Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Soulless humans

Soulless humans

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on July 24, 2024

First human to receive DNA upgrade was 300,000 year ago

Based on documented fossils and Sumerian writings, the arrival of humans on Earth can be dated to more than four hundred and fifty thousand years ago. According to the Sitchin timeline, the first human as we know it today, the Adamu, was DNA upgraded or enhanced about three hundred thousand years ago. After further genetic manipulation, Anunnaki men began interbreeding with human women about 100,000 years ago. Soon after, a new ice age began, decimating the population. The Neanderthals disappeared, while only the Cro-Magnons survived in the Middle East.

About four hundred and fifty thousand years ago, during Earth’s second ice age, the highly advanced inhabitants of Nibiru, called Anunnaki in Sumerian texts, meaning “those who came to Earth from the heavens”, travelled to Earth at a time when the two planets were close in orbit.

According to the Sumerian description, their first landings took place in the waters of what is now the Persian Gulf. It is obvious that these astronauts were looking for a base camp with sufficient water and fuel. There was only one option that met this requirement. That was Mesopotamia, in the southern part of present-day Iraq.

The supreme god of Nibiru was called ‘Anu’, also known as ‘An’ depending on the source. Two of the Anunnaki leaders and sons of Anu, Enki and Enlil, were half-brothers and they oversaw the systematic colonisation of planet Earth by the Anunnaki.

All of the Anunnaki leaders later assumed the role of “gods” or Nephilim as perceived by their human subjects. Curiously, one of these Nephilim was called a Nazi. One wonders if twentieth century German occultists were aware of this connection?

Fifteen thousand years ago, people who had an Anunnaki father were allowed to rule in selected cities; this caused even more irritation to Enlil, who was angry that some Anunnaki were having too much sexual contact with human women. Enlil took the decision to counteract this.

The creation of man in the image of the Anunnaki must not be confused with the creation of an entirely new human being, but merely a genetically engineered version of the existing species.

The existing beings of Africa were essentially given a genetic upgrade sufficient to perform the desired tasks effectively and efficiently, while genetic barriers were put in place to prevent them from evolving into self-conscious beings, Sitchin explains.

According to Sumerian writings, the medical supervision of this mission on Earth was in the hands of a woman named Ninharsag, also known as Ninti, who carried out the genetic experiments with Enki.

A Sumerian inscription shows Enki and Ninharsag together, surrounded by bottles, tubes, a table, shelves, a plant and a helper – a scene that strongly resembles a laboratory.

What the Sumerians describe as the creation of the first human being is perfectly understandable in the light of our current knowledge of cloning, which would have been completely incomprehensible to us some 50 years ago.

They took the reproductive cell or egg of a primitive African human-like woman and fertilised it with the sperm of a young Anunnaki man. The fertilised egg was then implanted in an Anunnaki woman who carried the child to term.

It is clear that the revision of ancient history will have far-reaching implications and lasting effects, for with this new understanding the conventional explanations of the origin of man and the Earth appear to be nonsense.

It is clear that extraterrestrials have played a complex role in the evolution of mankind.

But unfortunately, there is still a ‘knowledge filter’ in the world of science that selects out unwelcome evidence. This process has been going on for more than a century and continues to this day.

As one disgruntled researcher recently wrote: “Remember that scientific institutions such as the Smithsonian and the National Geographic Society were established primarily by global elite factions to denounce any scientific data that tends to inform people of their true origins, they would rather twist it or simply ignore it.

According to Sitchin, “early biblical man” did not worship his god, he worked for him. “The Sumerian texts clearly show that the Anunnaki mistreated the slaves they created, using them simply as cattle.

Slavery was the norm in human society, then and now.

Human cloning

There are doubts that a cloned baby would have a soul because the whole idea seems so offensive. God would refuse to cooperate with cloning by never giving a cloned human embryo a soul.

But back in 1978, when the first human baby was created in a petri dish by in vitro fertilisation, it could also have been argued that such an immoral act would mean that God would not give a soul to a baby created in laboratory glassware. We now have more than a million babies produced in this way, all of whom have souls implanted by God.

By the same token, it is clear that the idea of a clone without a soul is little more than an urban legend. Yet the very discussion of a clone without a soul reminds us how remarkably immoral human cloning actually is, even as the mass media and various legislators promote a form of cloning known as therapeutic cloning.

The process of cloning is simple in concept: it involves taking a nucleus, the complete genetic package, from a body cell, such as a skin cell, and transferring it into a woman’s egg after removing the egg’s own nucleus or the half genetic package.

The presence of the complete genetic package creates a new human embryo. This newly cloned embryo can either be killed in the laboratory for research, or it can be allowed to live and grow by being implanted into a womb, resulting in the birth of a cloned baby.

This baby would be an identical twin of the person who donated the skin cell, just as Dolly the sheep was an identical twin of her mother who donated the mammary cell used to start the process.

