Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Resetting 2


Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on July 23, 2024

What is the state of our resetting (see Part 1 – DNI, July 18, 2024) today in specific parameters? They aren’t fixed, but constantly fluctuate, as three multidirectional processes occur simultaneously on the Subtle Plane and surface. Namely: the dismantling of 3D, the formation of 4D/5D and active attempts by NAA, Dark and Gray to restore their destroyed infrastructure. How does all that look technically?

The Earth’s energy space was divided into several huge force fields. Ones are formed by Nature, highly Spiritual earthlings and Co-Creators. Others are the 3D power circuits, which are being destroyed in many parts, with its superstructures, cells, borders, communities and their inhabitants. Their clusters, like a mosaic, cover the entire terrestrial surface as dense, tightly intertwined net. The System continuously injects negativity in it, turning Souls into toxic sources, and making people disconnected and obedient slaves to the basest instincts and aspirations. When Co-Creators remove this poisonous substance, in its place emerges mutilated, chopped up and half-dead organic matter, which is quickly filled with the same acid content again.

The word egoism is closest to the general characteristic of this environment. At some stage, its low vibrations support and inspire the victim, tempting a person with material and other possibilities. But after completing the task of vital support of the System, in most cases the performer is depersonalized, since the ego (as entity) needs more space than the human body and wants to feel only itself. From this space, a gray, like a plastic substance, spreads throughout Earth, corroding the living planetary field, and restores the damaged infrastructure, its key points.

As of July 2024, Co-Creators and their ground team removed on a Subtle Plane about 46% of the 3D world and, despite the active resistance of its rulers and inhabitants, continue this work. After dismantling 93% of the three-dimensional structures, a new global extension with different frequency enclaves from 3.14D to 3.9D will be built (see – Busting, DNI, 24 June 2024). Unfortunately, this is a slow process, because the spirituality of earthlings is growing sluggishly and has reached only 49% of the level, necessary for the Transition, and constantly rises and falls.

Clusters, stuck in low frequencies, the habitats of the living dead, are more and more insulated, split and resetting in parts: ashes to ashes, dust to dust, alive to living. Everyone continues on the path to their destiny, guided by own Soul and mentality. All processes run in parallel, and each pulls in its way, in sync with dominant vibes. Which ones exactly?

The layer of self-centeredness draws everyone, who is full of disrespect for others’ life, their free will and choice freedom; megalomania, intolerance and self-righteousness; greed, envy and covetousness. The tendency to deceive, manipulate and parasitize on everything… The list is endless and lethal for such a person, along with the communities they form, but so far both are actively feeding each other.

The dismantling and polarized the 3D layer. One pole gathers those striving for Spirituality, knowledge and development, who are ready to understand and accept reality and people as they are. The other pole groups the indifferent and passive men, shifting responsibility for selves and own lives to other people, the System and the authorities, as well as their elite, ideologues with a mass of obedient servants and defenders.

The layer that NAA and their AI run. It unites all those who never repent of their cruel and horrendous deeds, violate the Cosmic Laws of life and devalue it, cause suffering to others, push them into poverty and distress, commit physical and moral violence. Who hates, deeply despises and abhors people, considering it normal. Unfortunately, 62% of the collective unconscious is filled with this stuff, which has not been worked out, and constantly comes to the surface, replenishing with its toxic ectoplasm the Earth’s field after being cleaned by Co-Creators.

The layer of Light. Everyone, who is actively involved in dismantling the System and fully shares the values of Co-Creators, is unified here. They value the man’s and own life, free will and choice freedom of each in his/her path, are open and mobile in interaction. Take without prejudice, opposing and ready to cooperate, individually and collectively. Equal with others and respect for them. Team up without deception and exploiting, manipulation and cunning, greed and dominate other. Avert to violence and parasitism in all forms and manifestations, and active resist to them. Spiritual and loving people and life, help the new world and bringing it closer with their daily work, skill and experience. Accept others’ differences, mistakes, and viewpoints, and ready to help them in inner work if they are on it.

In fact, not one, but two works are needed on this path. The main one is petty and painstaking with dusty grudges, fears and unpleasant nigglings, putting them in front of the Light in own Soul. It’s just a daily routine that may seem boring, but is extremely necessary to make own self move on and not stop hammer away. And as soon as it starts, we’ll already know where the Truth is, and no forcing is needed anymore.

The similarity of the routine is that we still do not see the overall result behind it, where it will lead. Not aware of how much we have already done or not, and wander about in the dark, just knowing that any movement towards Love and the Source is better than eternal dullness and pain. We only feel the desired goal in that direction, as seamen sail by the compass and the stars when don’t see the shores.

As a rule, routine work does not provide strategic vision and deep inspiration. It’s just drudgery that needs to be done, because right now we’re in the dirtiest place in the Universe. And if we don’t learn to discipline ourselves to overcome our minor breakdowns, distracting us like clouds of biting mosquitoes, we’ll never get out of the 3D cloaca.

