Monday, July 1, 2024

What is the Source of Our Authority?

What is the Source of Our Authority?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on July 1, 2024

The Divine Mother

We continue with our exploration of world leadership from a previously-unpublished collection.

Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother are channeled by Linda Dillon. From On World Leadership – Co-Creative Partnership. Unpublished, 2024.

What is the source of our authority?

Divine Mother: I have chosen and created and birthed you into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done this, with that spark of divinity so that you would be divine in form.

And what that means in very practical terms is the assumption of your divine authority [means] to be in charge of your life, of your thoughts, of your feelings, of your actions, of your behaviors, of your steps, of your environments, all the way out to the edges of the universe, throughout all times and dimensions. …

If you do not take authority over your existence – think in practical terms, this life – then what happens? You are adrift. You are in fact that row boat in the middle of the ocean being twisted and turned every which way. Divine authority means choosing – yes, with … your divine authority of free will – to direct how, where, when, [and] if you choose to proceed. (1)

Steve: I think where I would first like to begin, Lord, is to get clear on what the source of our authority is. If we’re going to step out and lead, usually we lead on the basis of representing something or doing it on behalf of something. What is the nature and the source of our authority for our leadership? I almost know what you are going to say, but I would like to get it on the record.

Archangel Michael: Of course you know what I am going to say, dear heart. You do it on the authority of the Divine Mother. You do it on my authority. You do it on the authority of the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, your star family, your intergalactic brothers and sisters. But most of all, you do it on the authority of humanity [and] you do it on the authority of your sacred self.

Authority, in the truest meaning of the word, is the assumption of a role [authoring a role] and responsibility to fulfill a mission [to author or fulfill it], an undertaking, whether it is of a long nature of several million years, or of a brief nature of an assignment.

But you have come from a paradigm — a very strong paradigm — of control. So you have come from a system where people have said and believed: do you have the authority [right] to do that? Always in a challenging and somewhat negative manner: by whose authority do you act?

And for a variety of reasons, all related to liberation, freedom, and self-worth, there has been a hesitancy for human beings, individuals, to step forward and say, on my authority, on my supreme authority as a servant of the Mother that lives within, as a servant of humanity for whom I speak. And then they will say, by whose authority do you have the right to speak for the collective?

That is where unity consciousness comes to the forefront. That is where the truth speaking — which has been very absent — where the truth speaking of what humanity truly wants, desires, yearns for, and diligently, consistently works to create, comes to the forefront.

When you speak for humanity, what do they want? Well, you know the first thing I would say is peace. Because, unless there is peace upon the planet, the love does not have a chance to flourish in the garden. But you begin to speak with authority and responsibility, because you cannot divorce these two; it is like hope and trust, you cannot divorce them, you cannot separate them.

And you have the authority, the God-given, Source, whatever you choose to call the One, you have the authority to speak the truth, not of some concoction of what you think, or hope humanity wants, but the truth of what you know humanity wants in a collective way. Because you all want the same thing, regardless of cultures, of politics, of religions, of institutions, of backgrounds, of socio-economics. (2)


(1) “Repost: The Divine Mother: Assume Your Divine Authority,” March 11, 2017, at

(2) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership Part 2,” May 23, 2015, at

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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