Both forms of cloning, reproductive cloning and so-called therapeutic cloning, involve serious ethical violations.

The advantage of therapeutic cloning is that you get an exact genetic match and you eliminate the real possibility of rejection, which will be the key to this whole area of research.

To ban or prohibit it, to make it illegal, would be a big mistake. It could be a great opportunity. The benefits of exact genetic matching – because they have the same genes, a pair of identical twins can use each other’s organs for transplants, and they will accept those transplants without the need for immunosuppressive drugs.

But the deeper truth is that in therapeutic cloning, the cloned twin is not even given a chance to live, but is specifically created to be deliberately killed by researchers for the benefit of his or her older genetic match.

This sinister research is a direct form of human exploitation, where the powerful and wealthy exploit the young and powerless. In effect, a patient using therapeutic cloning would be destroying a family member, a blood relative, their own identical twin brother or sister, in order to obtain the cells and tissues they want.

On the other hand, if you clone to produce a live-born baby, wrong as that still is, at least the cloned twin survives, breathes the same air and has the chance to enjoy the good life that the rest of us enjoy every day.

The real paradox, then, is that our moral sensibilities have become so blunted that many cannot see that therapeutic cloning is actually morally worse than reproductive cloning.

Therapeutic cloning doesn’t produce soulless clones, but it does tempt some spineless politicians and scientists to radically misuse the remarkable powers of science that God has given us.

Souls incarnate and have physical experiences

A soul can lose its biological shell, for example through death. There are also 
cases where bodies are soulless, where the soul has been deliberately taken away by mind control. Other people have simply crumpled up or lost their souls, or are in a coma, but are still biologically functional, but without a soul. They have become an empty soulless body, many of whom walk around through deliberate mind control manipulation.

Then there are bodies that were never inhabited by a soul because at the moment of their conception some demons were waiting to enter. These are the negative characters, the dark creatures. They cannot love. Their vibrations are too low. Instead, they are fascinated by their own arrogance. The humiliation of others gives them pleasure and satisfaction. They have no connection with the Source, with the Creator, with God, with the primordial ground of well-being.

Life seeks balance, while demons promote imbalance. Stay calm and focused from within and dark beings will not succeed with you. Consistently refuse to associate with people of low vibration. It is better not to associate with them at all, but to remain in your own high, protective vibration. Sunny places with flowers and singing birds are of high vibration. Just go and feel good!

  • This is why the awakened ones have opened their consciousness, because most of the blockages have been removed.

Our process of liberation is already so far advanced that a return to the old situation is no longer possible. Everything has been done to seal the reversal once and for all. Be patient and confident, support this process with positive thoughts and protests. The great reversal could come in 2024, if sufficient people become awake.

An intelligent being they created called Man has learned to be civilised, but these people are still the slaves of the Anunnaki!

“These people do not know what has happened to them, for the truth is hidden from them.

After reading this message, ask yourself how many people you know with a soul.

You will be surprised to learn that very few meet the criteria.

In grosso modo the real souls go on to the 5D world.

Use this knowledge and encourage others to read this message.

Achilles’ heel struck?

Computers are the Achilles heel; compromise them and even the world’s richest economy can go bankrupt. Cripple them and the world’s mightiest military is brought to its knees. Destroy them and the enemy is yours.

Once infected, computers can shut down the entire economy like in a single keystroke. This includes shutting down the power grid, nuclear reactors, air traffic control, trains and subways, water and sewage systems, oil and gas pipelines, factories and more. All can be simply “switched off”.

So can the banking system and the stock market and every employer in the nation.

But also the computers that control America’s weapons systems.

Officials have admitted that there is no defence. In this case;

  • We are literally at the mercy of our enemies” and caught off guard.

All this leads us to believe that it is only a matter of when, not if, we are going to see something dramatic, for it seems that we are now facing such a situation?

Enemies can literally shut down the entire economy at will. But as frightening as this new reality is, it is only the beginning of the story.

They can also manipulate the computers that run the stock, bond and commodities markets – as well as every financial institution, from the largest banks and brokerages down to the local ATM.

They can raid the memory of computers that store the most sensitive national security secrets, intellectual property and personal information – such as health records, bank accounts, credit information, loans, credit cards and tax returns. They can sabotage the computers that keep the government and bureaucrats in business, and even cripple the US military.

Think about it and wake up …

References FWC Archive, and Tadeusz Pacholczyk. “Soulless Clones and Spineless Men.”

After reading this article, ask yourself how many people you know with a soul. You will be surprised to learn that very few meet the criteria. In grosso modo the real souls go on to the 5D world. Use this knowledge and encourage others to read this article.

What is striking is that few readers still delve into our true history, which took place less than 150 years ago and was finally ended during the Second World War in 1940/45 with the massive destruction of old buildings in cities such as Berlin, Dresden, London and Rotterdam.

Peter B Meyer

Transcripted From:

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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