming it in any form and in any place causes me acute pain. I adore my region, although this feeling was born only recently. And revel in my job because like to commune with fields, rivers, forests, the sky, etc., to stroke and caress them, to thank and confess my admiration for them. Their response is great happiness. And also love thunderstorms, so that with lightning and all over the blue…

I enjoy mountains too, it’s like flying up there, and don’t feel tired at all. Fortunately, we have volcanoes nearby. As for cleansing, many Holders work differently. They simply remit energy flows and create situations around the people that serve as catalysts. Under their impact, a person either opens up, or, conversely, pupates and gets into situations that push for awakening and purification, even via negativity and vices, impelling to change.

This role is unpleasant, because Holders have to put a lot of human dirt in self. They constantly are lack of forces due to a continuous energy leak, and have to support selves by the Earth’s power so that all sewage is washed out faster. It’s very important not to get hung up on anything, as this prevents the flow of energy.

If you love Nature, it’s extremely hard to endure deforestation and deserts advancing, poisoning of rivers and lakes, decay and destruction of recently flourishing territories. Seeing it, feel a constant pain in anahata. As a Holder, I confirm that not free in traveling. If my territory is in critical situation or danger, it simply won’t let me go. Events and circumstances will pop out, constraining to stay in place…

I also put a lot of questions. For example, what do people like me have to do with crystals under the terrain? Answer: they facilitate the integration of Holder into environment. Everything in the field of his activity, one way or another, interacts with him, including crystals. Some act as donors, some syphon energy and require increased attention. Holder may be surprised to learn how many of them are under his feet, even in the smallest form, no more than a carat. As for the Subtle Plan, all its crystal-containing elements and segments are also available for work. It all depends on what place each occupies in the Earth’s Matrix, and how wide in the physical world they can cover the upper layers of the planet.

What happens when Holder relocates? It’s like pulling out a plant by the roots. The field-cenosis will be disrupted (as in bio-cenosis). The work will be carried out by peers from another territory. Left his spot, he will feel uncomfortable, because still connected to the place, which had run. It’s not guaranteed that his activities will be useful in new environment. Rather, on the contrary, due to the refocusing of energy, forces and objects, the new location won’t be stable for a long time.

How does Holder interact with the elementals? Nature supports all who are deeply integrated into its field structures. It comes down to the Holder’s preferences. Some choose to work with seismic, others – the dynamics of the Wind Rose, and thirds – the elemental of fire…

How and in what form do Holders send information up? By simply observing and accumulating a data, some of which Holders don’t understand, and simply serves as interface of upper networks, helping them by his perception and sensory organs to scan a specific front of work or a general situation. As a rule, this is a one-way interaction. Sometimes turns on the feedback with clear instructions, and strictly in man’s mental language and his understanding level…

As for me, it hasn’t happened, since I rarely engage in any extra activity, but can take part if necessary. I stop participating when: 1) lose interest at any stage, that is, limit myself only to observation (mostly occurs automatically); 2) disappointed (if others act destructively and are deaf to advice on correcting the situation); 3) achieved the result (there is nothing more to restore, improve or clean).

I apply these three criteria to any additional work, whether at its beginning, in the midst or completion. Then I draw a conclusion, make a decision and act. If the task is vital, involve till the last. If it’s time to wind it down, then return into inactivity and only track that kindergarten, zoo, terrarium, aquarium and the like in role of simple watcher. This usually happens unconsciously, as a command from above, and I limit self to a periodic cleaning of the territory…

On my territory, I don’t separate or single out anything. Just cleanse it like a vacuum that doesn’t care where the dirt comes from. It simply has to be removed. Of course, there are desires and even attempts to eliminate the causes and sources of pollution and chaos, but this is secondary. I can encompass large areas. From my solar plexus, I unfold a ray into a sphere or hemisphere and cover the entire area. Then, purify it with golden Light. Sometimes put the whole Earth in a sphere. The transforming of the planet is very challenging and interesting. The rest is too small and insignificant. I prefer a global scale job…

This is how Holders work, whom the System and Power Pyramid couldn’t buy, corrupt, bend and subjugate. But still try to low humanity’s freqs as occurred recently during the final ceremony of Paris Olympic Games. Recall this macabre spectacle and its message.

At the height of performance, a shapeless metal installation in the center of the stadium suddenly turned into the contours of terrestrial continents, albeit unnaturally sharp-angled. Then, some being in a golden robe descended on it from heaven. He was followed by a horde of identical humanoids in gray suits with closed faces and gold-colored eyes.

This mass dispersed across the continents and found all the hidden five Olympic rings. The Grays put them together, took up to the dome of the stadium and lit up in the Olympic movement honor. After that, thingummy in a mouse colored hoodie passes the Greek flag to the star guest as a symbol of the Olympic Games. Everyone is happy. What good fellows these aliens are, they did a good job for earthlings!

This is the outer side of the plot. And what was really going on? First, deserve notice the Olympic medals. The rays of the Sun, the hexagon of Saturn, four pyramids on the sides and a modified All-Seeing Eye disguised as the symbol of the Olympic flame. On the reverse of the gold medal depicted The Terror That Flies On The Wings Of The Night, although the organizers claim that it’s the ancient Greek goddess Nike.

A separate cherry on top is the Olympic torch bearer – rapper Snoop Dogg in a T-shirt with the image of Baphomet…At the end of the final show, a crowd of Grays creates a podium, a throne, and lifts a golden off-worlder onto it to reign over entire planet…

This is how we were shown the Antichrist’s advent, proclaiming him as the Earth’s next ruler and his New World Order. Co-Creators confirmed that not long ago, in the Local Universe, the disparate forces of NAA, Darks and Grays united again and decided to re-launch the stalled project of the Antichrist. It was discontinued (or put on pause) after the failure of Nimrod for this role (see – Ops In Turkey Parts 1-7, DNI, November 29, and 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 24 December 2023).

Now, to play the Antichrist, they entrusted Baphomet, a high ranking demonic entity in the Dark Hierarchy. He has own interests in our planet, protects several egregores, the Church of Satan and a number of secret societies. As a reward for possible inconveniences associated with new functions, he was promised the status, which previously Yahweh had (see – Operation Saturn, DNI, 5 July 2022). Darks urgently need a new centralized figure that will lead them here, and around whom they can rally. At the opening and closing of the Olympiad, they demonstrated exactly this. What else is known about Baphomet?

He appeared in the epoch of the Pleroma’s split, when one Supreme Hierarch betrayed Absolute and started building owns Local Universe of Black and Gray eons, populating them with parasitic races. As punishment for his crime, he was stripped of sublime anthropomorphic form and began to look like a hybrid, as depicted in Codex Gigas. This face and form became the standard in the demonic worlds, and Baphomet was created based on it. In his turn, he became the progenitor of several higher entities and civilizations of Baphometans, who actively participated in space wars against the Light Forces.

After the former Black Co-Creator’s transition to the Light Side (see – Surface Ops Of The Light Forces, Part 1, DNI, 12 August 2020), many of his supreme hierarchs (Yaltabaoth, Lucifer, Kali, Lilith and others) followed him. But many refused and continue to resist the Pleroma and Absolutes, backed by Cosmic Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom. And they even plan to take rematch on Earth they are losing, using Baphomet.

Olympic show served as his official presentation. The look was still the same: wings behind back, two horns on head, a scaly auric suit, long claws instead of fingers. And the mob of Gray golden eyed Baphometans, which carry his ‘noble’ demonic aspect. The New World Order needs new Holders…


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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