We must remember that toiling hard won’t last long without a lot of inspiration. But having found inspiration, looking deep into ourselves and seeing the Light there, we will not last long either, if don’t learn the discipline to protect this Light from the flies that will flock to it and overwhelm us every day. Both parts of inner work are important. We need to stop looking for incentives and tips from the outside – on bloggers’ websites, MSM, socials, and even in books, no matter how good they are. Because this is just someone’s attempt to retell what we can see with own eyes, if look at selves fairly, without self-deception.

The same is true of our place on Earth, clustering into different frequency densities and enclaves. Even if we don’t know where the perfect place for us is, it’s important to believe that it exists, and our dreams of such a place confirm its tenure. But every place, like people, is also born, transformed and dies. The one environment or community is comfortable today, but tomorrow suffocates and kills us because of our complete incompatibility with it. So it’s not about finding a particular refuge that will always be our abode, it’s about making sure that the moment we’re in a place, and realize that this is what we’re looking for, because we feel that it alive.

At first, this manifests in small events, when we want to express selves in some way and successfully do it, meeting reciprocal interest and active support. We don’t need to immediately anchor into place where this desire spontaneously arose, and next to which we felt the wish to love. We just need to let this feeling grow, nourish it and preserve it. And when it grows enough to hatch from a chrysalis into a butterfly, it will connect us to specific location on Earth, and we couldn’t confuse it with anything.

We have noticed more than once how places and people that served as a source of our inspiration suddenly become boring and unbearable, forcing us to look for something new. In recent years, we have simply been dragged into the swamp of the past to work out what still keeps us in 3D. This is a state of constant internal conflict that we are not in our place, and have no idea where to move. But can go through this too, if don’t run into extremes. Just live day after day, despite feeling useless, and listen to self. And to the advice of Co-Creators, which constantly remind us of the following.

In every action, show flexibility, love and prudence. Try to be wise in working on self and be afraid to be a blind and obedient tool of others. Choose good friends and partners, multiply your good qualities in communicating with them; draw conclusions and try to remember and bring all the best to life.

Develop plans and ways for a life, full of work and harmony in relationship to everything around you. Know that with every bad thought, word, and deed you violate the sacred rights with which you are generously endowed by Nature, like every creation. Cultivate firmness and constancy in self and don’t entertain while working. If it’s annoying but necessary, be able to patiently bring it to an end.

Try to clear your speech of empty and meaningless words. Make it clear, precise and concise. Avoid places where reign empty chatter, anger and hatred, intolerance and discord, harmful entertainment and stupidity. Don’t be fussy. Eliminate the lies. Be honest and friendly. Develop a sense of nobility more widely and be polite and simple when communicating with people. Never be afraid of anything. Be balanced in pleasure and suffering, joy and sorrow. Always forgive and respond with love to hate. This is the only way to defeat ill-will.

Your thoughts are your children. You have to make each of them beautiful. Every thought should be a creative force aimed at goodness. Always remember that thought power is very great. Use it to help the world. Be accurate in everything, truthful and precise in your actions. Otherwise, you can’t be assigned important work. Life must flow through you in all its brilliance and strength. Don’t let unimportant things weaken your perseverance in achieving your goal.

Life and Love are a might force that makes everything exist in the Universe. Love rules the world: everything that is done for its sake has validity of the Cosmic Law. Only by loving everything can you defeat Evil. Bring Love wherever you go. You will soon understand how it eases all your ways. Make a firm and unwavering decision to become an expression of Love and willingness to help wherever you can.

If you have more knowledge than others, don’t be proud of it and demonstrate superiority, but share your attains if it’s appropriate at that moment. Remember that every minute of your life has its purpose. Understand this. Be afraid of empty minutes. They can make up hours and days, while your task on Earth is significant. Try to color every minute of your life with work, knowledge and new discoveries. May your tireless work be a great pleasure for you, and the fire of creativity will inextinguishably illuminate your path.

Try to always keep your thoughts absolutely clean and direct them to how improve people’s lives and alleviate their suffering. May your Soul always radiate Light and kindness, warmth and compassion, cheerfulness and a desire to help others. Then you will feel how difficult things dissolve, and anguishes turn into joy.

Be careful and condescending in judging people, because you are still imperfect. Be strict with self and work tirelessly to correct own shortcomings. You will have to endure many trials in life. Only through them you get stronger, and can successfully withstand tough tests if arm yourself with firmness and self-belief.

If you fail, don’t lose heart. Despondency will only weaken your strength and slow down inner growth. Better to gather yourself and think about the way for further action. Thus, you will increase your fortitude and multiply strength. Turn every failure and bitter experience into a valuable lesson that will serve as a guide for you in the future. Every obstacle in your path will indicate what you need to develop in order to be fully equipped for struggle. But in it, you must always remember your neighbors. Be afraid to buy well-being at the price of their suffering. Such getting is evil, fragile and non-durable.

