Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Art of Life

The Art of Life

Master Confucius

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by

Posted on July 1, 2024

Master Confucius: The observer nourishes the flow of life, the silent observer nourishes the spirit of man, the unmoved mover animates all things. So it has been, so it is today, so it will remain from now on, for the living remains alive of itself.

Too many activities spoil the being and make the path more difficult. Too few activities mean that you experience neither success nor failure and growth is impossible. The inner balance between unmoving action, being present without being noticed, and seeing without being seen describes the art of living.

JJK: This reveals an incredible way of life to us. But how can it be implemented?

Observation is the key

MASTER CONFUCIUS: Observation is the key – pure observation of things and events of the day, not standing in the way of things, allowing people to move to the right place of their own accord and things to find their own flow in life.

Anyone who intervenes in the middle of the movement changes the outcome and influences the result in his own selfish way.

JJK: But we are always called upon to intervene and resist satanic activities on earth.

MASTER CONFUCIUS: How do you resist? Are you solid like a rock inside or do you need externals to gain strength?

Can you perceive your role in the game as a neutral observer without getting caught up? Are you busy doing things to drown out the call of your soul, to receive external approval or to fulfill your soul plan? What is it that you are – and how still can you be in the silence or surrounded by chaos?

Whoever has tasks in the world should perceive them – and perceive them in such a way that the results are visible, but the mover remains invisible to himself.

Anyone who visibly fights for freedom and is given these tasks would do well to have their ego subdued and tamed. Because to receive power or to acquire power means to deal with it wisely and without attachments. The greatest upheavals and profound changes take place within you first. Inside a person is the place from which you draw strength, motivation, inspiration and will. If you have recognized this place, then you have recognized yourself.

This is the first, the most important and the decisive step before a person can be HUMAN and can truly live out his MISSIONS.

Because even though it seems as if it is almost too late for humanity to change its ways, many people go out into the world far too early. Without having done their homework, having clarified their inner self and having tidied themselves up, they make themselves the standard-bearers of the New Age – too early for them – and the effect remains incomplete. Time can wait, but people do not expect anything. 

JJK: So do nothing?!

Birth of the Masters

MASTER CONFUCIUS: To do the right thing at the right moment – ​​more calm, more inner peace, more overview, more support, more observation – to act from the middle and to center yourself in the middle.

Many people lose their inner balance.

While they fight for freedom and peace, the freedom to observe an event is lost and inner peace is lost.

To influence events positively means to remain uninvolved. To stop getting involved in the game means to control it. To keep yourself away means to exert influence. The art of life is to master your ego motives and not to be manipulated into a scene by anything or anyone.

The river flows, don’t stand in its way, everything will find its place. Let things move on their own!

With these words I give you my blessing. The hour of birth of the masters has arrived.


Jahn J Kassl

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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