Sunday, July 28, 2024

Synching with Archangelic Energy 2

Synching with Archangelic Energy

By Steve Beckow

Part 2

Posted on July 28, 2024

Snapped in the middle of this experience: Immersed in love and bliss

Freed Up to Serve

I felt myself drawn to meditate this morning. And as I meditated, I felt immediately drawn to pick up where I’d left off at Xenia, when I’d gone down an elevator 100 floors. (1)

Once the elevator doors “opened,” I was whisked away to the bottom of my heart, the seat of the soul, where I intended to meditate.

As soon as I arrived, instead of seeing the Self in all its splendor as I had at Xenia, I felt myself expanding.

I should add that, as I’m having this experience, all the time the signal from Michael that we pre-arranged is going off again and again. And vigorously. So I know I’m on the right track.

In the cul de sac of the heart, I felt the presence of Michael. I just sat, immersed in love and bliss (see photo, above) and meditated.

A mingling of our energies occurred and I felt a new and stronger bonding with Michael as a result of it. I felt enhanced confidence, and remembered the article I’d written on July 20 on that very subject, (2) but again confidence without hierarchy or elitism, greatly increased strength without bravado.

Another way of saying this is that I felt strength and confidence as divine qualities not as dense and self-serving displays designed to manipulate.


Ordinarily I’d sit, meditate, and deepen the experience. But, as a lightworker, I’m not here for my personal enlightenment. I’m here to write about my experiences in the event that it proves helpful to you.

So I left the experience – and do this regularly – to write about it. That means I don’t go as deeply as I might otherwise. Just saying.

My self-awareness feels greatly enhanced. I genuinely feel now like the driver of this vehicle, in no way the passenger.

I feel powerful, like I just donned my Ironman suit. What’s next?

The strength I feel is both “physical” and out of all proportion to the physical body I’m in. I feel like a 200-pound man in a frail body. I have to watch that I don’t sprain all kinds of muscles.


I’m definitely aware of myself as the person wearing this body. Whether the awareness fades or remains, I think I’ll remember the feeling.

It’s wonderful. It’s as if I’ve “arrived” in life. I’m “here” and don’t feel as if I’ve ever been away.

The way I feel at this moment is perfect. Nothing is missing. Nothing is left undone.

Nothing needs to be done. Everything that’s done is a pleasure to do, from the greatest thing to the littlest.

I rest in bliss. I’m freed from all concern about self. I’m freed now to serve.

[Please know: All experiences short of Ascension are usually temporary. I always hope an experience will be permanent, but it has been more like what Werner Erhard said: Get it and lose it, get it and lose it. Until higher dimensionality. So don’t expect me to be this opened up a week from now. Take it hot off the press.]


(1) My early accounts of the Xenia experience don’t make reference to watching parts of Frazzledrip. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it until perhaps a year later. See:

(2) See “A Question of Confidence,” 

Steve Beckow


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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