Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wrapped in Wings of Pure Love

Wrapped in Wings of Pure Love

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on July 14, 2024 



We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that we are not alone and there is never a time when we are not cared for and loved beyond our capacity to understand.

There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the wings of Pure Love.

I remember receiving this message from Archangel Gabriel at a time when I felt very lost and alone. It soothed my heart in a deep and comforting way.

So many people feel alone right now, and they don't have a sense of connection to God or the Angels who have supported them throughout lifetimes. It takes intention and some effort to retrain your thoughts to create a focus on this Divine Presence within you.

That is why I loved the beautiful visual image of being surrounded in Wings of Pure Love. I could sense with my imagination the feeling of being wrapped in feathers of white light that were imbued with the sweet feeling of Love. I could even imagine that these feathers were brushing away any sadness or pain. I could also taste Divine Love in that little sweetness I sensed at the back of my tongue.

There is a quote from Einstein I love: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

Through our imagination, we have a powerful tool that will allow us to become creative and open to new levels of consciousness. These images raise our vibrational frequencies and create empowered connections to Source energy and our guidance system. Even though it may not seem very sophisticated, this visualization practice inspires our heart's intelligence.

One day a friend and I were walking. She told me that she would receive a white feather whenever she doubted the presence of Angels working in her life. For fun, I said I also wanted a sign like that. Within the next two steps on the path, there lay a fluffy white feather.

I still have it. Here it is:

Within our hearts is the greatest level of guidance, love and intelligence that we have ever known. Our heart is certainly more resourceful than that part of us that judges these practices as childlike. In fact, our spirits respond to the magical way in which our inner child is filled with the devotion of the heart. The magic of synchronicity has become a clear indicator for higher frequencies in the dimensional shifting. When these deep feelings of love and wonder raise our frequency, we become capable of creation at a level we have never before experienced.

Allow a little sweetness to enter your very practical, grounded world. Allow the wonder of a child to become your new open-minded approach to life. In Buddhism, it is called the Child Mind and is a requirement for allowing yourself to be trained by a wise and enlightened master.

Divine Presence:

I ask for a sign that I am being guided and blessed in every moment. I want to have such a powerful experience within my heart that I know that I am always being wrapped in Wings of Pure Love.

Please help me to open my mind and heart to the universal flow of energy that allows me to have a full experience of the Divine working in my life.

In turn, I dedicate my life and all my actions to bringing more Peace into my heart, and into the hearts of all humanity. Thank you God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

July 14, 2024

The Gabriel Message #12

There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love.

Dear One,

Turn your attention to the feeling of love that is hovering around you. With a little imagination, you can even feel the presence of the angelic beings who are working closely with your earth at this time. The Angels carry a vibration very different from your normal world. It is a powerful force of love and light.  Imagine being enfolded in this light, with an incredible sense of Divine Love flowing into your heart. Let this love spread throughout your entire body. As this love fills you and surrounds you, your fears begin to drop away, and beauty becomes a greater part of your life.


Imagine what it would feel like to be filled with so much beauty and love that it would not matter where you were, or what your physical eyes could see at any moment. You would be basking in the warmth and goodness of the loving presence of the Angels, and this would transform your perception of reality.

When you can continue to remember that you are wrapped in Wings of Pure Love, and that you are filled with loving light, you will begin to vibrate at a higher level of consciousness and this in turn will create change in your immediate world, on a physical level. Just this small shift in your awareness can create miracles.

To have a "miracle" consciousness is to have an awareness that this is your true state of being. To be in that miraculous glow of love, to trust in the universal flow of your life, and to receive a new level of goodness — this is the way you were meant to live.

To actually live this way, however, you must turn the focus of your attention away from problems and troubles toward the essence of God within all things. Sometimes this means that you must close your physical eyes and really feel the Wings of Pure Love surrounding you. So take time every day to turn within yourself to the presence of God and the Angels. Where your attention goes, energy flows. Ask yourself if you are giving more attention to the challenges of your world or to your miraculous link with the Universal Power of good that exists in all things.

You are not alone. You have powerful forces available to you in order to begin this transformational work in your life. You have a guardian Angel whose job it is to assist you, and you have the benevolent force of the Divine that is the One Presence within all things. These gifts exist within you, and within all situations occurring in your life. At times it may be difficult to see the gift in your present situation. But there is a gift, and asking to see it will help to bring this awareness to your consciousness.

So as you go through your day, keep remembering that you are incredibly loved. Not only by the Divine Presence within all things, but the Angels are with you, blessing you in every moment. Remember also:

There is never a time when you are not wrapped in wings of Pure Love.

Shanta Gabriel for

Archangel Gabriel

July 14, 2024

copyright: 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of the dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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