Saturday, July 20, 2024

Secrets Coming Forth

Secrets Coming Forth

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on July 20, 2024


Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum* Greetings to you, One Who Serves here. And we are here. We the Ones Who Serve, the collective that we are, as well as Shoshanna is here. And we are ready to assist you and continue to guide you along the way here and to answer your questions now if you have them.

(*The Tibetan mantra Om mani padme hum is commonly translated as “Hail to thee, O merciful Lord, who dost liberate from suffering!” and is said to have divine powers. The mantra is made up of six syllables, each with a specific meaning:

Om: A sacred syllable in many Indian religions
Mani: Means “jewel” and symbolizes the factors of method, such as compassion, love, and altruistic intention
Padme: Means “lotus” and symbolizes wisdom
Hum: Symbolizes indivisibility)
(Member Question)

I have a question.

We were talking in our discussion about the hero whistleblower Julian Assange. Can you shed some light on what really happened? Did he die in prison? Did a double die in prison once he released from prison? Could you shed some light for us? About Julian Assange.

(OWS Answer)

You want answers that we cannot at this point give you because as we say many times it would spoil the surprise but even more than that it is not the time yet for that but it is coming; it is part of the great reveal as Peter Mayne has given here and there is so much more of this revealing coming forward you are going to be amazed in the next days weeks and months how much has been hidden from your eyes. So much that has been kept behind the scenes. But not for much longer, we will say. So Shoshanna, would you have perspective or maybe you can give more here?

(Shoshanna’s perspective)
We will share. Dear sister, may we share? (Thank you, yes.)

Dear sister!  There are many illusions taking place in this third dimensional realm.

There are many misdirections, you see. Because there is a goal to eradicate darkness, to eradicate evil. That is the goal, you see.  So when you observe such a happening, like this dear man being what you think is released from what you think is prison, you must take into consideration the illusion. What was the goal, you see? We would love to tell you the entire story but we cannot, we must tell you to rely on your own intuition, on your own understanding, on your own revealing, because what you feel in your heart and what has been revealed to you as a conscious knowing being is the truth for you, you see. Namaste.

(OWS comment)

The other one that had the question, Thomas? Yes.

(Member Question)

I just have one main question for everything. And that question is why? Why all the secrecy? Why all the stuff happening in the back rooms, as people say? Why is everything not in the open? And is this sort of like the second revolution for the United States for America. I’m just wondering why. I know it’s worldwide, but why is this all secret?

(OWS Answer)
We will tell you that the reason that it is being kept as a secret, as you say, clandestine, as you might also say, is because there is so much that cannot yet at this point be revealed. It must be held back. It is part of the plan because you see people everywhere are not as awakened as you are and in many cases are still quite somewhat asleep. And to bring all of this out at once would completely shock their nervous systems. And that cannot be allowed to happen. So it must be given in small helpings here and there as it can be. But we will tell you that if you are coming to a point here where the Why is going to be answered very shortly here and continue to be answered. One thing after another, after another, these so -called dominoes are very close here to beginning to fall all the way this time. Not just one or two here and there, but all of them. And once it begins, there will be no stopping it. It is like an avalanche coming down the mountain.  Nothing can stop it, you see. So that is what you are approaching here. And the idea of the United States for America, the new republic, that is also fast coming into fruition here to coincide with worldwide plans as well, not just here in this country, but worldwide. Freedom is at hand, we will say. And the end of the third dimensional illusion is fast coming to a close here.

Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

(Shoshanna’s perspective)

We do. If this brother wishes for our perspective here, do you wish for our perspective?

(Member comment)

I definitely do and I’m just tired of the waiting.

(Shoshanna continues)
Here is the reality. The planet that you live on does not have the spiritual maturity or the emotional maturity to truly handle the truth, you see. Even those that are on the call question their own senses, their own intuition, their own knowing.

We must explain this, that the realm that you are living on is a delusion and an illusion because those that participate do not have the capacity to know the truth. You see, that is why there are a handful that
manage the white hats and there are a handful that manage the activities of the cabal because the majority that walks around on this planet are highly hypnotized, highly programmed, you see. So if you told them the truth, they wouldn’t even believe it anyway. They would not believe what they are hearing. Often, you will find this. You will speak to those in your circle that are asleep and you will tell them what you know and they will think you are a nut job. You see, because they are not awake. So you must understand that the secrecy, the hush hush, the management that is going on on your planet is for the good of those that are asleep as they could not handle it. So you must just wait, you see, and focus on your spiritual maturity. Focus on your emotional maturity. What you need to do to elevate in consciousness because anything else outside of you is irrelevant. Namaste.

