Tuesday, August 27, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on August 26, 2024

Powerful Earth-Sun-Galactic cores’ energy channel, which directs higher frequency and transformative flows to our planet, speeded up the surface freqs’ clustering in the ranges from 3.14D to 3.95D.
(see – Resetting, DNI, 18 July 2024 and Ops Lion Gate, DNI, 14 August 2024)

Before that, the various territories of the planet also differed significantly in their general vibrational background, which is formed by their inhabitants and power places, pyramids and dolmens, cromlechs, seids and other megalithic structures. This difference is especially felt not only by highly sensitive people, but also by ordinary men. For example, when flying between countries they suddenly get into air holes. On a Subtle Plane, turbulent zones (areas of the atmosphere with unstable air masses) are the boundaries between frequency clusters on the surface. And if the vibes of the air passengers don’t coincide with them, strong turbulence occurs at the intersection.

The discomfort may not end there. The freqs’ change also could be felt at the airport. Questions and quibbles at passport control, delays or loss of suitcases upon baggage collection, forgotten items in a taxi or bus on the way to the hotel, and lack of confirmation of the room reservation at the reception… A lot of troubles can cause our irritation, and precisely at this moment, the country’s Matrix or egregore automatically plugs in us the subtle sensor or implant, which begins to correct our “wrong” vibes, forcing their sync with the local “right” ones.

When returning home, history repeats itself. We arrive to our native shores aka the pirate of the Caribbean, with “looted” impressions, more precisely, energy and information treasures absorbed in other lands. All this rings, sparkles, tinkles and rattles in us with its unique frequencies. But there are other vibrations in our environment, and so that we can enter it, on a Subtle Plane, a dark gray funnel draws all the brought “prey” from us into self. Next, a structure similar to a conveyor belt in a factory, unfolds, in which our “wrong” freqs are passed through various mechanisms, grids and filters. They cut off part of the “gems”, and our energy is condensed, changed and recharged to the previous mode.

A lot of “artifacts” and their energy charge remain on the strainers. The first grid removes part of it, the second – another part, and the third – the rest… As a result, we get to our apartment like a turkey tightly packed in a net, without any trace of what we have brought – only fragments of vague memories and feelings. Thus, the home Matrix redresses our “deformations”.
(for more details about their work, see – New Matrix, Part 3, DNI, 13 May 2023, and New Matrix Part 11, DNI, 21 June 2023)

What happens to all these “artifacts” then? And why does the Matrix “confiscate” them? First of all, it cuts off the extra power, which is not acceptable in this density. That is, we can only enter here with a certain energy amount. It also chops off the most valuable thing – radiance, luminosity, which is alien to any closed zone. In it, we can live only in sync with its funnel, grids, filters and energies’ spectrum.

Here, all freqs are balanced in their own way. The flow of power, processes and affairs must be balanced, and therefore everything foreign is straightened out. In other States, our chakras can work differently. Whole energy spectra may be missing in the local environment. The overall vibrational palette causes perception and behavior that may differ from those in our country. Only in its vibes, we got used to live.

The “excess” energy, the Matrix directs into a space that is divided into different zones with their frequency grids. In them, the Soul’s energy, seized at the “customs”, is transforming. They work like a well-known musical synthesizer that changes the properties of an electrical signal into various sounds. Another, cruder analogy is a meat grinder. The energy’s “piece of meat” is placed in and squeezed through narrow holes. The smaller they are, the more strongly the frequency “mass” of our consciousness changes, complying with the System. This is how we are passed between frequency clusters, in which everyone’s energy is strangulated and sent through soft and hardware sieves, thanks to which the entire “musical canvas” of the territory, necessary for the Matrix, sounds.

Who exactly creates and runs these meat grinders and the like? The original designers and operators were late Atlanteans (see – On The Way To The 5th Race, Part 3, DNI, 18 October 2020; and Duel, Part 3, DNI, 25 December 2022). Today, it’s their descendants – the rulers of the 3D System and their Power Pyramid, which again openly manifested selves at the last Olympics. The planetary frequency modulation structure, created by them and still working, steers us through our consciousness with the help of prototypes embedded in it. What we see around us – objects with all the information and energy content, all of this has a similar image in us, at one of the levels of our hardware, as an avatar. It is stored in the field of the upper part of the occiput, and control is carried out through it.

Everything we perceive is an immersive and interactive holographic projection. While we scan and look at it, our body conducts the unique energy of the image. Visual energy is concentrated in the parietal lobe, which plays an important role in the analysis of space, is responsible for the integration of sensory information, including the relationship between tactile sensations and pain.