Be able to use your energy carefully and wisely in any work. Make your body strong, vigorous and resilient. Don’t stuff it with more food than necessary for a normal state. Don’t burden it with everything harmful to its health. Study the laws of Spiritual and proper physical growth. Your body is a tool that you must use wisely to withstand all the storms of life.

You are endowed with more power and wisdom than many, so you should always be on guard of the defenseless and helpless, whether that is people, animals or plants. As one saying goes, the darker is the night, the brighter are the stars. So you too be in the men’s darkness and the worldly fuss a carrier of Light, Love and Knowledge. The more of them you have, the more obscurity you will dispel.

Expand your perception of beauty through art. Love music and painting. Look deeper into the play of colors. Listen more closely to the sounds. Show interest in everything that the genius of the creators of beauty manifested in and can enrich your worldview. Rejoice in the blue sky, the murmuring stream, the singing of birds, fragrant flowers. Rejoice in the last rays of the setting Sun. Rejoice in the invigorating radiance of the morning dawn. Rejoice – and the Light will be brighter in your Soul, and distant worlds will be closer. Be like a Day Luminary, generously radiating luminosity and buoyancy.

See how many paths to the great sources await their travelers. But to follow them, you must always move forward. And life itself is movement, onwards or backwards. With every thought, deed, and action you move. If they are directed towards good, you always gain. Be afraid to take steps back.

It’s difficult to climb to the top and easy to slide down. Only at the peak you can see the great and vast horizons and understand the full value of the path you’ve made. You will get what you have been looking for, despite hardships and overcoming difficulties. And so it always is, with every minute of your life, rise higher and higher. Know that you will anywhen get a helping hand on each summit ascent.

And the more you help people, the deeper and wider your mind and Soul will be. And easier will be the hardest climbs. Therefore, eradicate the feeling of selfishness, don’t be its eternal slave. Almighty rewarded you with great gifts, sowed precious seeds in your Soul and waits for them to come up, and whether you’ll share the harvest with others.

Love everything with a broad Love. Go to people with love, knowledge and beauty. Combine them. Build a bright life with them, full of tireless work and joy. In this great work, you will master inexhaustible, new life-blood, strength and wisdom. This is the only way you will fulfill your mission on Earth and commitment to the Source.

These are the Co-Creators’ standards of our resetting. Besides it, if we aware or only vaguely feel them deep inside, there is also a moment of disclosure of our personality, where it manifests itself. Many of us don’t know what to do in life; everything is covered with a dimming, doubts and obscurity. This means that the time has not come yet. It’s necessary to wait for the Spiritual aspects to connect with the ego. When this connection occurs and strengthened, new assistance will come from above.

Our Higher Self constantly reminds that we are the star consciousness, checks all our mistakes, experiences and guides in the right direction. It also sees that we aren’t ready for many changes yet, and tries not to rush. For us, it looks like a dead end, where we don’t know what to do and lack self-confidence. But the Higher Self leads us in any case, to important people, gives precious information. And we, one way or another, are going on the beam.

When observed our future incarnation before entering the child’s body, we knew perfectly well what and how it would unfold, and that there could be periods of total oblivion and confusion. Personality is very easy to manipulate in this 3D world, it has many triggers for steering. But when we finally come into contact with Higher Self, everything changes. Our cosmic memory and knowledge start returning and wait to be unpacked right here, on Earth. And that’s when our destiny manifests itself. We may feel a craving for creativity, for other similar consciousness, for voluminous and specific information. We don’t understand what hold us on this planet, but recalling own space homes want to unite countries and continents with them, all earthlings.

A similar resetting occurs with Earth and its Crystal. On 21 July at 03:10 PM CET, came the new info about it. The terrestrial core’s self-tuning goes on non-stop, deleting foreign destructive energies, doesn’t letting them get back. From this pulsating center, are continuously coming might impulses via neural and wave connections with 144 main run and control units for all spheres of life on the planet. A fully cleansed Crystal will help to complete the purification from the bowels to the surface, and then, all levels of the Subtle Plane, including the psychosomatic. It is boosted by changes in the cores of Galactic, Stellar and Planetary Systems of the Local Universe that also are resetting for new objectives.

Frequent and more and more powerful Solar flares are caused by this. Precisely in sync with them burst prominences of the Earth’s core, affecting all living and inanimate things. Everything is exposed to radiation and rebuilding on many levels. It will be followed by aligning and bringing into step the different frequency terrestrial clusters mentioned above. Pixels of realities are heavily involved in that, and each is aimed at specific tasks, a concrete level and type of energy.

The new shape of Earth has already been determined. It will have new constants of reality, orbital position, fixation of the axis, magnetic and geographical poles, configuration of lands and continents, elements of physical matter, biological basis of life, change in the structure of the Earth’s natural satellites and much more. Resetting continues.


 Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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