(OWS comments)

And we would add here, think for a moment about the millions of those that believe in the Catholic religion, the Pope, the Vatican, all of this. The billions. The billions, yes. Yes, you are correct. Not the millions, but the billions that believe in this and how they are going to be so completely, utterly shocked when they hear of the truth that has been behind this nefarious organization for so long, for thousands of years, here we will say. So just think about that as it will come forward and how that would interfere with their understandings and their beliefs for so long. And all the other religions as well.

Just think about it. How so much has been held back and it has been held back for a reason. And you will understand here as we move forward more and more. So the Why is going to be answered. We are ready for next question if there is.

(Member question)

I have a question.
I think about the earplugs that people use, I have to listen to music and so on when you’re on your phone. They’re wireless. And it’s the article thing and they’re pretty bad for you. Is that correct?

Shoshanna, would you care to answer this?

(Shoshanna answers)

We can share.
To what do you believe that these are bad for you? What is the idea behind these being harmful?

(Member comments)

Good question. I don’t remember exactly if it’s something to do with the electrical pulsations or so on affecting the brain. Whoever sent the article, I’m sorry, I don’t remember who they would know better. But I was also thinking that perhaps, when I had heard it before with wireless, the ones with the wires, I thought, well, it’s because you’re connected to the whole internet. I thought, well, maybe that’s a good thing. We could send out positive energy.

So does it depend on our beliefs if it’s good for us or not?

(Shoshanna continues)

Dear sister, it is absolutely true that you manifest what you believe. That is why those that have a disease such as your cancer will go to their doctor and their doctor will say, you’ll be dead in three months and they are dead in three months. And then there are those that go to their doctor and the doctor says you will be dead in three months and they live for 20 years beyond you see. You are in control. We will tell you though that the proper way to hear things to listen, especially to music, is listening in a room that can vibrate the sound. That is the proper way because then your heart and your organs and your brain receive the full effect of what the music was intended to do for you to uplift you, you see.

The good music, there’s bad music, but the good music. So when you place an earbud from a metaphysical standpoint, when you place this inside your ear, you limit the ability for your body, for your soul, for your mind to accept the vibrations of the music, of the beauty, of the upliftment that occurs when you listen, you see. So in that respect, we don’t suggest earbuds or ways to plug up your ears because it limits your experience. That is all, you see. But as far as the internet is concerned and the frequencies that are all around you, we tell everyone to get out of the city, to find rural environments because all the plants and trees and beauty that surround you in a rural environment absorbs that frequency and spits it out so that it does not affect you, you see. It is the city. It is the negativity.

It is the bad thinking. It is the drug addiction. It is the alcoholism. It is all those things that affect the frequency and vibration of the city that occurs to bring the Being down. Now, you’ve been told many times that keep your vibration high. And yes, that will also help you to bounce these frequencies off of you, to stay in high vibration, to stay in the love vibration, to stay in the God vibration. But just sometimes there’s so much occurring that it even breaks down the being that has the greatest love you see. That is what we have to share. Namaste.  (Thank you.)

(Member question)
Yes, I have a question. Yes. A little bit at random, I guess, but it’s, you know, a lot of truths are coming out. I’ve seen, which just seems to really caught up in the last couple of weeks is a lot of, you know, truthers or folks out there have been saying that they have found what appears to be that, sort of the petrified remains of dragons.

Now, all these ones that have come forward recently have shown that mountain ranges. I mean, I’m just going to give an example that there’s a very large one down by the tip of South America. And if you look at Google Earth, it does certainly look like a dragon. However, my question is, is that true? Are those sort of remains or however you want to call that of the dragon?

And I mean, I guess the surprising part is how big they are because the one at the tip of South America is like the size of a continent. It seems like. But I just want to ask if there’s any truth to that or if that’s some people stretching a little bit. I don’t know.