Our nervous system is a sort of apps connected to a “synthesizer”. Through the upper channel, the descending info-energy flow enters the first “sieve” in the center of the head, where modulation and separation into beams takes place. Each, in turn, descending even lower, is also divided into many rays. They connect and permeate our entire body inside a dense network of wave channels through which vital energy flows. At the points of intersection, nodes (transformers) maintain necessary voltage, properties and speeds. And nothing prevents the 3D System and its Matrix from filling us with everything they need. But upon the sole condition, – if we let them do it.

Recent months have changed a lot on Earth. In all countries, the fragmentation and separation of clusters with different frequencies on the physical and Subtle Plane is accelerating. Their individual regime is formed gradually and imperceptibly, and in the future will ease for Co-Creators to work with large groups of people who are ready (or not ready) to transition in 4D and 5D. How to navigate in this space, where the “customs” of the 3D System is forced to work not only on the external freqs boundaries, but on a variety of internal ones between vibrational clusters?

The main prerequisite is a clear understanding of what is going on. As before, full awareness allows us to move around the territory of any country and the entire planet without problems, without merging with the System, without losing inner Light and vital energy, without filters, plug-ins and blocks interfering. Some tips may help to behave properly in that case. Before visiting a new space, we need to create a mental form in ourselves that corresponds to the environment we are entering. The System’s protective soft acts in automotive mode and can’t compete against human’s creativity and inventiveness.

We can easily walk through any dense and aggressive space, on a provisional basis, mentally imagining self as a microscopic dot. Or as a fictitious resident of this cluster. Or in emotional state that is transparent, adequate, and not disharmonious to it. Or pass as if empty, virtually invisible to the System. When entering another environment, the vibes and densities that we carry with us, which are common in our home, need to be reset.

But how then can we unfold our inner Light there? Through the silence and sensing of cluster, its embedded energies, their flow and speed, temperature and soundscape, touch and impact. Through tranquillity and gentle merging with this space, and like water, gradually filling the channels and spots where we can manifest our essence. By blending in this environment and endowing it with the useful properties that we have brought. This is how millions of live Portals, Adjusters, Crystalline and Radiant Entities, Starseeds and Higher Light Beings are currently working on Earth and transforming it. Any of us can open self through the spiritual heart (anahata, thymus), restore balance, restraint and compassion, cool consciousness and good mental functioning even in the most toxic places.

We will really need these qualities in the very near future. Not only because of the exponentially increasing Earth vibrations, but also because of the new Armageddon that loomed on the horizon. About previous, Disclosure News already narrated.
(see – Armageddon Chronicle, Parts 1-4, DNI, 21, 23, 24 and 25 April 2021)

On 22 and 23 August 2024, Co-Creators unveiled that last events on the planet (wars’ escalation in Gaza and Ukraine, started Mpox pandemics, macabre show at Olympic Games and other negative developments) is a stir the earthlings before the next decisive battle on the planet and in the Local Universe. In its clusters, still remains a huge amount of NAA, Darks and Grays, who dream to rematch again the Pleroma, Karmic Board and Galactic Committee in the hopes of own reviving, to hold a bit more. But it will only prolong their agony.

Today, we actually have a new Local Universe, with a transformed dipole Absolute, which has risen from the second to the third level in this Hierarchy. That status is subject to other, higher requirements, concerning the cosmic structure, its goals and objectives, as well as the development of its Intelligence forms. Not long ago, the Absolute defined a new formula for Its worlds’ state, in which one dominant force and energy remains – creative Light, and no duality, aggression and destructiveness.

This applies to all Dark and Gray eons, demonic entities and civilization. They are given freedom of choice: who wants, can undergo karmic lustration and rehabilitation – the procedure of redemption, cleansing from karma and transformation into Light. Who flatly refuses, will be annihilated and turned into elementary particles, as not corresponding to the Absolute. These processes gain steam in the entire Local Universe. The former Black Co-Creator, Lucifer, and Yaltabaoth were among the first to follow this path.

But many irreconcilables turned down cold to become the Light and continue their struggle against it. This is their decision, and there’s nothing to do with it. Now they have consolidated across all the parasitic clusters of the Universe, including our Earth, to give fight to the Light Forces. The last battle. How it ends, we’ll soon know. Everything will be very tough, radical and final. This time, under the command of Archangel Michael, whom Co-Creators assigned to lead the counter-op. Disclosure News stays posted.


 Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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