Thursday, August 22, 2024



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on August 22, 2024

Our awakening is a tough challenge, often accompanied with and aggravated by acute pain and hardships. But their overcoming forges our Soul and Spirit’s strength, which later serve in assisting others. In this role, our path is thorny, full of shocks and dangers, because it’s impossible to learn how to help others if we have not gone through what they are going through. And together with it, we carry the burden of other incarnations, having to pay off all old debts, especially, if that is our final embodiment on Earth.

The symptoms and consequences of this working out are despair and depression, loneliness and sense of uselessness, loss of orientation and isolation, miseries and disappointments of life, betrayal of loved ones, health and memory problems, memory zeroing and many other “joys”. But in the end, our Soul is tempered, passes the exam, and the pain we sense today will become our force tomorrow.

A lot of things cause despondency. Just because we stopped fighting the Dark doesn’t mean that the Dark has stopped fighting us. Just because we stopped believing in the Light doesn’t mean that the Light has stopped believing in us. The Universe always seeks to hit our weakest point, which needs to be strengthened. After new injury and vibration failure, we fall into inner abyss, filled up by accumulated anguish and frustration. Belief in self, the Source, own life, Love, and future vanish.

These are difficult states, not illuminated by Light, not illuminated by acceptance, wisdom and endurance, without which we can’t get out of the chasm. It’s like a rough job before the sacred process, which still needs to be done, as we need to clean the house, wash dishes and do laundry. That abyss, huge dark space, starts opening up only today. Yesterday, it used to be somewhere far away, but now, it’s in front of us. Imagine how much Light is needed, how much Love and wisdom, tenderness and mercy are necessary to fill with them this bottomless pit. Yes, the renunciations and complete hopelessness, by their black clots still encapsulate us. But it’s time to dissolve it and go out into the Light… We have already passed this way, but often didn’t reach the end. Now, we are given the opportunity to go through that experience once more and not turn off. This is one of our main current exams.

The key premise is focusing on creating our new, and not on fighting against the old one. We tried it for a long, and our efforts reached their peak. This implies that our heart, even dried and deaf, ratted out and killed, must be reborn. If at least one of its living cells remains, it will still flare up and become the sun. Its shining energy should pour out and not only help to leave abyss, but also transform it, because this is not someone else’s pit, but our own. It stores everything what we didn’t accept, rejected and unhealed. All that turned into self-hatred and shame, guilt and scare…

In previous lives, we died violently many times, committed suicide out of desperation, and were victims of ritual executions, willingly and forcefully. Infernal funnels dragged us into the spaces of oblivion, because we ourselves refused to live. Horror and fear, despair and doom have been stuck in our Soul for millennia, so in this life, we’ve experience this state since early childhood, without realizing the cause. The awakening impulses come from the worlds with which we are connected, every time we are ready to let it pass through us and start transforming.

The shells of our Soul are crushed by toughest trials, twisted, torn, and stuck together, so that we can barely breathe. The encapsulation of blackness is so dense that the heart almost died out under it. But we didn’t lose faith in Love, beauty and kindness, didn’t despair, but simply accumulated volumes for work, going through many lives. And in this, maybe the last incarnation, we are uncovering these layers, because have enough strength to process and change them.

Knowing our Light, feeling and believing in it help on this path. Many Guardians from the higher realms are working upon different layers of our Soul. They direct flows of special power that stratifies what is coalesced, dissolve what has to be removed, and expands what has been compressed. All our traumatic experiences of this incarnation are remake of our falling into abyss in many lives, fading and re-shining anew.

The surgical ops are in full swing. Cosmic alchemy heals every cell. Much is done in sleep, and during the day we are put under anesthesia that causes memory lapses and lack of feelings in the body, otherwise we would be torn apart by pain. This is how we are helped to recall our cosmic self, our strength of Spirit and consciousness, and restore own heart and Light.

The volumes of inner work, which seem gigantic, are actually much larger. Facing it, we aren’t aware of our Soul’s power. It has access to different space and dimensions and ability to change worlds. We can lead entire cosmic civilizations out of the abyss of death and oblivion to the Light and prosperity. But if we lose heart, sink into depression, and the world goes dark again and joy disappears, it’s only because we permitted selves to be in this state, though, in fact, it’s only a working material for transforming.

These are the archetypal themes of our Soul that we have to deal with. We are going through hard-hitting awakening that have waited for so many incarnations. And they too waited for us, the very possibility of it, and it’s happening right now. Just don’t rush the space, but accept that everything is going as if slowly. As if. But in the end, we’ll forever come out of the lost memory and sensuality into surprisingly new ones. We, as Souls, as terrestrial manifestation bodies of our multidimensional Monads, may never return to this planet again, and leave these epochs behind, crystallizing in eternity our Earth’s experience to help others space races.

We are becoming completely different. That is why all our challenges and overcoming are so important, in all the nuances. They are the most valuable accomplishments, which are extremely important to those worlds that are healed through us. For many reasons, for a bit, the program of our life, work and achievements, skills and knowledge must be partially closed in order to help us determine the way forward. The second reason is the trauma of betrayals, which has stirred up entire layers of multidimensional memory and mental pain. Thirdly, the multi-level attacks of parasites when we are in a state of extreme vulnerability. And the fourth reason is the urgent need to rethink self. We are not who we think we are. We are much bigger.

Our life is not what brings us a salary every week, but what we came or were sent on Earth for, what do with such passion and energy that makes us Spiritualized. In our striving for the new, the old ends and the brighter one unfold. For millennia, we were deliberately made blind and deaf, separated and isolated from self and others so that couldn’t recover from huge shocks. We can do it now, not from scratch, but with a whole treasure trove of attainments. This is how we recall our true cosmic one. In all cases, we aren’t alone, are led and will be guided, and more opportunities will open up.

Abandon once and forever established views, habits and taking. The obsolete pulls us down, and it’s time to explore the world anew. Don’t lose faith. Remember our past in other worlds. Today, their codes help overcome what happened to us in this incarnation. The stars diminish and fade before shining even brighter. Everything that we truly believe occurs. It is our belief that makes things possible. Allow our heart to regain its strength. Re-cap own Light. Restore the creator in self. And get out of abyss.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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