(OWS Answers)

 We would say here that there is a little bit of both here. There is the stretching, as you are saying, but there is also the truth to those of the myths that you have had that have been kept from you in terms of the real truth behind all of this. Yes, indeed, there were dragons. Yes, indeed, there are dragons and many other mythical creatures that you have heard about in your stories and these types of things. But they have been told to you that it is your imagination or it is just simply story told to children and these types of things. And there is so much more to all of this. And this is going to be part of this great revealing that is going to come forward where your full history is going to come forward. And these things, the elementals, the Devic evolution, fairies and elves and all of these things, dragons included are going to become a part of the reality. Not so much the myths anymore. Shoshanna, you will add?

(Shoshanna comments)

May we share your brother? (Absolutely.) Dear brother, what is behind your question?

(Member answers)

I honestly wanted to know if the dragons were that big. I know the dragons exist. That’s not really the question. The question was, I didn’t realize if it’s true, at least what I saw in these videos, that they were that large. That’s really curiosity more than anything.

(Shoshanna continues)
So we will say that that is not true, that there was no dragon the size of a continent. There, however, were very large beings that embodied the dragon consciousness because the beings that rode these dragons were very large.

There were very large humans at one point. You are a runt compared to the size of the humans that used to traverse the planet Earth, you see. So we will tell you that it is interesting that you asked these questions. And what really you just needed to know that there was the size, the truth.

We will tell you also that there are so many bones and carcasses and heads that reveal the truth that had been hidden from you right under the Smithsonian. They are buried there.

They are buried in riverbeds, you see. So until man’s consciousness elevates to the idea that all can be revealed, then it will be a drip here and a drip there, you see. But no, there is no being the size of a continent. Namaste.

(Member comments)

Thank you. Yeah, it really came up in the context of all the revealing that’s been happening with the giants and the civilizations that preceded us.That’s it. So thank you very much.

(Shoshanna and OWS)

Namaste. Any further questions?

(Member comments)
May I offer the email question?


Yes, we were just going to ask for that. Yes. Thank you.

(Member continues)

So someone wrote in asking about the Muslim religion and there are examples of sacrifice. This person is asking, you know, why this is happening and who began it or how it began. If you could explain it for us. Thank you.

(OWS Answer)
We will tell you that not only the Muslim religion, but all religions are man -made. They were thought up, you might say, to answer questions that they had that they could not answer. So they created these various religions, but more for control than anything else. And part of the Muslim religion we will say here has been an offshoot, an offshoot into other directions, dark directions here in terms of yet sacrificed animals and other sacrifices. And we will say though that it is not certainly the spiritual God Force way here. And all of this will come forward again, part of the great revealing that will be coming forward as to the religions of the world here, all being manmade and coming to one realization, the one realization of the God source within each and every one. All of those that move forward into the higher dimensional frequencies, the fourth, higher, fourth and fifth dimension will come to this understanding that all are One and One is God and God is One. So do not be concerned about if you are in a specific religion, if you follow certain guidelines within those religions, just know be who you are, be who you are and do not become involved in the various aspects of the man -made parts of these religions. That is what we will say here on this. So, Shoshanna, do you have anything you add?

(Shoshanna comments)

We could add a mountain of information to this.
We will affirm that the religions that were written were based on ancient writings, but were perverted by the duality that you live in. They were perverted and infiltrated by man. So man, yes indeed, wrote the ancient writings, but much of it was pure of heart, you see. So what each being must do as One Who Serves has aptly given is to wash it through their heart and decide if it is appropriate for you. You can follow any religion you wish to follow. You can sacrifice a lamb. But does it feel good? Does it feel in your heart that this is appropriate? You see, we will also go back to the original Essenesthat lived as part of the Jewish faith were much different. You see, they were pure of heart and your one, yes, you are came from that tribe, came from the Essenes. And the Jewish religion that was infiltrated by the duality and perversion of man began to sacrifice animals. The Essenes would never do that. And they were the original, what you would call, Jews. They were purists. They were vegetarians. They would not touch an animal. They revered all life, you see. So you must see in the Muslim religion, as One Who Serves has given, has been perverted. So you must not follow the perversion of a religion that you know is an evil thing. Namaste.

(OWS comments)

 Okay, good. And we are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have a parting message?

