Saturday, August 3, 2024

Band of Angels; or, How It All Works Out – 1

Band of Angels; or, How It All Works Out

Part 1 /2

By Steve Beckow

Posted on August 3, 2024

We’re all Angels

According to the Company of Heaven, everyone born in this generation is an angel.

And I don’t mean they were angels once, in the distant past, are something else now, and have incarnated. No, we are all angels, now, who have incarnated.

The Divine Mother tells us:

Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. (1)

So we may have other chosen roles, such as galactic crew or interplanetary ambassador when we’re not in human body, but we’re still all angelic.

Why have Angels Incarnated?

Why so? Archangel Michael tells us:

AAM: The awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time, so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages. (2)

“So that the leap into Nova Being is … not as great.” For angels to ascend is not as “great a leap” as for humans.

Is there a further importance to this occasion that warrants calling out what the Mother calls “the Blue Team” (3) of Michael?

What Makes Our Ascension Unique?

Yes. This Ascension is unlike any that has happened before. Some features of it are not new. For instance, it can be said that Halion’s ascension into sheer energy was a mass ascension – and it was.

But their ascension occurred way down the line from the Third-Dimensional civilization we’re helping to become higher dimensional.

What makes our Ascension unique and challenging in its consciousness range is that we’re ascending with our human body.

Previously one body went with one dimension. If you ascended, you shed the physical body, as Jesus did.

But now the transformed body of light we’ll all be in, if I understand matters correctly, will allow us to visit all the higher dimensions while calling “home” the dimension we prefer remaining in. I say “prefer” because, as angels, we’re all from beyond the dimensional world, as Michael informs us:

Archangel Michael: We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. … Yes, it is bigger than you think. ‘ …

We are being fueled by the infinite Source, the eternal Source.  And so are you. (4)

I’d say bigger than any of us has ever imagined before.  If I were caught saying all this in the 1500s, I’d be burned at the stake.

To stay with the present, this type of Ascension has never happened before.

Ascension used to be individual, non-physical, and uni-dimensional.  Now it’s mass, physical, and inter-dimensional.

And the extraordinary burden we’ve had to bear – which I think is the reason for calling on the angels – is (A) to endure the great changes in the physical body as it transforms from a carbon base to a crystalline and (B) to succeed in throwing off the chains of millennia of mass control.

My experiences have always been of divine states – love, peace, happiness, abundance, mastery, etc. I have only once found myself in a location in a higher dimension. That would have been my out-of-body experience in which I found myself on what I believe was the Astral Plane. (5)

No significant knowledge emerged from that part of my OOBE. It was my re-entry into my body that was so life-changing. I am not my body! And I know it down to my toes now. What then is there to fear from death?



(1) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 20, 2020, at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.

(3) Stories circulated at ashrams of individuals experiencing Brahmajnana – or seventh-chakra enlightenment – and dying three weeks later. Meanwhile, we are being asked to free ourselves from the grip of the dark side, endure tremendous and fundamental changes to our bodies, and enter a new multi-dimensional region of space for the first time, etc., all the while ascending. I can appreciate why the Mother would call in “the blue team”:

DM: Sweet angels of blue, have you ever simply thought of calling yourselves “The Blue Team,” because that is what you are?  (“Video and Transcript: Universal Mother Mary’s Mother’s Day 2017 Message: Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love,” May 14, 2017, at

(4) “Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at

(5) On that experience, which saw the fear of death disappear, see “The Disappearance of the Fear of Death,” November 14, 2023, at]

I imagine we’ll find the situation of visiting a higher dimension much like me walking into the Supreme Court Building. I’d be hushed and conduct myself respectfully. But I can still go in to the building.

Steve Beckow


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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