(Shoshanna comments)
We will say that that which has been given in the creation reading, there are many hints. There are many things that one must ponder and it is important now to be the ones that channel God, that channel
the beauty, that channel the love, that channel the goodness of your Creator of your Source that you would become the God you were meant to be so that the planet can be uplifted. You are the way-showers. You may not wish for that to be. You are the star seeds and now activate your mission, activate them fully and become the God’s walking, the God consciousness, the love consciousness that will pervade the earth, that will encompass your planet. That is how ascension occurs. Namaste.

(OWS comments)

Very good. And we would simply say here, get ready because the great revealing is close at hand. Shanti, please be with you.  Be the One.


Any comments or sharing before we close out the call?

(Member comments on the Creation Reading)
You might be not considering when we consider about whether I came from the stars or whether I was from this process that they were describing is I believe that they were describing a process of preparing and readying the human body for whatever and the human beingness for it whatever soul, whatever spirit would enter into it.

And it didn’t really matter whether it’s a solar spirit coming from the star or a solar spirit that was kind of a young solar spirit coming in, just being created. You know, it was readying this human beingness for that experience so anything at all could come in. So I think that it’s all completely, you know, everything is in line that we’ve been hearing about how people came here to this planet. And the other thing that struck me about that reading was that it said about the difference between physical creation, like in other words, like physical population type creation. And this now we have the ability to create through the spirit. And you just mentioned the being. I have some memory type of understanding of the sexual being experienced as being like a spiritual experience.

Experience as well as not just, you know, was it cut above the average, you know, whatever you might consider the sexual experience of the time. So it was a spiritual experience by which there was a desire to create consciously. So it was a hybrid of a physical spiritual being that you were creating. So I kind of think that that’s what they’re referring to, not that we’ve jumped right out and we’re able to just say “Chair” and the chair appeared, but that we were now bringing the spiritual ability to create to the physical realm. That’s kind of what I’m thinking.

(Member comments)

Yeah, for sure. I agree. I agree. And, and, and it’s so funny because the 3d world has become so perverted.
you know, so utterly perverted that the idea of a sexual transaction being spiritual, hardly anybody thinks of that. I mean, I do, but, but it’s not, I mean, it’s just, so I agree with you a hundred percent that that was, that was the, the essence of it. So yeah. Thank you. Okay. Anybody else want to comment for sure?

(Member comments)
Michelle, I just want to say thank you both. Thank you both. And, to Shoshanna’s message at the end, I found it very powerful. I really felt that being the gods that we are. I love that. So thank you guys. Thank you, Shoshanna. Thank you, Michelle. I, that’s, I mean, after the whole Creation Reading, I think that’s the most important message of all.

You know for sure. But thank you. I appreciate that. Okay. Anybody else? Welcome.

(Moses comments)

Moses here. Greetings everyone. Just wanted to share. As you know, I actually come from a Muslim background and I wanted to share that, you know, in regards to this question that I too could never gravitate to this particular tradition.  And I found it abominable. I mean, it’s not something that I was ever really able to go forth with. And to also add to the comment that I, you know, speaking with my higher self, I have clear doubt that while the message of the Prophet Muhammad was genuine and perhaps one of the most amazing messages ever given, that the hadiths, what the Muslims call the hadiths, which from the Arabic translates to Psalms, those are, a psalm is something that someone witnessed or heard from a prophet, those became corrupted. And the Muslims that abide by written Psalms, those are the ones that are become misguided because there were a lot of Psalms that were corrupted and perverted like One Who Serves mentions.   Hope that helps. Thank you.

(Joanna comments)

  So Moses do you remember it’s so interesting. Do you remember many years ago? Maybe eight or nine years ago At an Advance maybe it was less than eight or nine years ago. At an Advance, you asked that question of Shoshanna about animal sacrifice. Do you remember that?

(Moses continues)

I do not. I do not. I don’t remember. Yeah, like 10 years ago. Yeah, I don’t remember the answer, but I do remember how torn you were. And I, you know, I don’t remember. I do remember asking about dogs.
And then, you know, I was guided that you know, that was nonsense. Because someone prepared the hadith, the psalms that saying that dogs are dirty. And that if you, you know, the particular had false or corrupted psalms says that if the saliva of a dog touches you, you have to go shower 10 times or God will not accept your prayers. I mean, so yeah, that.

(James comments)
And that is an example of one of these corrupted Psalms, which are mainstream, unfortunately. That’s the same idea as the confession in the Catholic religion and having to do the penance thing and say three Our Fathers or Hail Mary, whatever it is. It’s all 100 % control. It’s how to control the human, how to terrify the human.

 Yeah. So, and I think this has been said before and I know Moses that the Muslim religion is important to you, but I think it’s been said before and maybe, maybe this is true that many of the prophets, and I think you said this, have been misinterpreted, mistranslated, you know, just not accurate.

(Moses continues)
Indeed, I think a better word is tribe. You know, God shares, he sends messages to tribes. And tribes, you know, they segregate themselves into religions. But if we just look at them in tribes, you know, the message, all messengers have something in common. And I’ve always liked to, you know, focus on that common denominator because those common denominators help us humans to ascertain what is truth and what is not. But above all, what’s the advice Shoshanna gave, use your heart as your compass. If it comes from a place of light, it’s true. If it comes from a place of fear, then it’s probably a corruption. And that is the best advice Shoshanna ever gave me.

(Joanna comments)

That’s great. That’s wonderful.

I want to listen over and over again. I just wish I could hear the answers in full when I’m, when it’s coming through me, but I have to go back and listen. So, but that’s cool. Okay. Thanks Moses.

 Anybody else comments or sharing before we close out the call? Anybody?

(Cheryl comments)

This is Cheryl. I’ve misplaced my Creation Reading part two. If someone could forward that to me, I’d appreciate it. I will.

(Joanna comments)
I will do that. I’ll make a note right here.

Actually, yeah, this is Kent. I don’t have Creation part two either. Can you send it to me as well, please? Yes. You’re awesome. A note. Thank you.

(Joanna comments)
Okay creation reading yeah just send me and i’ll send them out again okay that’s good then everybody okay creation two and creation four okay okay i’ll send them to Orv and then he’ll send them out so everybody you know because he has the most updated email list anyway.

Yeah, and plus it gives people the opportunity to see what we’re doing and maybe want to join. Right, I haven’t done it. Well, I know you haven’t done it, but it wouldn’t hurt to do it. Okay, well if Orv wants to send them out, then too. Okay, I’ll send that to you, Orv.


Okay, sweet. Thanks.

Hey Cindy, are you ready to close this out?

Yes, I am. Thank you. Yeah, I just want to say something about the psalms because what I’m going to quote here is something I got from Aaron Abke. You had mentioned him, Joanna that you liked him. I love the guy. Well, he just had a nice little… I’ve taken a couple classes from him and I got on his mailing list and
he did one on the Essenes and it was great. It was great. And basically, yes, when he was there, he picked the Essenes because they were so like what his teachings were supposed to be. And, but they didn’t want him to, they were more like monks that kept to themselves because they knew what was going to happen. That there was corruptness out there that would not last.They keep that purity in their religion. So I just thought that was interesting. And but anyway, this is out of  Aaron Abke email, one of those things that he sent.

He said, Imagine a mind brimming with light, where peace flows like a gentle stream, a mind that isn’t shackled, that’s at ease and exists within bliss.This is the potential of your mind. Do you realize how free you already are, even amidst all the apparent chaos of life? In this very moment, you possess boundless freedom. The trick is to recognize and relish it. Many are shackled by fears, preoccupied with things beyond their control. What if instead we surrender to the higher power that gracefully cradles the universe in perfect harmony. When the light of truth illuminates the mind, fears dissolve like raindrops on a windshield. They no longer cloud our vision or veer us off our path. The peace of God becomes so palpable, so natural. Healing, dear friends, is not about altering yourself. It’s about remembering your true self. You are a perfect being in a perfect universe right now. Basking in the wisdom that divine intelligence is guiding your journey, your freedom springs from the knowledge that you reside in the kingdom of light. Your peace is a sweet embrace of this kingdom here and now. Embrace the truth. You are free.

(Joanna comments)
Beautiful. You know, I just want to say one thing about the Essenes. They didn’t start out that way. They were driven to become that way because the Romans were after them. You know, they wanted to kill them all. So they wiped them all out. Yeah. But that isn’t the way they started out. They came to the planet to bring their essence, to bring their beauty, to bring their peace.

You know what I’m saying? And he followed. Yeah. Yeah. So, but I know what happened. It was pretty bad.

(Member Comments)

Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. You were there. You were there, Joanna.

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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